Cute Baby wanted circular: The Heavenly Priced Pretty Escape Wife

Chapter 905

Dabao and Xiaobao are not reluctant to help. After all, apart from the good relationship between their uncle and his family, their mother still has a lot of shares in Yang's family. Yang's is good, so is Mommy.

But recently, he and Xiaobao are very busy. Yangliuna's husband also threw a large investment project of Yang's in r city for them to follow up, because Ji's new investment projects are all in his charge. Now his work is piled up like a mountain, and he can't take care of so much. He has to throw Yang's investment project to Xiaobao to follow up.

Fortunately, Xiaobao is a young man who doesn't care much at home. As soon as he gets back to the company and plunges into his work, he becomes more and more personal. He is only a teenager. His calmness and steadiness is no less than Ji Dabao.

For the two sons of the Ji family, many rich businessmen or senior officials of the same age as Ji Rui are full of praise and admiration.

Ji Rui and Le Tong are always proud of their three children. Seeing their two sons busy all day, they can't help but feel sad.

To this end, Letong once discussed with Yang Sheng that he wanted to transfer those shares of Yang's family to Yang Sheng at a low price.

But where is Yang Sheng willing?

Le Tong even said that the price of half selling and half giving is regarded as Yang Sheng's reward for his many years of hard work with Ji Rui, but Yang Sheng still refuses.

"Tongtong, you say it's selling, but look at your price. It's the price of cabbage! Besides, most of your shares are uncle's shares. If you are willing to sell them, I dare not take over and buy them. "

After all, Yang Sheng is not willing to take over the shares of Letong.

Otherwise, with his current wealth, it will be a matter of minutes to take back Letong's shares at the market price. Moreover, from a selfish and long-term point of view, it is a good thing for him to take back Yang's shares.

After all, Ji's family is growing stronger and stronger now. If one day, Ji's family and Yang's family turn against each other, if Ji's family wants to be unfavorable to Yang's family, it will be extremely unfavorable to Yang's family with Ji's strength and Yang's shares.

But Yang Sheng felt that if he bought the shares in Letong's hand, the last connection between Letong and Yang's family would be broken. This is something he did not want to see and could not accept. Similarly, it must be something that grandfather in heaven did not want to see.

"Brother, you should be very clear that it is a good thing for you to buy back the shares as soon as possible."

In addition to Yang Sheng, Letong is not greedy. For her, Ji's estate is enough. Letong doesn't want to see the two sons not only busy with Ji's business, but also distracted to take care of Yang's business.

Of course, if Yang Sheng really needs it, Le Tong will help without hesitation, but the reality is that since her niece Yang Liu brought her husband to work as a laborer, she has been playing around and enjoying her life.

Letong is a mother who protects her calf. She doesn't object to her niece's enjoyment of life, but only if she doesn't put her work on her two precious sons.

Yang Sheng of course also knows that his daughter is too much, "Tong Tong, I understand, Yang Liu that girl's matter, I will have a good chat with her. However, I talked with her several times, and she always said that she only got her freedom by pushing her husband into the fire pit. "

Speaking of his hedonistic daughter, Yang Sheng is not an ordinary headache.

"Brother, I think we all have to invite some professional managers back to liberate their younger generation!"

Letong is not an antique. She and Ji Rui have made this suggestion several times in front of Dabao and Xiaobao, but the two brothers have rejected it.

"Well, if we want to have grandchildren early, it's really urgent!"

The two brothers and sisters who have been promoted to elders originally talked about shares, and then they talked about the issue of Sun Tzu.

Letong has always liked children, so it's understandable to say such words, but Yang Sheng, a big man who used to be afraid of children, has gradually entered middle age and, like President Ji, is eager to see a new extension of his life.

Le Tong and Ji Rui, Yang Sheng and Chu ran once sat together to discuss the issue of providing for the aged in the future. Originally, they were all legendary figures in the business world. They said that when their grandchildren were born, they would retire and stay at home to amuse them.

Of course, dabaoniuniu, the two young people who are most expected to have a baby as soon as possible, have no idea that their parents and uncle have secretly discussed their future for countless times, even their future children's future

Therefore, when parents, for their children, there will always be endless heart.


The next day, Niuniu and Tian Fang returned to the company together.

This is Niuniu's second time to go back to Xinying entertainment. This time, she fulfilled her promise and invited several younger martial brothers and sisters, together with all the people in the company, to have dinner with a total of more than 20 people.

In addition to several younger martial brothers, younger martial sisters and their assistants, Niuniu met for the first time. Other colleagues, including record producer and producer, Niuniu met for the first time.

However, it's the first time that she meets these people, but these colleagues are very familiar with her. After all, Sihan is the future super star of the company, and it's hard for everyone not to be familiar with her.

Because she is a new person in the company, people are very enthusiastic about her. Regardless of whether she has made any achievements now, anyway, it's always right to hold her thigh first.

As a result, this meal was not easy for Niu Niu.

During the dinner, the company's colleagues came to propose a toast to Niu Niu in turn. Even though Niu Niu still used alcohol allergy as a pretext, she could not escape without drinking wine and substituting tea or drink for wine.

Tian Fang once tried to help her block these toasts, but Niu Niu didn't want to give people a bad impression and insisted on drinking a cup of tea.

So, after a meal, the table was full of delicious food. Niu Niu didn't care to eat a few mouthfuls, but drank a lot of drinks.

After paying the bill and returning to the company, Niuniu and Tian Fang enter the conference room with record producer Ning Yi and producer Jia Hao.

Several people had introduced themselves before the meal, but during the dinner, because Niuniu had to deal with the toast of other colleagues, even sitting beside Ning Yi and Jiahao, they didn't have much chance to communicate.

Ningyi and Jiahao are about the same age. They both look in their early 30s. Ningyi is a school of artists, fashionable and tasteful. Compared with Ningyi, Jiahao is a bit slovenly.