Cute Baby wanted circular: The Heavenly Priced Pretty Escape Wife

Chapter 940

"Fangfang, take Sihan to change clothes." Dabao's voice was colder than the cold wind around him.

Tian Fang doesn't care to explain anything. She comes to help Sihan to the dressing room. She didn't look back, but from Dabao's glance, she read the depression and violence before the mountain rain.

The director over there, just a moment later, trotted over, raised his head, nervously explained to the tall and handsome young man, and tried to stop Sihan from changing clothes. "Ah, yushao, there will be Sihan's play next..." after all, it's not easy to make up.

Dabao glanced at him coldly, "I'll pay ten times for the money for today's work stoppage and slowdown!"

Usually in front of the crew very dignified director Chen, on Dabao cold eyes, unconsciously shrunk his head.

Dabao stood upright like a pine and cypress, and his sword like eyes swept the people and objects in front of the camera.

"Director Chen, what's the matter? My sister is so wet that she's freezing into ice! "

Dabao's tone is extremely flat, but it can make the director feel the momentum and dignity.

Quickly around the deputy director quickly explained, "Oh, it's all the blame for the newcomer's lack of acting skills. After eating ng seven or eight times in a row, Yu Shao, you see, we don't want to..." he said, winking at the girl who was standing behind him. Probably, it was a sign that she came to apologize to Yu Shao.

But what Dabao wants is not a verbal apology at all. The words "sorry" are not a weapon to evade responsibility.

No matter this woman is intentional or unintentional, Niu Niu suffered, he will let her double good feeling!

Dabao's fierce eyes swept the assistant director, and then fell on the female mate. Before everyone could react, he strode over and pushed her feet up according to her buttocks. Without psychological preparation, the female mate plumped into the pond.

"Ah! Help, I can't swim... "The girl raised her hands in the water and struggled for help.

The director and the deputy director look at each other face to face. I don't know if they are scared or can't decide what to do.

Dabao didn't plan to let them stay. He raised eyebrows at the two directors and said, "she's fat. You two go down to save her."

The two directors looked at each other, but none of them dared to resist. They were about to jump.

The staff on one side didn't know the origin of Dabao. Although they vaguely knew that Dabao was the one who couldn't be provoked, they still pulled the director and deputy director and said, "director Chen, director Li, let's come!"

Dabao held his arms with cold eyes and said, "let's all go down and save together!"

The director and the deputy director glared at the staff and motioned them to mind their own business. Now, it's the business to make the young master satisfied and relieved!

Director deputy director no longer hesitated, "plop" jumped down, the sailor hurriedly pulled the girl from the shoulder high water.

Dabao still stood straight, and said to the staff who was scared, "don't you go and get three blankets? And bring three chairs! "

The director and the assistant director helped the girl up and looked at each other. They knew that the young master was still angry. They were afraid and complained secretly.

Wet, cold and embarrassed, the girl came trembling with hands, and gave Dabao a look of worry and malice, "what are you? I tell you, I am... "

When the director heard this, he was even more flustered. He quickly covered the girl's mouth with his other hand.

Dabao glanced at her, "I'm a person, not like you, but a thing! As an actor, you should be an actor. If you don't know your lines well, you should recite them. If you don't know your expression well, you should practice them. Why should my sister suffer for your laziness and neglect? "

After criticizing her, he turned to the director, "director Chen, how long was this thing delayed just now?"

How dare director Chen tell a lie? He took a look at the staff not far away and reported it out according to the figures they gave him, "about ten minutes, about twenty minutes!"

Dabao nodded, raised his chin and pointed to the three chairs. "Then you three can sit here for 30 minutes."

Those crew members nearby were so scared that they didn't dare to come out. Director Chen said quickly, "let's sit, let's sit! It's my fault and Xiao Li's fault that we didn't teach new people well! "

Dabao nods to show his satisfaction. He doesn't say anything more and turns to Sihan's dressing place.

"Chen Dao..."

Female match trembles body to want to cry, Chen Dao fiercely stares at her one eye, "shut up, if it's not you, Yu little as to lose such a big temper?"

The girl's mouth shriveled, both aggrieved and discontented, "I want to tell boss mo..."

Chen Dao didn't like the girl, but he didn't say much about her because of the investor's face.

Can see her get into trouble, harm to himself, had to endure gas good heart lesson her, "you quickly give me die those shouldn't have the mind, really Yu less cause urgent, don't say this play don't shoot, you that Mo boss also don't want to have good fruit to eat."

Although Chen Dao didn't have any positive contact with the young master of the Ji family, there are many rumors about this noble young master in his usual social circle.

In recent years, the two CHILDES of the Ji family have been able to replace their father Ji Rui. Their style and ability are only better than their father's.

In particular, this young master, who usually looks very easygoing, is ruthless and decisive in his work. He has extremely sharp investment vision and precise means.

Moreover, director Chen has also heard that if anyone accidentally touches the bottom line of this young master Ji, that person will surely die miserably!

"Xiao Li, we'd better take care of ourselves..." director Chen sat on the chair, his body was shaking with cold, but it was not as strong as the chill in his heart.

He finally remembered it. Sun Dao once told him that Ji Sihan, the younger sister of young master Ji, was the most untouchable bottom line of young master Ji.

He secretly scolded himself. How could he not remember such an important thing!

"Director Chen, Yu Shao can't really..." the deputy director made a "click" cut action.

Chen Dao anxiously turned to look at the motionless dressing room and sighed silently, "Sihan is OK. If she is ill, I'm afraid we can't afford it."

Dressing room there, finally there is a movement, Tian Fang hurried out from inside.

Seeing Chen Dao sitting shivering with water dripping all over his body, he was surprised at first, and then showed a clear appearance. He only nodded to Chen Dao, pointed to the outside and said, "Chen Dao, I'll buy Sihan some cold medicine and hot ginger tea. Do you need it?"

Chen Dao, who said he wanted to, just waved his hand and said, "no, no, a Fang, take good care of Sihan."

Tian Fang nods and leaves. She scolds the girl secretly in her heart. If Ji Da Shao really blames her, her personal agent can't escape the blame.