Cute Baby wanted circular: The Heavenly Priced Pretty Escape Wife

Chapter 973

Niuniu is pregnant with twins. It's passed down in the Ji family and the Yang family at the speed of light. In the afternoon, dabaojing is busy receiving Daoxi's phone call.

At first, everyone felt no discomfort except that Niuniu was a little sleepy, and there were no restrictions on her words and deeds. However, everyone in the Ji family suddenly became nervous when they learned that there were two kids living in her stomach in the hospital that day.

Even Letong, who has had two pregnancies, dare not lose heart. After all, she is pregnant with one, but Niuniu is pregnant with two at a time. She has no experience in this.

"Niuniu, what are your plans after the Spring Festival holiday?"

At first, Dabao didn't want to interfere with Niuniu's work. After all, many professional women now have to work until they are about to give birth.

And he also believed that Niuniu would consider the work arrangement after the baby as the first, so he never deliberately mentioned it.

But now it's not the same. Of course, it's not that it's more expensive for Niuniu to have twins than to have singletons. It's that twins have to work harder than singletons, and pregnant women have a heavier load. Therefore, it's not suitable to work too hard.

"Brother, it's impossible for me to receive the announcement or the film, but I want to go back to Xinying and see what I can do. Otherwise, staying at home all day will suffocate me."

In essence, Niuniu is the same as Ji's family. They are not idle.

From the moment she knew that she was pregnant, she had planned to stop working at home to learn how to perform and write songs. But at that time, she did not know that Xinying entertainment was the company of her and Dabao.

Now that she knows, she wants to try her best to do what she can, even if it's just to help Ning Yi Jiahao supervise the recording of artists, or learn from Si Junxue how to deal with the affairs of Xinying.

After all, for her and Dabao, Xinying, in another sense, can also be regarded as their children

Dabao was not surprised by her proposal. After a little thought, he nodded his head and answered her proposal.

"I don't object to you going back to your heart, but you have to promise that you won't work overtime, you won't take care of yourself, you have to guarantee a two-hour lunch break at noon, and I'll pick you up from work."

Niuniu has no objection to these additional requirements. In a word, it can give her a place to show her body and mind. Don't stay at home all day.

Dabao returned to work the day after Niuniu's birth examination. As the general manager, he had a rest for more than 20 days. He wanted to know that his work had already piled up.

Dabao and Letong go to work early in the morning, but Xinying will return to work in a few days. Aunt Guan goes out to buy vegetables as soon as she gets ready for breakfast, leaving Niuniu alone at home to read parenting books.

When the doorbell rang, Niuniu was heating milk in the kitchen. From the glass window of the kitchen, we could see the situation outside the yard. Niu Niu leans forward to have a look. It turns out that Tian Fang is standing outside with her baby in her arms.

Niuniu hurriedly went out and opened the door, because the baby in Tian Fang's arms, Niuniu did not dare to go forward to hold her, only stood beside the fence, "Fangjie, how did you come?"

"I brought xiaohuasheng to see her aunt Niuniu!" Tian Fang's daughter's nickname is little peanut.

"Brother Zhihao sent you here?" Niu Niu looks behind her.

"Well, he put me down and left. Two days ago, the special effects company took over a big deal. He's very busy these two days!"

Zhihao and Weiqi also help Dabao run Xinying Entertainment's special effects company.

Niuniu leads people into the living room and pours a glass of water for Tian Fang. As for peanuts, Tian Fang directly puts her on the sofa and blocks her with her legs.

Niuniu bent to tease Xiaohua's chubby face, "sister, are you working hard?"

Tian Fang looked up at her, "of course, it's hard. Otherwise, how can we say that the greatest person in the world is his mother?"

Tian Fang pauses for a while, the vision sweeps Niu Niu's tiny heave belly, "however, I am just hard, you are hard to take two."

Niu Niu subconsciously put her hand on her abdomen, smiling happily, "no matter how hard it is, it's worth it, isn't it?"

Tian Fang sighed, "yes, no matter how hard it is. When I gave birth to peanuts in the hospital, I scolded Yin Zhihao's ancestors for 18 generations! But looking at xiaohuasheng growing up like a steamed bun day by day, I feel that if I have another one, I will give birth to him without hesitation. "

Because they had so much in common about the baby, they sat down and chatted for a whole morning. Of course, most of the time Tian Fang was talking, Niu Niu was listening carefully, and she even took out her notebook to write down some important things.

At lunch time, xiaohuasheng went to bed. Looking at by Aunt Guan, Tian Fang asked Niuniu, "listen to Dabao, do you want to go back to Xinying for work?"

Niuniu looked up at her warily. "Sister, you're not supposed to be a lobbyist, are you?"

Tian Fang laughs, "whose lobbyist am I? You have such a good relationship with Dabao. Do you need me to say something? "

Niu Niu thinks that she seems to be right. Since her brother confessed the heart shadow, there is nothing between them that can't be said frankly.

"Well, I think too much!"

"Well, I'm sure I'm not a lobbyist, but, I want to say, you don't have to fight like that. You are different from me. Zhihao and I have no family to rely on, so we have to work until prenatal. You have been busy for several years, but now you can have a good rest at home. Why work so hard? "

Tian Fang has been with Niuniu for several years, witnessing her rapid growth. At the same time, she has also seen her pay several times or even dozens of times more than ordinary people to get to today's height. Now, it's better to have a proper rest while you're pregnant?

"Elder sister, when I go back to Xinying, I don't do any hard work. In other words, when I go back to Xinying, I'm just on a leisure job. By the way, I'll learn something about business from Si Jun."

Since Si Jun was employed as an assistant to the boss, he has become more powerful than the general manager. In the past, Niu Niu didn't understand why the boss trusted him so much.

Until she knew that Xinying was founded by her elder brother, she vaguely understood that Sijun was a talent that her elder brother subconsciously began to cultivate a few years ago.

Of course, in the past, he probably wanted to take Si Jun back to Ji's family. Because she entered the entertainment industry, Si Jun became the escort of her brother when she was working.

She knows that she is not the material for business, but even if she can't participate in decision-making, she still hopes that she can have a general idea of the company's operation and business direction, instead of being foolishly protected.