Cute Baby wanted circular: The Heavenly Priced Pretty Escape Wife

Chapter 974

Sihan's role has been changing over the past few years, including student, violinist, singer, actor and model. Then she has changed several times. This time, as the boss, she followed Sijun to learn some business knowledge.

"Si Jun, have you studied the film industry and entertainment industry abroad? Why do you think you know me better? "

Sihan finds that there are so many capable people around her. Naturally, not to mention her father, mother and brother Xiaobao. Even Sijun's skill and judgment are also admired by her.

"Well, Yu Shao asked me to pay more attention to the operation of foreign entertainment companies and film production since you began to take over the play."

Sure enough, my brother never fought unprepared battles.

During the time Sihan worked in Xinying, it seems that she went back to the summer vacation when she was a graduate student of Jishi several years ago. However, at that time, she was a handyman. At this moment, she was sitting behind the boss's desk. From the beginning, she just listened to Sijun's explanation of why she did it. Later, she was able to make some simple decisions by herself.

Of course, in addition to working with Si Jun in the office to deal with the affairs of Xinying, what she likes most is actually listening to a group of younger martial brothers and sisters recording, and occasionally playing music and singing with everyone.

And her fans seem to have been used to the way that Sihan takes a rest for a period of time after making a play, so this time Sihan won several awards and then fell silent. The fans just treat her as if she was on her honeymoon and want to have a good rest. In addition to the occasional whine in Sihan's microblog, asking Sihan to send a microblog to let everyone see the living body, they obediently post some posts waiting for Sihan's return and some wonderful reviews in the post bar.

That night, Sihan took several photos of Suyan and posted them on Weibo to comfort the fans, "I'm fine, and you?"

A few minutes later, there were nearly ten thousand comments, and so was forwarding.

"Brother, I feel very sorry for my fans."

In Sihan's plan, marriage should be two years later, and giving birth to a baby is naturally two or three years later.

But the plan can never keep up with the changes. With a baby, she has to be responsible for the baby, give him a complete family and sufficient maternal love.

"What's the matter? Are you going to stop?" Dabao gently touched her prominent abdomen.

A few days ago, I went to the prenatal examination. The doctor said that the two babies who had been 20 weeks were very healthy.

Niuniu also stroked her stomach and remained silent for a long time before she said, "after the baby was born, I would at least wait for them to turn one year old to pick up the movie. Otherwise, what would they do if they were shooting location for a few months?"

Dabao is not a selfish man. He understands that for Niuniu, career is also very important.

"After the baby is born, you can ask the nanny to take care of it. Mommy has also said that after the baby is born, she will reduce her work appropriately and take time out to take care of the baby as much as possible. Therefore, if you have any plans, you can follow the original idea."

Niu Niu looked down at the bulge, "but I want to spend more time with them... So, I want to make a statement to announce that I'll stop playing for the time being. Brother, do you agree?"

Niuniu is afraid that fans will have expectations, but she will definitely not return to the big screen in the short term.

Dabao also thought seriously, "do you want to announce the pregnancy news, and then by the way announce that you will be out for a while?"

"What do you think?" Niuniu doesn't dare decide whether to announce her pregnancy or not. After all, Ji's family is not an ordinary family. If she publicizes too much, she is afraid that it will be harmful to Niuniu and her baby.

"Otherwise, you can go abroad for further study after marriage..."

Dabao is also afraid of being too high-profile, which will pose a threat to Niuniu's safety.

The two who have reached a consensus let Si Jun release an official message about Sihan's going abroad for further study in the name of Xinying entertainment the next day.

For a time, the network is like a calm lake into the stone, a stone hit a thousand waves.

The news that Sihan is in a hurry to retire has become a hot topic again. Some websites even speculate that Sihan married a good husband, and then she will be a little grandmother of the Ji family. I'm afraid that going abroad for further study is just a synonym for leaving the film.

As soon as this rumor came out, the fans were worried that their beloved Sihan would never be on the stage again.

Sihan didn't want to pay attention to those gossips, but seeing that her fans were very restless, she had to forward the statement of Xinying entertainment on her microblog and commented, "endless learning has always been my motto in life."

As for the rumors on the Internet, Dabao naturally saw that Sihan forwarded the statement to appease his fans, so he was more direct and forwarded the rumor to his own Weibo.

[I forget to tell you that Sihan has been the daughter and second baby of the Ji family since 22 years ago!]

The implication is that Sihan is a young lady with a lot of money. If she wants to have fun, she won't go to the entertainment industry at all.

Originally, the eight websites were full of groundless opinions. The gossip was forwarded by the general manager of Ji's group with V, and such a serious text with a hint of warning was attached. The small website was so scared that it quickly deleted the gossip. The station leader immediately called Ji Yu to apologize and ask for forgiveness.

Dabao's measurement is not so small, but the time is not so much, the other party called several calls, all blocked by his secretary.

Although Sihan is "going abroad for further study", every month, she posts a few photos of her face or a violin performance on her microblog. Until eight months after she is pregnant, she has little energy to take care of her microblog.

Even the idea that she originally said she would go back to work in Xinying to be close to the delivery date was too cumbersome to make it.

Sihan was tall and thin. After she got pregnant, she didn't get fat, but her stomach was like a balloon trying to inflate, rising day by day.

All her ambitions were stranded by these two big babies.

"Brother, help me..." after getting up, Sihan, sitting on the edge of the bed, shakes her long legs and scratched her feet on the carpet.

"What's the matter? Baby Dabao, who was brushing his teeth in the washroom, rushed out with bubbles in his mouth, thinking that something big had happened.

"Brother, i... I can't find the shoes..." Niuniu's long legs are still in a circle. It's clear that the shoes are under her belly, but her round stomach just blocks the shoes. She only sees her big and round stomach, but she doesn't see the shoes.

Dabao looked at her funny appearance. He wanted to laugh but didn't dare to. He bent over and took her slippers from under his belly and carefully helped her put them on one by one.

"Baby, where do you want to go, I'll take you?"

Niuniubai glanced at him, then glanced at his belly, "can you still hold me like this?"