Cute Baby wanted circular: The Heavenly Priced Pretty Escape Wife

Chapter 959

Sihan on the rostrum was talking to the actor next door. She seemed to feel the burning eyes from the audience. She slightly tilted her head and accurately caught the young master Ji, who was a little fan with a mobile phone.

Sihan doesn't have a big reaction. She just smiles and blinks at him.

Seeing this, the artists around her asked her, "why, meet acquaintances?"

Sihan turns her eyes back, shakes her head and denies, "no, it's just a fanatical little fan."

The artist around her is several years older than her. She has been in the entertainment industry for nearly ten years. This year, she has become popular only by a movie, but the degree of popularity is not as good as Sihan.

"Sihan, has anyone ever told you that you are really popular with the audience?"

The artist envies that the number of fans she has accumulated over the past ten years is less than one tenth of Sihan's.

Sihan smiles naively, "right? Probably because I'm not aggressive at all? "

Usually, people say that you are not aggressive, which means that you are ordinary.

"Sihan, you are really joking. Do you know that your face is the best model for plastic surgery this year? Do you mean you are not aggressive?"

It's strange to say that most beautiful actresses are hard to get the audience's approval. If they are too low-key, they will be called high cold clothes. They will always be active in the headlines, and they will easily cause the audience's aesthetic fatigue.

Sihan, however, is known as a connotative and low-key artist. Mingming never takes the initiative to hype, but the topic about her will cause a big wave of hot search every once in a while.

Sihan was so said by the other side, it's not good to be modest. She just touched her face and said with a smile, "Maybe God specially gave me food."

But everyone who is familiar with Sihan knows that what she relies on is not the face God gave her.

After all, no matter how upright your face is, you will be tired of seeing too much. As an actor or a singer, the most important thing is that she has her own characteristics of role performance and song interpretation, and Sihan pays much more than many artists for this characteristic.

However, what others see is often just your success. As for the sweat and blood behind your success, no one will see it or care about it.

Thinking of this, Sihan can't help but look at the man in the audience.

Fortunately, no matter how others ignore her, the man sees everything in her eyes. All her efforts, efforts and persistence over the years, he has been quietly watching in his eyes, and has been supporting her behind her without hesitation, doing her most powerful backing.

Ji Dabao in the audience, in the lens of narrowing the focus, faintly sees her eyes red, and her heart is slightly shocked. She takes her eyes away from the mobile phone screen, and raises her head to meet Niu Niu CHIGUO's eyes.

Although the distance between them is not too close, Dabao can clearly see the complex and strong emotion in her eyes.

According to Dabao's understanding of her, his intuition told him that she was a little abnormal at this time.

Dabao's heart seems to be pulled into a ball by something. He wants to rush over and ask her what's wrong, but reason tells him that at this moment, he can only be a fanatical fan of Sihan.

If he really rushes up, she is the second miss of the Ji family, and Ji Sihan's identity will be exposed.

He and his parents and family are not afraid of trouble. They just don't want her to be crushed by her prominent status.

They stare at each other for a while, and the reporters around seem to have caught something. They follow Sihan's eyes to find the focus of her eyes.

Dabao was quick witted and took a "Sihan I love you" from the fans behind him The brand shakes hard, and then opens his mouth and says "good! Don't be afraid

Deep but warm eyes, through the air to Sihan incomparable peace of mind and gentle comfort.

Sihan, of course, receives his words. She takes back her eyes with a smile and says, "fool!"

Sensitive reporters are disappointed when they see Dabao's behavior, which is close to that of a fool. Although the fool fans are very handsome and stylish, at first sight, they are Gao Fu Shuai, but then they see Sihan's white eyes, they know that she doesn't like to see the fool.

What prince charming and Cinderella's beautiful love, as expected, will only appear in fairy tales!

After Sihan takes back her sight, she looks down at the manuscript that Qijun just gave her.

It's nothing more than the responses to gossip. For Sihan, these responses are useless, because just last night, she had a new decision.

At the press conference, which is ahead of schedule for the Golden Lion Award, Sihan, as a hot candidate for this year's best actress, has no accident to become the focus.

In addition, she just won the three most important music awards at the awards ceremony last night. People are even more looking forward to seeing if the latest song will win the honor of the film queen in a few hours.

"Sihan, double faced man is the fourth film you made. Many people may not find the right direction after making four films, but you do it step by step. The first one won the Best Newcomer Award, the second one won a lot of praise because of its integration with Mr. Luo, and the third one won the nomination for best actress. Although the final prize fell behind others, for you, Is also a affirmation and recognition, tonight, do you think you will be a shame to win the best actress

This reporter's words, obviously sound to hold Sihan, but in fact, it is hidden mystery. As long as Sihan is not careful, she will fall into the trap of tearing other candidates with her last sentence.

Because Fang Wenxi, who won the best actress award last year, also competed for the best actress award this time.

Sitting in the audience, Si Jun and Dabao, though they believe in Sihan, secretly give her a cold sweat.

Sihan smiles and blinks. The smile on her face is still as quiet as before.

"Thank you for your appreciation and affirmation of Sihan. There are five candidates for best actress tonight, and Sihan is honored to be one of them. I have 20% confidence in this. Sister, do you think my formula of probability is right

The reporter got Sihan's reply, but he couldn't find a point to refute or ask again, so he had to nod his head to agree.

Other reporters look at her sympathetically, as if to say that after being in this business for so long, don't they know that Sihan is a famous Taiji master?

Dabao under the stage breathed a sigh of relief.

To tell you the truth, it's the first time that he saw Sihan use four or two pull a thousand pounds to deal with the media. Only after seeing it with his own eyes can he understand why Tian Fang is more and more indulgent to Sihan.

Because now Sihan is a very successful and excellent artist. Even if no one helps her, she can easily cope with most of the crises.