Cute Baby wanted circular: The Heavenly Priced Pretty Escape Wife

Chapter 924

For the first time, the award ceremony was broadcast live on the Internet and several major radio stations simultaneously. When Sihan was holding the cup to express her thanks on the stage, Ji Dabao, who is both a brother and a lover, was watching the live broadcast in a hotel in another city with a red wine nest on the sofa.

Originally, he was going to accompany Sihan to attend the award ceremony, but because of a phone call, he rushed to another city to deal with things.

Although he couldn't support her at the scene, he asked his secretary to pay close attention to the progress of the broadcast, and held the time to suspend the meeting. When he saw the little girl wearing the dress he specially ordered for her, he was so nervous that she walked onto the stage with her hands and feet, which was both funny and sad.

Who would have thought that Sihan, who plays the violin gracefully on the big stage in front of thousands of people and translates another person's Sihan fluently in front of the camera, was once a girl with extremely low self-confidence?

Dabao quietly nests in the sofa and sips a sip of red wine from time to time. The beautiful sound of music around the beam comes from the screen. Outside the glass, the bright neon light seems to flash with the rhythm of the sound on the screen.

Dabaowei raised his head and raised his glass. Through the red liquid, he saw the little girl with oxhorn braid walking towards him step by step. He said vaguely, "brother... Brother... Wait for Niuniu..."

To her, he never lacks the patience of waiting, because he knows that one day, he will always wait!


"Most of all, thank you for supporting my family. I love you

Sihan on the screen said affectionately, looking straight ahead with her eyes full of water vapor, while Dabao, nestled in the sofa, straightened up at some time, staring at the bright eyes flashing with dazzling streamer on the screen.

He handed the cup to the girl whose eyes were red on the screen and murmured, "I love you, too!"


After watching the Best Newcomer Award, Dabao turned off the TV and went back to the conference hall on the sixth floor of the hotel.

At eleven o'clock, after several hours of sawing, we finally reached a consensus. The meeting finally ended. The tired group of people went to have fun separately. Some went to supper, some went to the sauna for massage, and only Dabao refused all kinds of invitation. He returned to the guest room early and wanted to meet Niuniu, even though it was across the cold screen.

Dabao returned to the guest room, took out the phone and pulled it out. Unexpectedly, he heard the busy sound of "Dudu" coming from the microphone. Dabao thought about it. Maybe he went out to celebrate with the crew. The signal of his mobile phone is not good.

If you think of Dabao, you don't care much. You take a change of clothes to take a bath.

Afraid that Niuniu would call him back, Dabao put his mobile phone on the shelf beside the bathtub.

But half an hour later, he came out of the bathroom in his cool and comfortable clothes, and the phone didn't ring.

Dabao looks up at the time. It's nearly twelve o'clock. He hesitates. Do you want to call the little girl?

Fight, can let a little girl think, oneself even she and colleague go out to celebrate not at ease? Besides, Tian Fang is with her.

Don't fight, his heart always can't put down, even if can't give her a hug face to face, but at least say congratulations to her personally.

After hesitating for a few seconds, Dabao finally picked up the phone, but the phone was still busy.

Dabao is a little upset. For his own sake, he dials Tian Fang's phone. As a result, he gets the same busy tone.

Dabao called Xiaobao. Xiaobao said that her sister and the crew went to celebrate together. However, the place Xiaobao said was too closed. The signal inside was not very good.

"Well, when your sister comes home, ask her to call me back no matter how late."

After hanging up, Dabao made himself a cup of hot tea and stood in front of the glass.

Outside the window, I do not know when it began to rain, silver white raindrops slapped on the glass, the scenery outside a fuzzy, nothing to see.

Dabao looked at the hazy scenery for a while. He didn't want to change the cup until the tea in the cup was cold.

"Ding Dong, Ding Dong..."

The harsh doorbell rang as he turned around, and Dabao frowned slightly.

It's so late. Who?

Is it a secretary? No, the Secretary has been with him for several years. If something happens, he will call first instead of harassing him in the middle of the night.

Full of doubts, Dabao went to the door and looked out through cat's eyes. What he saw was not a human face, but a bunch of orange roses.

Dabao's brow is tighter. In the middle of the night, he rings the bell with a bunch of roses. Is it the young man who has pressed the wrong button?

"Excuse me, what's the matter?" Dabao asked cautiously behind the door.

"General manager, it's me!"

Outside the door came the voice of the secretary.

Dabao is even more confused. If the secretary is a girl in her twenties, Dabao can understand it. But the question is, the secretary is already an aunt in her forties. What does it mean to hold a bunch of flowers?

Confused, he politely opened the door.

But there are two people standing outside the door. One is the Secretary, the other is blocking his face with flowers. Dabao frowns and stares at the secretary. He wants to ask her what the plane is, but he hears the Secretary say to him, "general manager, I'll give it to you. Good night!"

With that, he turned around and quickly slipped away.

Dabao was a little angry. He looked at the flowers and said impatiently, "who are you, please tell me something!"

The bunch of flowers still didn't mean to move away, but after the flowers came a voice that was obviously holding his voice, "can you let me in?"

Dabao twisted his eyebrows and glared at the flowers. He turned and flashed back to the room. Bang, he closed the door.

The one outside, probably the woman in charge of the division? Every time he came here to do business, the woman in charge was always very attentive to him.

Just, he often in front of the Ministry to admit that he has a girlfriend, so obvious, do not give up?

Dabao secretly planned how to teach his secretary a lesson tomorrow. Knowing that he was not single, the door behind him began to ring.

Dabao was about to open his mouth to drive people out, but the people outside the door cried urgently, "brother, it's me, open the door!"

Dabao is surprised. It's not Niu Niu. Who else?

Just, isn't that girl celebrating with the crew? How can it appear in caocheng, hundreds of kilometers away from R city?

The person outside the door was Niuniu. Right now, she patted the door anxiously and cried, "brother... Open the door..."

He yelled and scolded himself in his heart. Why do you come to him so mysterious? Now it's OK. I'm so hard to come here. I'm not surprised, but I've shut the door!