Cute Baby wanted circular: The Heavenly Priced Pretty Escape Wife

Chapter 927

After Niu Niu won the Best Newcomer Award, all kinds of variety show interviews, endorsements and appointments poured in like pieces of paper.

Tian Fang, the agent, is still in a passive state. He chooses several good contracts from a lot of choices and presents them to master Ji.

Ji Da young master took those contracts that she picked out seriously as usual, but this time he didn't buckle them down as before. Instead, he pushed the contracts in front of Tian Fang and said, "these, you can take them to Niu Niu to choose by yourself."

Tian Fang stares at the man in front of her miraculously!

The nature of her work has made her meet countless men, and young master Ji is definitely the most possessive and controlling man she has ever met.

It's only a year since Niu Niu's debut. Master Ji doesn't know how many invitation and film appointment he has personally killed, but Niu Niu doesn't know anything about these.

That silly girl, only know blindly in addition to work is to participate in a variety of training classes are endless.

"Too much exposure and consumption is not good for her at all." This is the reason why Mr. Ji dropped the invitation.

This is a very grand reason, but Tian Fang thinks that the selfishness of young master Ji accounts for a larger proportion.

But this time, although Dabao took a serious look, he gave Niuniu the final choice.

This makes Tian Fang strange, because usually with Dabao still talk, Tian Fang will dare to play a joke with Dabao.

"You leave all these to her to choose, not afraid that silly girl Niu is fooled?"

Dabao didn't mind her laughing. He said to her seriously, "I believe in her."

A word of belief is enough to show Dabao's attitude of completely trusting and letting go of Niuniu.

Tian Fang then straightened out, "in fact, Niuniu is really much better than her peers. It's just that she is mercilessly compared with you and Xiaobao. There are at least more than 20 artists I have brought. Niuniu may not be the most talented and talented one, but she is definitely the one who works hard and has the most definite goal! "

When Tian fangchu first took care of the little girl, she began to see her full strength, holding her breath and rushing forward. She only thought that she was in a mood for three minutes.

A year later, little girl's energy is still full. Moreover, since winning the Best Newcomer Award, the little girl is more busy than before, but she seems to be more energetic than before, and seems to have endless energy.

"Ever since she decided to enter the show business, she has had a clear goal." No one knows Niu Niu's thoughts better than Dabao.

"When she joined the group yesterday, she told me to help her choose a good script. Her next goal is best actress. Dabao, you know what? I almost cried when I heard her. I'm so lucky that I won the Best Newcomer Award in my first play. If she really gets the best actress award in her next play, then I'm worthy of the gold medal broker. "

Dabao looked at her funny, and after a while, he reached out and patted her on the shoulder. "Then you can be a gold medal broker at ease."

Dabao is full of confidence in Niuniu, who is now in a state of great courage.

"However, her reward for receiving teacher Luo's play is really low, not to mention that she won the Best Newcomer Award, even according to her original standard, it's too low."

This film with Luo Qingru as the same protagonist is Niu Niu's final decision. As for the remuneration, it is also given by Luo Qingru.

Dabao doesn't pay much attention to the film reward. As for why Niuniu would rather push off other film contracts to take over the play, Dabao is clear.

"Fangfang, you have to be mentally prepared. In the future, if it's a play directed by sun or a play that teacher Luo asks Niuniu to take over, the pay will not be too high. Because she values more the space and opportunities they can give her to grow up, and this is a kind of reward for their cultivation of her. "

This kind of girl, Dabao also appreciates. Therefore, when Niu Niu said that she would take over the present film, she never mentioned that the film pay was low. Even, also hinted that Niu Niu, if Luo Qingru side of the investment is insufficient, he can consider capital injection.

Tian Fang felt that the two brothers and sisters were too independent and insightful. As an agent, she didn't have much to worry about.

Maybe the money is really tight. The filming of the crew is very tight. Niuniu has been on the set for two nights in a row until more than eight o'clock.

These two days, Dabao personally picked up and sent her, while Tian Fang, a close agent, was responsible for the management of Niu Niu's work.

"Then you can give these to her later. I won't go to the set. I have to go back to the company to see the progress of the monkeys."

Tong Ke and happy are recording their debut album recently. Among the 12 songs included in the album, five are composed by Si Han. As for the lyrics, they are filled by Jia Hao, the biggest lyricist in the industry and also the gold medal record producer.

Dabao finished his work. It was more than seven o'clock when he met Xiaobao in the elevator. Dabao asked the young master if he wanted to pick up Niuniu. The young master said, "no!"

Dabao looked at him in a funny way, "so you take a taxi to go back? It's hard to find a taxi at this point. "

Xiaobao is not old enough to test his driver's license. He usually goes to work together with Letong and his wife or with Dabao. Letong and his wife go out to work today, so they leave Xiaobao.

"It's hard. I don't want to be a light bulb." The young master has a lot of backbone.

Dabao opened with a smile, "you usually know more about interest than light bulb."

The young master looked down at his toes, then raised his eyelids and glanced at his brother.

"That was before! You don't know? These two days, as long as you and your sister stay together, pink bubbles keep rising, which makes my single dog's toes cramp. "

The specific day is from the night when my sister won the Best Newcomer Award and flew to caocheng. The next day when I came back, the atmosphere between them changed completely. As long as they were there, even the air around them would be full of sweet and greasy smell.

"I think I'm going to be an uncle, aren't I?" How clever is the young master? How can we not understand the reason for this change?

Dabao just laughed and didn't give any response.

From his point of view, he is 25 years old. Both physically and mentally, he is well prepared and ready to be a father at any time.

Just, from Niu Niu's point of view, she is in the rising period of her career, probably, it's a little early.

"Really?" Brother did not answer, young master only as if he was acquiescent.

"Don't talk nonsense. Your sister is too young. Let's talk about it later." Dabao doesn't want to put a little pressure on Niuniu.