Cute Baby wanted circular: The Heavenly Priced Pretty Escape Wife

Chapter 876

Fang Kai sat in the lounge, looking at the handsome face in the mirror, but he never hated it as much as he did now.

Although he was born in a poor family, he lived above the clouds for a long time after he became famous. He was used to being looked up to, worshipped and adored by others. He had not experienced the feeling of being amorous for a long time.

Can be such a seemingly unfamiliar little girl, but really let him taste a long time no, self amorous taste.

He can't deny that when Sihan hands the milk to him, he just deliberately embarrasses her. If she doesn't move next, he will definitely take the box of milk, because, in fact, he can't see her sad.

He couldn't deny it. When he heard that she wanted to invite him to dinner, he was so overjoyed that he almost forgot who he was.

He also thought that whether it was to give him milk or invite him to dinner, it was a signal that she was taking the initiative to show him kindness.

Therefore, even though he has been telling himself these days not to offend her, Fang Kai can't offend a young lady with such background and experience. But when he received her signal, the high wall he worked hard to build was like a shoddy bean curd project, which easily collapsed with a push.

He is ready to open his mind to face her and accept her.

But did not expect, everything, is not what he thought of the show!

And it's just that he's being sentimental!

Meanwhile, Sihan is looking for Fang Kai everywhere on the set. She has to fix the time so that she can call her brother first to explain why and ask for a leave.

Finally, he caught the figure of Fang Kai's assistant, ran to him and pulled him, "brother Chao, where's Fang Kai?"

Brother Chao was also in a hurry. Fang Kai suddenly lost his nerve and shut himself in the lounge. His assistant knocked on the door several times, begging and coaxing, but the elder brother just ignored him.

Brother Chao knows that his master is eccentric and doesn't want to harm the little girl.

"What do you want to see Kago? I advise you to another day? "

Sihan asked, "how? He called off early and left? "

It's impossible. I seldom see Fang Kai driving. Basically, the assistant drives him. Now the assistant is still there, so he should be on the set.

Chao Ge has a good impression of Sihan, so he doesn't want to lie to her. He looks around and lowers his voice to her ear and says, "Kaige is not in a good mood. Just shut himself up in the lounge. You'd better not provoke him. If you have something to do, you can call him at night or you can see him tomorrow if you're not in a hurry."

Originally, brother Chao wanted to tell me what you have to do, and I'll pass it on to him at that time. But thinking about Fang Kai's temper, he decided to be wise.

Sihan says thank you to Chaoge. Standing in the same place, she thinks for a while, but without listening to Chaoge's advice, she goes to the rest room.

She is an acute person and doesn't like to leave things alone, so even though Chao Ge has warned her clearly, she doesn't hesitate to knock on the door of Fang Kai's special lounge.

"Brother Fang Kai, it's me, Sihan."

Fang Kai's eccentric temper is well known by the crew, but his eccentricity does not mean that he plays a big card or often loses his temper to people for no reason.

However, when he is active, he can get along with everyone very well, but when he is silent, it is common for him not to take the initiative to talk to others all day. Therefore, everyone follows his mood, and even sun Dao seldom asks him for anything. Because, no matter he is active or silent outside the camera, he is definitely a dedicated actor in front of the camera.

Today's Fang Kai is obviously in the period of silence. Sihan knocks on the door and reports to her family, but there is no response.

Sihan knocks a few more times. After reporting to her family again, she stands outside for a while, but there is still no movement inside.

Sihan thinks about it, takes out the phone and taps a simple message.

Where would you like to have dinner tonight? I'm going to make a reservation now. By Sihan

The message was sent out for several minutes, and the mobile phone in hand was still.

Sihan sent another message in the past: brother Fang Kai, you can contact me when it's convenient. You can decide the time and place, I'll do it! By Sihan

After the message is sent out, Sihan has no hope of meeting Fang Kai for dinner today. She takes a look at the closed door and turns to leave.

After a few steps, the mobile phone shakes in her heart. Sihan takes it up and opens it. The sender of the message is Fang Kai, who has lost hope.

Point to open a look, but only three simple words: no! By Fang Kai

Sihan looked at this short but no turning room information, some inexplicable, and some strange.

She didn't understand. When Ming Ming told him in the afternoon, he was in a good mood. Although he didn't say where to eat, he basically promised her.

But his current tone is a real refusal, leaving no room for maneuver.

Does Fang Kai's bad mood have something to do with himself?

Did you offend him? Otherwise, how can you change your mind when you agree?

But she admitted that after she mentioned it to him, she didn't have much contact with him this afternoon. She didn't even have a chance to offend him.

"What's the matter, girl?"

Tian Fang saw his little girl to find Fang Kai back, then fell into a state of meditation, can't help but worry.

"Nothing!" Sihan quickly denies.

She said it's OK. Naturally Tian Fang didn't believe it. She glanced at Sihan holding the cup in both hands.

"Don't you go to Fang Kai and ask him where to eat tonight? Has it been decided? " Zhihao just called to say that she's going to work overtime tonight. Just in time, she's going to have dinner with Sihan.

"No, he said no!" Sihan is very frank with Tian Fang, and directly reports Fang Kai's Three Character Classic back to Tian Fang.

Tian Fang seems to feel incredible, a face surprised to ask, "he told you not to go?"

Fang Kai is not familiar with Tian Fang.

Although most people think that he is eccentric, in Tian Fang's opinion, it is probably a common fault of professional actors. Occasionally, he is too involved in the play and is not willing to have deep communication with others.

But apart from this, Fang Kai is actually a very tactful and sophisticated person. Otherwise, in this circle of talented people, he has no background to speak of. Relying on his acting skills and the support of director Sun, he will never be able to get to this position.

"Almost, brother Chao said he was in a bad mood and hid in the lounge. I went to find him, but he ignored me. I sent a message asking about dinner, and he replied that I couldn't go."

Tian Fang didn't hear anything unusual. "Maybe it's because of the disagreement with sun Dao. You'll ask him tomorrow."