Cute Baby wanted circular: The Heavenly Priced Pretty Escape Wife

Chapter 977

Tian Fang began to work in Xinying when she was about half a year old. Theoretically speaking, she is still Niu Niu's agent.

As an agent, I'm a little worried about Niu Niu's current state.

"Well, Beibei and Guoguo are still too young. I'm not sure if I can have a baby sitter!"

In the past, Niuniu thought her career was very important.

But since she became a mother, she found that her career was never as important as the two babies.

"Niuniu, I know you don't like to hear these words, but everyone has a golden age. You get married and have children at the most popular time, which has greatly consumed your golden age. Now a pair of babies are born. If you don't take the opportunity to come back early, your golden age may come to an end!"

Tian Fang's words are still based on the starting point of the agent.

After all, Niuniu has paid too much in her acting career, and she doesn't want to see Niuniu's brilliance as a flash in the pan. As a responsible agent, she must remind Niu of the worst possibility.

Although Niuniu is listening to her, she is always chasing a pair of babies held by Dabao and Letong.

"Elder sister, I know what you said, but no matter how beautiful the fireworks are, they are just sparks in an instant. As long as you have, it's enough! "

Niu Niu's words are implicit, but her meaning is very clear.

"Sister, I'm not greedy. I just want to hold on to what I value the most." Even if her acting career stagnates and regresses, she will not complain.

Tian Fang let out a long breath and realized that nothing she said could change her decision.

"Well, since it's your decision, I support you. Does Ji know about this? "

Niu Niu nodded and squinted at Ji Yu, who was holding her child not far away. Her eyes softened a lot unconsciously. "Well, he said that no matter how I decided, he would support me."

Tian Fang said with a helpless smile, "tut Tut, Ji Da Shao really dotes on you as always!"

Niu Niu generously admitted, "there's no way, he's already used to it!"

Her words, for others to listen to, is chiguoguo show love.

But in Tian Fang's ear, who knows the two people's past well, she thinks what Niu Niu said is the truth.

A man's kindness to a woman for more than 20 years is nothing but habit?

Love? Of course, there are.

But love alone is obviously not enough for a couple.

After all, love is sometimes more like fireworks. After a dazzling and dizzy moment, what is left is boundless silence and darkness.

"Well, don't tell Ji Dashao about these words today, or he will have to skin me." Tian Fang completely gave up the idea of persuading Niuniu.

"No, he's basically asking me that now."

Ji Dabao now, in addition to paying attention to a couple of children, is to take strict care of Niuniu at home. In Niuniu's confinement this month, besides washing and bathing, he doesn't even let her touch the water.

Because he heard doctor Fu said that it is very important for women to take care of themselves in the month after delivery. What's more, he remembers very clearly that Dr. Fu said that it was difficult for mommy to have a baby again because of the poor postpartum care when she gave birth to him.

Of course, he cares so much about confinement for Niu Niu's own health, not for her to have a second child.

To tell you the truth, seeing mommy and Niuniu pregnant with his own eyes, he can realize the inconvenience and pain of being a mother. He really can't bear the pain again.

For some time did not meet the two people chatting, sharp eyed Tian Fang see not far away Ji big young master is waving to this side, then push Niu Niu, "Ji big young call you! You can go there. "

Before Niu Niu started, Dabao came over with her baby in her arms“ Niuniu, Beibei seems hungry! "

Niuniu took over her baby son. Sure enough, she saw him sticking out his little tongue and licking the corner of his mouth. It was really a sign that the little guy was hungry.

"Oh, good boy, don't cry or cry when you are hungry?" As a mother, Tian Fang was envious.

Niu Niu has no time to talk to her. She turns around and hugs Bei Bei, then goes into the next lounge.

Dabao took his eyes away from Niuniu's back and said, "do you think the little prince's good temper has a time limit? If he doesn't eat for more than a minute, he will cry like a rock!"

Tian Fang listened, this just psychological balance some.

"Ji Dashao, you really impress me." Seeing that Jiyu didn't mean to go in, Tian Fang chatted with him.

"Oh? How do you say that? "

"It is said that many rich CHILDES are afraid that breast-feeding will make their wives out of shape. Of course, these rich women also have this idea. Therefore, they would rather pay a lot of money to ask a wet nurse to feed their baby. You are more traditional than ordinary men."

Dabao laughingly looked at her, "what's so strange about this? Xiaobao is my mother's breast-feeding until she is almost one year old. Do you think my mother is out of shape?"

Tian Fang's eyes naturally fall on Letong's beautiful figure. "Of course not. Aunt Tong is the best maintained woman I have ever seen. She is believed to be in her early thirties."

Dabao looked at his mother's figure with pride. "I remember my mother said at that time that even if she would become a pig, she would have to let Xiaobao breast feed."

"Should Niuniu say the same thing?" This, Tian Fang and Niu Niu just from the conversation in the perception.

Dabao nodded. "Well, she said the same thing. She's my mommy's daughter. Many ideas have been imperceptible for a long time. "

"What do you decide about Niuniu?" Tian fangmingming said he would ignore it, but seeing Dabao, he couldn't help asking.

"She'll decide for herself. I don't mind." Sure enough, as Niu Niu said.

"Well, I understand. I'll go back and work out a plan to see who can take over Niu Niu's class now."

Tian Fang's remarks are not bad luck, but responsible.

Dabao smiles and shakes his head. "Niuniu is unique. No one can take over her class except herself. In a short time, let alone the heart shadow, the whole performing arts circle will not find someone to replace her."

When it comes to Niuniu, Dabao is also very proud.

Although it sounds like chiguoguo's show off to others, Tian Fang has to admit that she has never met such an artist as Niuniu in her ten years as an agent.

Presumably, let her be another ten years, it is impossible to meet the second one.

"Well, I'll admit, your wife is a very powerful woman indeed!"

Dabao had a rare smile on his face, "of course! No one can match he