Cute Baby wanted circular: The Heavenly Priced Pretty Escape Wife

Chapter 877

Tian Fang doesn't think much about it, but Sihan doesn't agree with her guess. However, she doesn't tell Tian Fang what she thinks, because she's not sure if her intuition is right.

In the evening, Sihan mentions it to Dabao.

Although she has always respected Tian Fang as a sister, she knows very well that some things can't be told to Tian Fang, but can be told to her brother or family.

Dabao hugged her and frowned slightly from the angle she couldn't see.

The man's intuition told him that there was something wrong with Fang Kai.

"Girl, you'd better ask sun Dao to tell him about it. If you don't think it's good, let your sister Fang solve it. She should have arranged for the trip."

Although Dabao can vaguely guess the possibility of Fangkai's backwardness, it is a guess after all. Moreover, Fangkai didn't directly express anything to Niuniu, and even deliberately alienated her, which shows that he is actually a very rational and self-conscious person.

He knows what he can do and what he shouldn't even think about.

Niuniu knows that her brother's proposal is the most convenient way, and also knows that this matter is really Tian Fang's responsibility.

But she doesn't want to trouble Tian Fang to solve the problem. She often tells her family that she is not a child, but if she even has to ask others to help solve this small matter, then she always says that when she grows up, she can deal with her own affairs. Isn't that empty talk?

"Brother, it's up to me to tell him. I don't think he should hate me so much. If I have offended him carelessly, I should apologize to him. If it is a misunderstanding, I should explain it in time. "

Dabao gazed at her little face full of longing, and he could not say what he refused.

"Idiot!" Dabao really didn't know what to do with her, so he had to wring her face to vent his depression.

But can't tell her: fool, you didn't offend him! When you go to see him tomorrow, maybe he won't make trouble again, but directly tell you that he likes you!

Niu Niu rubbed her face against his hand. "I know I'm a bit stupid, but don't you mean I'll learn from a cut? Some things, always let me try, just know how to do, even if it is wrong, also know where the wrong, and then there is a direction to correct

In terms of eloquence, Niuniu naturally can't catch up with Dabao, but her words make Dabao speechless.

He had to admit that she was right.

Even if Fang Kai really likes her, it's up to her to solve it. With her condition, it's normal for someone to like her?

He can't expect that everyone who likes her just has a secret love and never puts it into action. Naturally, he can't be around her 24 hours a day to drive away these secret lovers. Then, the most fundamental way is to let her learn to refuse.

He knew that Fang Kai would never be the last man she refused, so why not let him be the first man she openly refused?

"Well, tell him about it yourself. We won't interfere. You can send me a message after you adjust your schedule, and I'll ask the Secretary to rearrange the schedule."

The next day, Niuniu specially called Xianghua hotel in advance to order dozens of breakfast. In addition, she called Chaoge and prepared some breakfast for Fang Kai according to the information provided by Chaoge.

The crew had delicious food to warm their stomachs early in the morning. Naturally, they were very happy. Even director Sun, who was most concerned about the progress of shooting, took the initiative to ask everyone to eat before starting work when he saw so many delicious food.

Sihan carries the two copies of Fang Kai and sun Dao. Just as they are sitting at the same table, Sihan walks over early with the order placed according to their taste.

"Sun Dao, brother Fang Kai, this is yours!"

Not only Fang Kai, but also director Sun looked at her in surprise, "ah? We're not the same? "

"Well, let's see if it tastes good."

When they opened the food box, sun Daoyi saw the breakfast in it and immediately said with a smile, "girl, you are so thoughtful. It's all I like to eat."

Said, even chopsticks also did not take, directly with the hands of a shrimp dumplings into the mouth.

And Fang Kai, first surprised, then took a deep look at Sihan with unpredictable eyes.

Naturally, every kind of breakfast in front of him was what he liked to eat, but he didn't wait to eat as much as sun did.

Instead, he looked at her quietly for a while, then leaned back on the back of the chair, raised his chin slightly, looked at her thoughtfully and said, "what's the matter with so many delicious things for me? Let's just say it! "

Sihan is slightly stunned. She plans to wait for him to finish his breakfast.

"Don't worry, brother Fang Kai. You can eat the breakfast while it's hot. It's not delicious when it's cold."

Then he politely took the chopsticks and thrust them into Fang Kai's hand.

Fang Kai looked at her indifferently and sat still.

"If you have something to say, I have to see if your request is worth the money."

Fang Kai's words are embarrassing to Sihan. When sun Dao, who was eating happily beside him, heard his words, he couldn't help kicking him under the table, "Hey, stinky boy, how do you talk? The girl specially bought breakfast and invited us to eat. What are you talking about? "

Sihan answered quickly and calmly, "Sun Dao, it's OK. Brother Fang Kai is joking with me! You also eat quickly, cold bad for the stomach

Sun daoman gave Fang Kai a warning look, and then he lowered his head to eat his delicious breakfast.

"Brother Fong Kai, you can talk to me while you eat. As for the meal I owe you, you can see when it's convenient. I'll wait for you at any time."

Sihan talks about it, but Fang Kai doesn't want to carry it any more. He puts a Shaomai in his mouth.

Sihan saw that he was finally willing to open his mouth to eat, and he didn't talk nonsense any more, so he went straight to the topic.

"Brother Fang Kai, I want to take ten days off next month, but the ten days' plays are basically my opponent's and yours. I thought, anyway, it's location play, and we can't go home. Let's see if we can advance all the ten days' plays, and we can work overtime to finish those plays in advance?"

Fang Kai quietly eating breakfast, and did not immediately reply to her, it seems, is considering.

And Sihan, of course, is not easy to urge him, so she can only sit and wait for his reply.

Only after eating most of the breakfast did Fang Kai look up at Sihan and ask, "is that why you invited me to dinner?"

Sihan smiles sheepishly, nods honestly and says, "HMM..."

"Well, since guide sun has promised, if I don't, I will be a bad man? Thank you for breakfast today, but no dinner! "