Cute Baby wanted circular: The Heavenly Priced Pretty Escape Wife

Chapter 886

The conversation between Letong and Niuniu really relieved Niuniu a lot. The shadow scared by those posts and replies in her heart was wiped out by Letong's words.

After they finished cutting the flowers, they walked back to the house with their shoulders crossed and laughing. Sitting on the sofa, Dabao was busy. Seeing that the haze between the girl's eyebrows had gone, they could not help but secretly give mommy a thumbs up.

Letong has to pick on her son's eyebrows and cast a wink: don't worry, with Mommy, I promise you will have no worries.

Dabao laughs clearly, puts down his laptop and runs to give him the two most important and favorite women in his life.

Letong did not refuse either. On the contrary, she pointed to the sofa and said with a smile, "honey, you have to be gallant. Mommy is very happy, but can you stop mommy from sitting on the sofa and enjoy the full set of VIP services?"

Dabao and Niuniu are both amused by Letong. They walk into the living room and wait for her to sit down. They sit on both sides of the armrest and pinch her shoulders and arms.

Mother and son laughed and said for a while, Niuniu suddenly swept the shelf and asked, "Mommy, is Xiaobao working overtime again?"

The two sons of the Ji family really love their parents very much. Since these two young people joined the Ji family, they have been basically shouldered by the brothers for the hard work of working overtime on business.

Mention this, happy!

"Niuniu, your brother has gone to find your daughter-in-law!"

Niu Niu was stunned. She didn't react until a few seconds later.

"Mommy, did you say Xiao Bao went on a date?"

Letong was very happy with a smile. "Yes, there is a lovely little girl among the recent group of work study students from Ji's family. Today, she took the initiative to invite Xiaobao to dinner. Your father and I thought that the little girl had to be shut up, but Xiaobao actually nodded and agreed."

Xiaobao is more than one year younger than Niuniu. Up to now, she is not 18 years old. However, according to his intelligence quotient, emotional quotient and financial ability, it is no problem to fall in love.

As parents, Letong and Ji Rui do not oppose or advocate this. Anyway, they take a wait-and-see attitude.

It's Niuniu. I'm really surprised.

"Work study students, college students? Isn't that a big piece of treasure? "

Niuniu doesn't object to other people's sister brother love, but her own brother, she subconsciously felt that she should find the best one. I'm too old. I'm like Fang Jie. I'm often manipulative. I feel disharmonious when I think about the picture.

"It's not college students. Haven't we always cooperated with the welfare home? Recently, some of their first year vocational high school students worked as work students in the department below us. It seems that Xiaobao is just 16 years old. She is very beautiful, has a sweet mouth, and is diligent. She happens to work in Xiaobao's department. I guess she likes each other

Letong said with a smile, Niuniu couldn't help but be happy for Xiaobao.

"Brother, have you seen that little girl?"

Dabao shook his head. "I'm different from Xiaobao. I don't care much."

Letong patted Niuniu's hand, "Niuniu, don't worry, your brother only has you in his eyes, and other girls can't get into his eyes."

Dabao also didn't care about her mother's teasing. She raised her eyebrows and teased her in turn“ My father seems to have a lot of women in his eyes

Being ridiculed by her son, Letong suddenly sighs, "Alas... Speaking, your father and son are all lovers."

"Well, I met the right person!" Dabao said, throwing a wink at Niuniu through Letong.

Niuniu lowers her head shyly, but Letong doesn't seem to notice her children's small actions. Maybe Dabao's words remind her of something, or the children's kneading skills are really good, which makes her close her eyes and lean back on the back of the sofa.

Because Xiaobao went on a date by himself, everyone naturally didn't wait for him. As soon as aunt Guan's meal was ready, they all cooked around the table.

In the middle of the meal, she suddenly heard the door ring. Niu Niu thought it was big black or big gray. She got up and went out to have a look. When she came out of the dining room, she saw Xiao Bao taking off her coat.

"Xiaobao, why did you come back so early? Didn't you go on a date?"

Even though the relationship between Niuniu and Dabao is mostly brother sister, she still knows that when she goes out on a date, there must be a lot of afterlife programs after dinner. Eating is just a prefix. Shopping, watching movies, singing at KTV and so on are the center of dating.

"I'll talk about it later. I'm starving!"

Xiaobao felt his stomach and trotted across Niuniu to the dining room. He looked really hungry. After saying hello to his parents and brother in a hurry, he rushed to the dining table, reached for a piece of chicken and threw it into his mouth.

Seeing this, Niu Niu rushed to the kitchen to get the dishes and chopsticks, and a piece of sterilized wet towel came out.

"Xiao Bao, wipe your hands first." Niuniu hands over the wet towel. The hungry young master takes the chopsticks and eats. He only hands Niuniu his free left paw.

Niuniu doesn't seem to have any problem. She just pinches his hand and wipes his left hand with a wet towel. The young master grabs a chicken leg with his left hand and extends his right paw to Niuniu.

Niu Niu still didn't say anything and helped him clean his right hand seriously.

"Tut Tut, the young master is still young. I need my sister to help me wipe my hands."

As a matter of fact, Niu Niu has done a lot to help Xiao Bao wipe her hands and face. In the past two or three years, Xiaobao went to the capital to study, and the time for her brother and sister to meet was less and less. This kind of picture appeared less and less in Ji's dining room.

But now, this kind of long lost picture appears again. Ji's parents, including Dabao, who is the elder brother, all look as if they have seen nothing strange, eating their own dinner at ease.

Finally, Niuniu even helped Xiaobao wipe the greasy corners of her mouth, and then she sat down to eat.

"Xiaobao, just now Mommy happily announced that you had gone to find my brother and daughter-in-law for Niuniu and me. Why did you come back so early? Like a hungry ghost? "

Xiaobao snored and drank half a bowl of soup, and his stomach problem was temporarily relieved. Then he put down the bowl and glared at Letong, "Mommy, are you missing your daughter-in-law? You can urge me to do something about my brother and sister. Don't do anything about me. I'm only seventeen! "

Xiaobao said so, Letong realized, perhaps, he is really misunderstood what?

But in the afternoon, she looked at her son nodding his head and agreed to the little girl's invitation.

Xiao Bao glanced at her again and saw all her doubts.

"Mommy, that little girl is younger than me, and her face is as thin as a piece of paper. When she invited me to dinner, she blushed and bled. If I refuse her on the spot, I'm afraid she can't see it!"

Well, son, that's a reasonable reason. However, she was still very curious, "she's like that, don't you like it?"

Xiaobao shook his head without thinking, "I don't like it! It's not my type at all