Cute Baby wanted circular: The Heavenly Priced Pretty Escape Wife

Chapter 896

"Then you should take good care of yourself. It's not cost-effective to make yourself tired and sick." Niuniu said politely.

Originally, she didn't know him very well, and they didn't see each other for several months, so they didn't have much in common.

However, her politeness may not be heard by the other party.

"Sihan, do you have time tonight? We haven't seen each other for a long time. Will you come out for dinner tonight?"

Niu Niu is still wondering why he called him. After listening to his explanation, she understood.

"Tonight?" Niu Niu hesitated.

She didn't have anything to do tonight, but when the video happened, she thought she had better stay at home until sister Fang and her brother solved the video.

Fang Kai probably recognized her hesitation. "It's not necessarily tonight. I just came back from shooting location. I have time this week. Would you like to fix a time for us to cooperate with you?"

Niuniu knows herself very well. No matter in front of sun Dao or Fang Kai, she is a little shrimp. How can she make the big brands wait.

"Fangkai, you are so busy. How can I disturb your schedule? How about this? You and sun Dao will have dinner tonight. I'll invite you two when I'm free in a few days, OK? "

Fang Kai, who was silent for a while, suddenly asked, "Sihan, are you still angry with me last time?"

Niu Niu's brain immediately short circuit up, how also can't find Fang Kai said that about angry thing.

"Brother Fang Kai, you misunderstood me. I've never been angry with you!"

This little girl is telling the truth. Fang Kai's refusal to invite her to dinner has long been forgotten by her.

Fang Kai didn't believe it. "In fact, I didn't mean to refuse you that time. It's just that I got along with you for a few months. Even if I'm not an excellent friend, I'm still a friend, right? You have to invite me to dinner for such a trifle. It's very strange, isn't it? "

When Fang Kai mentioned this, Niuniu remembered that during the location shooting of the movie "spring", she really asked for leave and bothered Fang Kai to work overtime with her to do the trick ahead of time. She once said she wanted to invite him to dinner, but he refused.

At that time, she should also be a little embarrassed, but she later asked sister Fang to give a gift to Fang Kai. Later, she was so forgetful that she forgot it in a few days.

Therefore, to say that she is still angry is really making a mountain out of a molehill.

But after such a long time, I can't say it clearly through the phone. What's more, Niu Niu also realized that Fang Kai couldn't get away with this meal. In this case, it's always better to take the initiative in her own hands.

"Brother Fong Kai, I don't blame you for that. Besides, I've forgotten for so long. We are working so hard in filming. After filming all day, we just want to go home and lie down, go out for dinner or something. When can't we? Otherwise, I'll have time the day after tomorrow. I'll treat you to dinner with sun Dao. I just want to ask you something. "

Niuniu, in fact, has nothing to ask these two celebrities. However, she has to be famous for everything, and these two Buddhas are not really waiting for her meal.

"The day after tomorrow? OK, the day after tomorrow. The place is up to you. " Fang Kai's goal is to invite Sihan to have dinner. Since the goal has been achieved, the details are no longer elaborate.

On the way home, Niuniu tells Tian Fang about the appointment of sun Dao and Fang Kai for dinner the day after tomorrow. Tian Fang turns to look at her in surprise, "Yo? When did my Niuniu become so sophisticated, she even knew the relationship between inviting famous directors and big brands to invite dinner? "

Obviously, Tian Fang really overestimated Niu.


Niuniu feels that she is quite unjust. She has never been angry with Fang Kai before, but she is considered to be angry by the other party. She has been angry for several months. How careful is it that people can always remember such small things?

Niu Niu roughly tells Tian Fang about Fang Kai's call to her. Tian Fang's relaxed face, which used to smile, becomes dignified.

"Niuniu, have you ever had such a thing with Fang Kai before?"

Niu Niu was wronged. She twisted her eyebrows and looked at Tian Fang. "Sister Fang, he and I haven't had anything to do."

Tian Fang looks at Niu Niu thoughtfully. She can't help saying in her heart that this girl is really slow in some way!

Niuniu, of course, is not dull, but her keen sense of emotion is only open to her family and Ji Dabao. For people she doesn't care about, she is like a mobile phone with WiFi turned off, completely unable to receive signals unrelated to the outside world.

Of course, you can say that she is slow, but for her, it is a hundred things, no interference, no invasion, it is easy and convenient.

And such a girl, Dabao also saved a lot of worry.

"I know, there's nothing between you and him. I just made a slip of the tongue."

Tian Fang comforts the little girl, but she is thinking that Fang Kai should report this matter to master Ji in advance. Otherwise, what's the matter? If you don't report it, it's a capital crime!

"Sister Fang, do you have any good places to recommend?"

Tian fangbai gave her a look. "Speaking of food, where do I have your family's food?"

"Yes, sister Fang. Do you know what sun Dao and Fang Kai like to eat?"

Tian Fang thought about it, but couldn't find any relevant information.

"I'll call ah Chao later to ask."

"Well, remember to come with me the day after tomorrow." Although Niu Niu didn't receive the special signal from Fang Kai, she had excellent consciousness of self-protection.

Tian Fang is still trying to find out how to ask the master to eat together. Of course, the surface is to eat together. In fact, it's for master Ji to look at his baby. "I remember something delicious and funny!"

Let's turn over the story of Fang Kai.

"Have you talked with my brother all afternoon and come up with a solution?"

"Well, we'll take care of it. You don't worry."

After one afternoon's discussion, Dabao and Tian Fang have reached a complete agreement.

The video will not be deleted, but it will find a pusher to make a series of benign operations behind it to control the initiative of the whole event in its own hands.

In addition, Dabao has come forward to say hello to the person in charge of the major websites to prevent Niu Niu's background from being dug too deeply and prevent things from developing in a bad direction.

On the other hand, Dabao has already negotiated with the person in charge of the restaurant, and the other party readily handed over all the videos related to Dabao and Niuniu in the store last night to Dabao, and signed an agreement to cooperate with Dabao, not to make any response and take the opportunity to publicize or hype this matter.

In this way, this is a disaster in Niuniu's eyes, and it became her first step.