Cute Baby wanted circular: The Heavenly Priced Pretty Escape Wife

Chapter 895

Dabao points to open major websites. Sure enough, as Tian Fang said, in several well-known websites, Niuniu's performance videos occupy the top three positions.

This time, the situation is a bit similar to that of the last time when the video of the Mid Autumn Festival party was spread wildly, but last time, there was a pusher behind it to operate purposefully. This time, Dabao felt vaguely that it was different from the last time from the fact that most of the audience's comments and forwarding groups were music enthusiasts.

There is nothing in the video that can't flow out, which makes him a little relieved. And let him have a little concern is that the song is exclusive to him, but it was put on the Internet by others, but even if he cares, he can only reluctantly accept this fact.

"What's your opinion?" Dabao now has no specific treatment, decided to listen to Tian Fang's opinions.

Although he has a brain much smarter than ordinary people, he is not necessarily more useful than experience. Therefore, he is also good at listening to the opinions of others when it is critical.

"The girl wants to delete the video, but I think it will be an excellent opportunity to make proper use of and lead the direction of public opinion. I have to say that the girl is born to eat this line of people, her audience margin is really not generally good. December "spring" began to enter the publicity period, new year's day, we just use this video to stir up the popularity of the girl. When it comes to film promotion, her popularity will certainly be faster than expected. "

Dabao carefully brush all kinds of comments and deep content, while listening to Tian Fang carefully analyze.

"Sun's films are basically full of fire, and the acting skills of the girl are definitely the most praiseworthy among the newcomers. Therefore, I think this video event can be used as the first step, and the fashion show next month is the second step. By the time of spring, the girl has achieved perfect triple jumps, reaching a new height one at a time, It will be a height that ordinary newcomers can't reach, and where this height will go, even my senior agent, can't predict. "

Tian Fang talks endlessly to the microphone. Now she is boiling with blood. She envisions that the baby artist she is holding will become a super star within a few months of her debut. Her sense of pride and achievement will arise spontaneously.

"Well, it's not urgent. I'll see the situation. Are you with Niuniu now? You take her back to school first. She has classes in the afternoon. After that, you come to my office

Dabao in brush a lot of comments and posts, and after listening to Tian Fang's professional analysis, the heart vaguely has a way to deal with.

Tian Fang knows that Ji Yu has been convinced by himself. She is secretly happy. She hangs up the phone and starts the car while turning to Niu Niu.

"Niuniu, I'll send you back to school first, and then I'll go to your brother's side to discuss the treatment."

"My brother didn't scold you, did he?" Niu Niu's concern is obviously biased.

Tian Fang shook his head with a smile, "Yu Shao is not a monster, not as terrible as you said! Don't worry. If he dares to scold me, I will seek refuge from you! "

Although Tian Fang said so, Niuniu went back to school and saw Tian Fang driving away, so she called Dabao.

Of course, in addition to pleading for Tian Fang, she has to apologize.

"I'm sorry, brother. I promised to play that song for you alone, but now it's spread to all major websites."

Niu Niu sat down in the pavilion in front of the teaching building, while talking on the phone, she took out the iPad in her schoolbag and brushed the website. However, for more than an hour, the topic of "connotative beauty Xueba's domineering performance" has climbed to the second place in the microblog hot list.

"Fool, even if people all over the world can see and hear it, it's still my song. It's also the one you specially played for me, isn't it?"

Dabao on the other side of the phone, I don't know if he really figured it out or just said something nice to comfort Niuniu.

"That's right. Well, forget it. Anyway, you don't mind. It's my fault. Don't scold sister Fang later. It has nothing to do with her. "

"I asked Tian Fang to come here not to scold her, but to discuss with her how to deal with it. Don't worry. It's not a bad thing. You don't have to blame yourself. "

With Dabao's repeated assurance, Niuniu went to class at ease.

In the middle of class, the mobile phone that was put in the drawer and specially adjusted to vibrate "dada" vibrated.

Although Niu Niu is sitting at the back of the classroom, she carefully takes out her mobile phone and takes a look at the call. She finds that it's a strange number. Niu Niu is hesitating to answer it. The old professor on the platform coughs and reminds her, "today's class is the key. Please listen to the class carefully. Otherwise, don't blame me for failing."

Although the professor is not specifically aimed at Niu Niu, she still refuses to listen.

She lived to this age, social circle has always been relatively fixed, a little better relationship with classmates or friends, including the crew, she will put the number and name in the address book.

And Tian Fang, also reminded her, strange phone, try not to answer. So, despite listening to the phone call, she didn't pay attention to it and didn't have the idea to pull it back.

And after that person hit once, he didn't call again. Until she finished all the courses and stood at the appointed place waiting for Tian Fang to pick her up, the phone rang again.

This time, the caller ID is Fang Kai's assistant super brother.

Niuniu is puzzled that she and Fang Kai are not very familiar. It's been several months since the film was finished, and they haven't contacted each other once. As for Chao Ge, the relationship is naturally more distant.

I wonder. After the phone rang four or five times, she got through.

"Hello, brother Chao?"

The other side was silent for a moment, and then came a low, slightly hoarse voice, "no, it's me."

Niu Niu was even more puzzled. Although the voice was a little familiar, she couldn't remember who it was.

"Well, excuse me, are you?"

This time, the person on the other side of the microphone was silent for a longer time. When Niu Niu doubted whether the other party had hung up, a light cough came from the microphone. Then, the man spoke again.

"I'm Fang Kai."

Niuniu then vaguely put his voice on the number, "Hello, brother Fang Kai, what's wrong with the voice? Have you caught a cold? "

Because his voice was lower than usual, Niuniu couldn't recognize his voice.

"No, it's just that I've been filming all night, so my voice is broken."

I don't know if it's an illusion. Niuniu thinks Fang Kai's voice sounds much warmer than just now.