Cute Baby wanted circular: The Heavenly Priced Pretty Escape Wife

Chapter 928

Dabao goes to the set, and from a distance, she sees Niu Niu, who has not had time to take off her make-up, meeting Luo Qingru in her coat. She doesn't know what she's talking about.

The crew, as usual, met Dabao at the opening ceremony. When they saw him, they all nodded and said, "Ji Shao, come to meet Sihan again."

We don't know what Sihan's surname is. We just hear her call him Jishao brother. As for Ji Shao, many people actually guess that he is Ji Yu, the eldest son of Ji family.

Because Ji Shao's possible identity is too shocking, the crew dare not explore the real background of Sihan. Is it Ji Shao's biological sister? younger female cousin? younger female cousin? Or, in fact, it's just a sister in a romantic relationship.

Of course, some people are really curious about the latest best newcomer. They want to get some information from the director or Luo Qingru, but both of them warn seriously, "don't worry about what you should inquire about. Anyway, no one here can afford it."

Even the director and the old generation can't stir up people, although others have criticism, they don't dare to embarrass Sihan face to face.

In addition, Sihan, a girl, now knows how to get along with people more and more. She is not stingy in all kinds of management. In addition, she has no airs of a popular star. Although people are still curious in secret, they are polite to Sihan in public.

In addition, Ji Shao, regardless of his appearance and temperament, is a aristocratic son from a rich family. Ordinary people will feel awed when they see him.

"Yes, everyone is hungry. Let's have some snacks first."

To say, Dabao naturally knows better than Sihan.

After two days of meeting Sihan, they all came with snacks.

Sihan over there heard the movement, raised her head, saw Dabao from a distance, and waved to him with a smile, "brother!"

This time, the play is a drama of the Republic of China. She plays Sihan in her youth. She is dressed in a simple and elegant student uniform of the Republic of China and wears two braids.

When she waved to him with a smile, Dabao almost thought that he had accidentally crossed the Republic of China.

"Miss Luo!"

Dabao quickly walks over and nods to the elder beside Sihan.

"Ji Shao, I'm sorry to stay so late again."

Luo Qingru is also much in awe of the young master Ji. She has seen a lot of people. At a glance, she knows that young master Ji is not an ordinary young master. He is definitely a dragon and Phoenix among people.

As for Sihan, with Ji Shao, I'm afraid it's not the brother sister relationship that people guess, but the lover relationship.

Of course, these guesses Luo Qingru has been in the heart, did not mention.

First of all, she really likes Sihan.

Secondly, at her age, she knows very well who and what can only be seen from a distance.

"Mr. Luo is very serious. I worked overtime so late. Thank you for waiting for me with Sihan. These snacks are especially suitable for children's taste. Can Mr. Luo take them back to his grandson? " Dabao handed her a box of snacks.

Luo Qingru took over with a smile, "then I'll thank Ji Shao for my two naughty kids!"

"Brother, wait for me. I'll go and change this dress first." Niu Niu's face is only light makeup, but it's time to remove it.

While waiting, Dabao chatted with Luo Qingru for a while.

"I was talking to Sihan just now, saying that there is a recommended place in the film academy. If she wants to go, I can recommend her."

"Miss Luo, it's up to Sihan to decide. I can't give her any advice." Dabao was particularly serious.

Luo Qingru nodded to show her understanding.

When Niuniu changes her clothes and comes out, Dabao leaves the set with her shoulder in his arms.

"Where's Xiaobao?" Niu Niu opened the door and glanced at the back seat. It seemed strange.

"He said not to be a light bulb." Dabao calmly sat in the driver's seat, not surprisingly, to see the little girl's face "Shua" to a red.

"..." Niuniu hesitated for a long time, but she didn't find any words. She just pretended to be a dead dog, lowered her head and buckled her seat belt.

Dabao said nothing more. He just started the car and drove away from the parking lot with a smile on his face.

As Xiao Bao said, since that night in caocheng, the atmosphere of their relationship has changed. Others may not feel it, but Xiao Bao, as a family member, including Le Tong and Ji Rui, are sensitive to it.

And Niuniu, after a few days in the family's clear sight that I knew everything, felt that all her shame was about to run out.

Dabao, on the other hand, was a grand place. After returning from Cao Cheng, she went to sleep in her bedroom. It's not the same as telling the family that we're ready to live together?

In fact, Dabao initially suggested Niuniu go to his bedroom to sleep, because Niuniu's layout is too feminine, and his bedroom has a small study, which is convenient for him to work overtime occasionally.

But Niuniu shook her head and refused. He brazenly transferred some of his laundry. Although it was only a little, it was still quite conspicuous in Niuniu's cloakroom, with a strong sense of invasion.

Until this time, Niuniu really realized the feeling of cohabitation when others were in love.

For example, at the moment, she is removing her makeup in front of the bathroom mirror. When she closes her eyes and touches the makeup remover, she actually takes his shaving cream.

Looking at the imitation is suddenly out of a pile of men's supplies overnight, Niuniu some messy, some helpless, but there is a kind of faint joy.

At the moment, Dabao, who helps to serve food in the kitchen, is chatting with Letong.

"Bao, we used to live in that apartment. A few days ago, your father asked Mr. Yuan to redecorate it. If you want to move out, you can stay there at any time."

Letong, a mother, has always been open-minded. When children grow up, they all want to have their own space and their own world.

But without thinking about it, Dabao refused mummy's proposal. "Mummy, Niuniu and I didn't want to move out. There are many rooms here. Even if the baby is born in the future, it's enough to live."

Dabao thinks more long-term than she does. In fact, he and Niuniu are both homesick people. Compared with moving out to enjoy their world, they prefer to enjoy both the joy of family and the sweetness of being alone.

Letong doesn't insist on this, but she proposes a compromise.

"Otherwise, you and Niuniu should move to the master bedroom on the third floor."

Ji's house, a total of five floors, the top floor of all open into martial arts fitness room, three or four floors, basically all as guest rooms, Yang family or Ji Laozi come over, live on it.

Dabao thought about it for a while, and felt that mummy's proposal was good, so he nodded.

"Well, I'll discuss it with the girl and move in again according to her preference."