Cute Baby wanted circular: The Heavenly Priced Pretty Escape Wife

Chapter 939

Sihan's sense of mystery has been maintained for a long time.

Of course, it's not that no one wants to dig deep into her material. There have been many people who tried to spy on her. But most of them will eventually receive a warning from their superiors. All these digging and spying will end up in vain.

Sihan is still very low-key. Fortunately, she is a fan of her true love. Occasionally, she will post one or two photos of plain face on Weibo, or record a performance video to put on it, so as to relieve the pain of fans' lovesickness.

Not long after the beginning of the new semester, Niu Niu began to pack up and go to the group for filming.

This historical play is set in ancient times. Therefore, all the scenes were shot in the film and television city more than 1000 kilometers away from R city.

Now, it's hard, Dabao.

In the previous two plays, one has no location at all, and the other only accounts for about half of them. Moreover, the road of location is not so far away.

Think about it and live a life of Cowherd and weaver girl.

Letong, who is a mother, is not as depressed as Dabao's boyfriend, but she is also worried about her baby daughter's maladjustment there. Before leaving, she helped to pack a lot of luggage, food and clothing, and stuffed several large suitcases.

"Mommy, it's not a wild mountain over there. You can buy everything you need to eat and wear. Don't you need to bring so many into the group?"

Niuniu is worried. By then, others will be a simple suitcase, while she will be a long line

"You don't have to take it anyway. Dabao and Xiaobao will take care of it." Yue Tong thinks that she is afraid of trouble, so she comforts her.

Niuniu frowned slightly, "will Xiaobao go with me, too? Isn't he going abroad to deal with things recently? "

"He seems to have changed the time. I'll make another arrangement after you get into the group. It's not urgent anyway."

To be honest, with her son accompanying Niuniu into the group, Letong was relieved.

This is probably the common fault of parents in the world. No matter how old and experienced the children are, in the eyes of parents, they are always ignorant children who are not familiar with the world.

Because of the company of Dabao and Xiaobao, although Niuniu was on the same flight with the crew, she was in a different cabin. She was in VIP class with Dabao and Xiaobao, while the crew was in economy class.

After getting off the plane, the crew took a bus into the film and Television City, but Dabao told the director that the three brothers and sisters had been around for most of the day. They ate enough authentic food at the local famous restaurant. In the evening, they rented a car to enter the film and Television City.

The next day, the crew held a start-up ceremony. After that, Xiaobao took the lead, while Dabao stayed for another day. After three days of vacation, he reluctantly said goodbye to Niuniu and went back to work in r city.

Tian Fang looks at this pair of little lovers, shaking her head, waiting for Dabao to leave. Tian Fang whispers in Niuniu's ear, "Niu, do you want to lock you at home and not let you go anywhere?"

"How can it be?" Niu Niu denied it.

But after a while, she vaguely remembered that her brother had indeed said something similar.

When she returned to the hotel room after filming that night, it was more than eleven o'clock. Niu Niu was really tired, so she went to take a bath first. When she came out, she found that her mobile phone was flashing. When she took a look, there were nearly ten missed calls, and all the callers were Ji Dabao.

"Brother, I just took a bath!" Niu Niu pulls back and explains.

"All the way to this point?" Big treasure pity voice spreads, Niu Niu can imagine each other frown heart ache her appearance.

"Because I have several scenes in the evening, that's why I've been shooting them so far. In fact, I'm quite free during the day. I took an hour's nap in the lounge at noon. "

Niuniu doesn't want to worry about Dabao. Even though she is so sleepy that she wants to go to bed immediately, she still tries to get up and pretend to be a mental chess player.

"Well, you've been pondering over this play for several months. You should have pondered everything thoroughly. Usually in the group, if you don't have your part, you should take time to rest. You don't have to worry about anything. I said hello to the director."

Niuniu has made several commercials and two films since she joined the industry. All along, like other actors in the cast, she has never engaged in any privilege. At present, this is her third film and the most bitter one.

But she didn't want to ruin her rules and reputation.

"I know that I will be lazy at any time. I will never let myself be tired. Don't worry, brother!"

Niuniu thought of one thing in her heart, and said it in her mouth, in order to make Dabao feel at ease.

Dabao seems to believe it. Anyway, he never mentioned it again.

In the twinkling of an eye, Niuniu has been in the group for ten days. This morning, she took a group of shots of being pushed down from the pond by the female partner. This group of shots passed once and was quickly picked up from the pond.

Next, there is the scene of the female partner shouting grievances on the bank. The female partner is a little star who brings money into the group. Naturally, she has no acting skills. But the director is very demanding and says that her actions are too artificial and not natural enough. After repeated ng, Niuniu is waiting for her next shot, which is a shot of her being sent back to the room soaked.

Over there, Niu Niu had to wait patiently. It's autumn, and the temperature here is about 10 degrees. Even if she is wearing thick clothes, she feels chilly. Niuniu is all wet, and the chill is even more icy to the bone. Tian Fang is worried when she sees that Niuniu's lips are blue and black. She takes a thick blanket to help Niuniu put it on, but it can't resist the freezing water.

Seeing that girl has been ng seven or eight times in a row, after more than ten minutes, Niu Niu finally can't resist bursts of bone chilling, "a-cho-a-cho" to sneeze several times.

Tian Fang is really impatient. She goes forward to ask the deputy director for advice to see if she can shoot Sihan first. Otherwise, if she is frozen like this, she will get sick sooner or later.

When she came to the assistant director's side, she heard Niuniu sneeze a few times, turned her head, but unexpectedly saw the young master Ji who strode to Niuniu's side with a black face.

Tian Fang in the heart secretly cry not good, hesitating, don't know should retreat back or should continue to negotiate with deputy director.

Dabao over there has made a decision for her.

"Niuniu, come on, change your clothes! Do you want to get sick on such a cold day wearing clothes like wet quilts? "

Dabao's tone is very strict, although the volume is not big, but enough for the director and deputy director to hear.

In fact, the director and deputy director know the root of Sihan's identity, but Sihan is usually too low-key, leading to the director and deputy director never want to regard her as a young lady.

As for the fact that Sihan is wrapped in wet clothes and waiting, they are really a little careless.

Now I turn my head to see the dark young master Ji, and then look at Sihan's pitiful appearance of shivering all over with cold. My heart immediately cools a lot!