Cute Baby wanted circular: The Heavenly Priced Pretty Escape Wife

Chapter 887

The other four looked at Xiaobao in unison, "what type do you like?" Letong put her hand on the table and looked at the proud young master of her home with great interest.

She is really curious about the vision of this young master whose brain circuit is totally different from that of ordinary people.

After a round of gobbling up, the young master's hunger for food began to decline obviously. He raised his handsome face and thought about it seriously for a few seconds. Then he showed a very distressed appearance.

"I don't know exactly. Anyway, I don't have any feelings about that little girl."

The four people's faces were obviously dissatisfied. Dabao said directly, "Xiaobao, are you too perfunctory?"

Xiaobao glared back at him, "then tell me, when you don't find that you like your sister, are you clear about the type you like?"

Dabao looked at Niuniu with a smile. "You know, it's your sister's type."

Xiaobao threw a disdainful white eye at him and turned to look at his father. "Daddy, before you met Mommy, did you really like the same type as mommy?"

Ji Rui takes a look at Letong. Without waiting for him to speak, Letong raises her hand and says, "well, I'll answer this question for your father! Xiaobao, what you said is just the opposite. The type your father really likes should be the opposite of mine. "

President Ji was so said by his wife. Of course, he refused to admit his death. He came over and rubbed his lips on her face. He said gently, "who said that? I never said it's not your type that I like, right

Le Tong gently pushed him away, "I have a voice in this matter than you. At that time, everything you did was aimed at me. You can convict me if you catch a trifle. Don't tell me that it's your intention to attract my attention?"

Ji Rui naturally understands that Letong is talking about his suspicious behavior during the period after their first * relationship, but it really happened.

"Wife, you have to believe me, it's just a beautiful misunderstanding..."

Of course, Letong doesn't mean to turn over the old things. There is always a process from strangers to acquaintances, and then from acquaintances to deep friendship. It's not wrong to say that it's a beautiful misunderstanding.

"In fact, it's hard to generalize what type it is. I think, as long as you feel right, it's the person!"

Niuniu, as a person in love, actually has a say.

Xiaobao nodded again and again, "yes, my sister is right. As long as I feel right, it's the person. Anyway, now I haven't seen a person who has feelings, that is to say, that person is not the person I am right about!"

Several people didn't ask Xiaobao what kind of food he liked, but they knew that the kind of sweetheart is not a young master's dish.

As for the crux of Niuniu's depression, after dinner, Letong takes advantage of Niuniu's piano practice and tactfully conveys it to Dabao. After hearing this, Dabao has a face full of tears and smiles.

"That wench, also want too much?"

Yue Tong patted him on the shoulder. "She thinks like this, which shows that she cares about you. It's normal for her to have such worries and worries. After all, she's getting in touch with more and more people, and there must be a lot of negative phenomena around her. As for how to make her feel at ease and at ease, that's your boyfriend's business. "

Dabao while taking a bath, while thinking about how to show their feelings with the little girl.

Dabao spent nearly half an hour in the bathroom. When he came out, he was resourceful when dealing with official business, but he didn't find a feasible plan.

Push open the door of the bathroom, but unexpectedly see that the protagonist who has troubled him for a long time, is lying on his bed reading, wearing shorts showing two long white legs, swaying around there, straight swaying him dazzled, nostril fever.

This smelly girl, since she knows that he is just the age of blood, don't be so unguarded in front of him, and even shake around in front of him with some funny meaning!


In my heart, the bath towel that I used to wipe my hair came out of my hand and flew out like a flying carpet. It was just covering the girl's long white legs and concave convex curve on her back.

Niu Niu, who was successfully attacked by the bath towel, was obviously scared. She sat up and looked at Dabao with her eyes wide open. The panic in her eyes just disappeared. She breathed a long breath, "brother... You almost scared me to death!"

Dabao sat down on the edge of the bed, hit her fart hard and said, "I scared you to death? I'm lucky you didn't scare me to death. "

Niu Niu blinked innocently, "I scared you to death? I didn't do anything

In order to prove her innocence, Niu Niu raised her book and said, "you see, I only have this book. I don't even have a decent weapon. How can I scare you?"

"Niuniu, didn't I tell you that? To me, you are the most destructive weapon

A person, because of love, has a weakness.

And Niuniu is the most fatal weakness for Dabao.

Niu Niu was stunned for a moment. She immediately bumped her head into his chest, and the top of her head made a few hard drills on his chest. Then she looked up at him seriously, "eh? Didn't you say I was the most destructive weapon? Aren't you still fine? "

Where doesn't Dabao know that this girl is pretending to be stupid?

He broke off the bathrobe on his chest, pointed to the position of his heart, and said seriously, "fool, some weapons cause flesh and blood injuries to the body, but some weapons are sad. And you are the latter. "

Dabao said, holding the back of the girl's head with one hand, pulling her close to her chest, and then pressing her face against her heart.

"Do you want to see how much I hurt here?"

Niu Niu's face was tightly attached to his elastic chest.

I don't know if it's because he's been in the bath too long. His skin is very hot. I don't know if the bath makes the heart more active. Even through the thick and strong chest muscle, Niu Niu can still hear his heart beating rapidly.

"Can you see it?" Dabao's voice became vague in Niuniu's ears.

"Well..." and her answer became vague. Dabao was wondering. Suddenly, his hot chest felt the warm and wet feeling of greasy and sliding gently.

Dabao's brain exploded. He looked down and saw that the girl who was not afraid of death was licking his chest with her lips.

Dabao was shocked. "Girl, are you looking for death?"

Reaching out to pull people up, Niuniu raised her flushed face and said in a slightly trembling voice, "brother, shall we do it?"