Cute Baby wanted circular: The Heavenly Priced Pretty Escape Wife

Chapter 923

"If I pay x, then the predecessors pay 10x or 100x."

Sihan's words are well founded, and he praises those unknown predecessors with humility.

The reporter only thought that she was sweet mouthed and had done her homework and recited Taiwanese well in the morning, but she didn't know that this was the real idea in Sihan's heart.

Seeing that there was no storm or gimmick, the reporter asked an official question.

"Has Sihan ever seen Chunyi himself?"

Sihan nodded, "I've seen it, more than once, five times."

A smile flashed through the reporter's eyes. Obviously, he didn't believe it.

These days, many idol actors don't even memorize the script lines. When shooting starts, they take the script and write down a few sentences to perform a short paragraph. It's not finished here, and there's another film waiting to start. Everyone wants to make more money when it's popular. They will spend a lot of time to figure out what acting skills are and what acting skills are in their eyes? What's the use of not being able to provide them with food and clothing?

"How do you evaluate your acting skills in Chunyi?".

The reporter started by himself. Naturally, he couldn't leave it on the way, so he had to follow the original topic and ask one more question.

Sihan is not too modest or arrogant. "Among the new people, I think I should be a hardworking new person, so I think I can make it. But in sun Dao's words, there is still a lot of room for improvement, right? Sun Dao

Sihan again pushed the topic to sun Dao without any trace. The reporter's attitude towards sun Dao naturally became respectful. Sihan obediently accompanies sun Dao and carefully listens to sun Dao's answers to reporters' questions.

After receiving the reporter's interview and coming down from the red carpet, sun Dao takes Si Han and Fang Kai in their respective positions under the leadership of Miss Li Li.

It is said that where there are people, there are rivers and lakes. Compared with other rivers and lakes, the entertainment industry pays more attention to the generation of talents.

As a newcomer, Sihan could not have been in the front row and the center of the audience if she had not acted in the film directed by sun.

Of course, Sihan also keeps a low profile. If she keeps a high profile, pretends to be "careless" and shakes out the fact that she is the daughter of the Ji family, not to mention the most central position, she can sit happily and win the best actress award!

Sihan's practice of hiding her powerful backstage, if it's really known by accident, will probably only laugh at her for being silly and not flexible.

But Sihan doesn't feel stupid or flexible.

Although she is not the Ji family's own child, but the Ji family really hurt her to the heart. What she wants, not to mention her brother, who has a dual identity, is daddy, mummy or younger brother. Anyone can satisfy her without asking anything.

But that's not what she wanted.

What she wants is real achievements accumulated bit by bit with her own strength.

Just like the elder brother and younger brother, they are the rightful heirs of the Ji family. Even if they don't do anything, the Ji family's assets will be enough for them to eat, drink and play for a few lives.

But they didn't!

Sihan knows better than anyone that his brother and younger brother work hard to keep Ji from decaying in their hands. They even want to push Ji to a more brilliant position.

No one in the Ji family is rare to get something for nothing. Even though it may only be something that can be done by a telephone, they prefer to do it step by step like ordinary people.

Therefore, Sihan thinks that what she wants should be the same, and she should do it step by step, instead of who will bring it up with both hands.

In all awards ceremonies, the awards for director and best actor and actress will be presented at the end of the ceremony, while the best newcomer award will be presented after the best supporting actor and actress.

When Sihan's name was read out by the awarding guests as one of the candidates, sun turned his head and said with a smile, "girl, this award is 100% yours. Are you ready for the award speech? "

Although Sihan is very popular, she doesn't have the confidence to win. After all, in addition to her, other competitors have their own brilliant performance.

As a result, Tian Fang Sai gave her the acceptance speech, she only took a cursory look, and did not recite it at all.

After a round of playback of the candidate video clips, the awarding guests on the stage teased each other about the atmosphere. A few minutes later, the male guests yelled on the stage, asking the director to prepare the violin quickly, so that the winner could have a wonderful violin solo live.

As soon as the male guest said this, someone called out Sihan's name. Sun Dao pushes her and signals her to come on stage, while Sihan sits still.

"The winner of the best newcomer award of the 19th Film Festival is..."

A beam of strong light suddenly turns to Sihan's position from the stage. Sihan's beautiful big close-up appears on the big screen of the stage. The female guest accompanied the audience to call out the name of the winner, "Sihan!"

Sihan just stood up. To tell the truth, she was really nervous!

Although she had imagined that she might win the prize, she thought about it and thought that it was not possible. In the end, she simply stopped thinking about it.

That's good. She walked onto the stage with a blank brain, took the trophy from the awarding guests, and just repeated "thank you, teacher, thank you..."

"Sihan little sister, don't be so nervous. Would you like to play a violin to relax?"

Sihan only thinks that the male guest is talking, but unexpectedly, the sound of footsteps behind her comes. As soon as she turns her head, someone really brings the violin to her.

"Come on, come on..." the audience roared. Sihan was at a loss for a while, biting her lip to force herself to calm down.

"Well, I'll just pull a little bit. I hope you don't like it!"

The melodious music flows from the bow. Sihan closes her eyes and pulls up the serenade. The applause from the audience rings out. Sihan's nervous and helpless mood is slowly calmed by the music.

As soon as the song was finished, the audience applauded. Sihan bowed to the audience.

"Well, now let's listen to Sihan's acceptance speech."

Sihan gives the violin to the staff behind him and walks to the mark.

"First of all, I would like to thank director Sun for persuading me to play in this film three or four times. Director Sun is my first mentor on the film road. Then, thank you Fang Jie, thank you company Xinying entertainment, also thank all the lions who support me, most importantly, thank my family who support me, I love you