Cute Baby wanted circular: The Heavenly Priced Pretty Escape Wife

Chapter 960

After the press conference, Sihan did not attend the dinner party with other interviewees, while Sijun was very witty and took part in the dinner party for the reason of staying to deal with the media.

Si Jun accompanies Si han to the underground parking lot, takes her to Dabao's car, and then turns to leave.

"Brother, you were so stupid just now!"

The light in the parking lot was very dim, and Dabao's car was just facing the wall, which was a dead corner. Niuniu then propped up to kiss Dabao on the lips.

Although Dabao felt that such a kiss was far from enough, he also knew that this place was not suitable for intimate games. He licked the lip that still had her slight breath, raised her lip, started the car and slowly backed it out.

"Girl, I'm your longest love fan. It's sad that you said I was stupid!" Dabao holds the steering wheel in one hand and covers his chest in the other, making his chest stuffy and sad.

Niu Niu patted him on the arm, "come on!"

Dabao looked at her plaintively, and Niuniu giggled at him.

"Brother, this proud little expression is not suitable for you. It's the special expression of little master Xiaobao."

Dabao also "poof" to smile, think about it, young master in front of his family do often show such a small expression.

They looked at each other with a silly smile, and no one explored the question of who was stupid.

"What would you like to eat?" Asked Dabao.

Niu Niu pointed to a restaurant not far away, "just go over there and have something to eat!"

Dabao gave her a strange look. He thought that she had specially pushed the dinner to eat something exquisite.

"Girl, are you sure? It's just an ordinary fast food restaurant. "

Niuniu nodded, "I'm sure! Brother, don't look down on this fast food restaurant. It's a chain fast food restaurant. I used to shoot in the film city and often eat the fast food here. In fact, it's not as bad as you think. "

Dabao thinks that she is missing the taste of filming. He sits down in Yajian and orders some famous dishes. When the waiter leaves, Dabao pulls her over and holds her in his lap.

"Niu Niu, Lei Tong and Mo Xiao are excellent directors. If not, I'll call them tomorrow to see if I can stagger the schedule of the two plays and you can take them both?"

Niu Niu bit her lip and turned to look at him, "brother, are you not afraid of my hard work?"

Dabao kisses her on the forehead. "I'm afraid, but I'm even more afraid that you will be sad and disappointed because you missed the two directors."

Niu Niu looked down and thought about it. She raised her head and shook her head at Dabao. "Brother, I won't!"

At this time, Dabao didn't understand the true meaning of Niuniu's words, but thought that she was comforting herself and forced to smile.

So I secretly decided to call the two directors in person tomorrow morning. If they are not willing to stagger the schedule, they will buy the shooting rights of the two films. As the only investor, he always has the right to decide the schedule!

Niuniu, however, didn't know that her rich and willful brother had such an abacus in secret. She had a very happy and fast meal.

Several times, Dabao frowned when he saw the speed of her eating. Finally, he could not help pressing her chopsticks.

"You eat slowly, Si Jungang said. I'll send you to the styling room at three o'clock to make up and change clothes. It's only twelve o'clock now. We're not in a hurry!"

Niuniu nodded cleverly, but the speed of eating didn't slow down at all.

When Dabao saw this, he could only caress her back and help her feel comfortable while sighing silently.

The two of them came out of the meal at a very fast speed and got into the car. Dabao buckled his seat belt and looked at Niuniu and asked, "let's go back to the hotel to have a rest. You have to sit for several hours in the evening. It's very tiring."

At ordinary times, she was almost obedient to Dabao, but she shook her head again.

"Brother, I want to go shopping."

Dabao started the car. "What do you want to buy? Are you in a hurry? "

Niuniu nodded, "yes, it's half a month since sister Fang's baby daughter was born. I haven't had time to see the baby yet. I want to buy a gift for the baby."

"We can buy it tomorrow. Don't rush to buy it today?" Dabao always thinks something is wrong.

But Niu Niu insisted, "tomorrow you may have to go back to r city early in the morning. I heard that there is a jewelry store in Beijing that bought beautiful jade articles. I want to go and have a look."

Dabao couldn't beat her and finally drove to the famous jewelry store she said and stopped.

After Niu Niu went in, she went to the jade counter for a long time. Finally, at Dabao's suggestion, she bought a jade Guanyin with a platinum necklace for children.

The price of jade Guanyin and necklace is close to seven figures. Dabao doesn't care about money, but he's afraid Tian Fang won't accept it.

"Niuniu, is the price too expensive?"

Niuniu said, "it's not expensive. Have you forgotten? Sister Fang said that her children will be with us in the future. This necklace will be regarded as a token of love. "

Although she was serious, Dabao was amused by her.

"Fool, we haven't even got a picture of our child. Do you have a baby kiss for him so soon? Do you want to be a mother-in-law

When Niu Niu heard the speech, she seemed to feel a little impatient. She couldn't help laughing. She raised her finger and put the sunglasses on the bridge of her nose, which covered most of her face.

Niuniu takes advantage of the shop assistant's gift wrapping and pulls Dabao around. Finally, she stops at the ring counter.

"Wow, master Ji, come and have a look. These rings are so beautiful." Said, forcibly still looking around Dabao pulled over.

When the shop assistant saw that she was so generous in buying jade Guanyin and necklace, he knew that she was a luxury customer. As soon as she said so, he immediately took out the pair of platinum rings inlaid with broken diamonds.

Dabao stands in front of the counter and takes a close look. With only one look, he has to admit that his girl always has a very keen sense of beauty.

"Well, it's really beautiful, elegant but not vulgar."

When the assistant heard Ji Dabao's comment, he added with a smile, "Sir, this young lady's vision is really unique. This pair of diamond rings is the treasure of our shop and the limited design of jewelry designers. There is only one pair in the world."

Dabao sees that Niuniu likes her so much, and thinks that he has confirmed the relationship with her for so long. It seems that he has never bought a ring or necklace or other token of love.

"Niuniu, try to fit or not!"

Dabao said, already reached out to take down the ring of women's money, holding Niuniu's left ring finger.

It's a coincidence that the ring seems to be tailor-made for Niuniu. It's not bad to wear.

"Just right!" Niuniu smiles sweetly and puts the male ring on the ring finger of his left hand like Dabao.

Or, it's destined that this ring is just right for Dabao!