Cute Baby wanted circular: The Heavenly Priced Pretty Escape Wife

Chapter 849

It took Niuniu a week to read the play two or three times. After consulting her family, she finally decided to take over the play.

It's tentatively scheduled to start shooting after the year, that is to say, Niuniu still has two or three months to prepare.

Mr. Mai also signed a endorsement contract with Niuniu, and his work will start next spring.

As a freshman, Niuniu's curriculum is not tight, or even very easy. But in addition to her study, she also has a lot of bodyguard training classes to attend. Teacher fan's violin class is still held once a week, and teacher Tan's performance class is two nights a week, totally four classes. Therefore, although the work of film and endorsement has not started yet, Niu Niu's time has been basically fully arranged.

Dabao and her parents frowned when they saw the schedule she handed them.

"Girl, can you stand such intensity?"

Niuniu nodded firmly, and the three said more.

However, the next day Dabao bought back a bunch of protective equipment such as kneepads and wristbands. Le Tongshun came back with a large bag of nourishing herbs, ready to make some soup for her daughter, and Ji Rui directly handed Niuniu a VIP card for recuperation and health care in a senior club.

Niu Niu is grateful for her family's silent support. She doesn't say it, but she cheers herself up secretly. She must try her best to make a name for herself and never let her family lose face and disappointment.

The course of the bodyguard training class started in mid November. In advance, the instructor had given Niuniu a preventive injection, saying that the instructor was very strict with the trainees, and the training process was very hard.

On Niuniu's first day of training, Dabao personally drove her to the training site. Dabao wanted to stay and watch, but she coaxed her away on the ground that she didn't engage in specialization.

It happened that on a rainy day, the instructor was in the muddy playground and braved the heavy rain to teach some of the most basic fighting moves. Among the dozens of students, there were about one tenth of the female students. Before the training, the instructor repeatedly stressed that men and women were treated equally here. If they thought they couldn't do it, they would roll. No one could enjoy the specialization.

On the first day of training, Niu Niu became a clay doll in the rain.

There was a bathhouse in the training ground, but Niuniu didn't bring any change of clothes. After training, she had to wash the mud under the shower head. So when Dabao came to pick her up, she saw that she was wet and waiting for him in the corridor in front of the bathhouse.

Dabao took a few uncontrollable puffs from the corner of his eyes. His baby sisters are all little princesses in clean and tidy clothes. What's the ghost of this slovenly little wretch with wet hair, wet and wrinkled clothes and dripping water?

In my heart, I was so distressed that I scolded the instructor his mother. However, I pulled a thin blanket from the back seat in a hurry, got out of the car nervously, ran to the slovenly, covered her head with a blanket, and covered her from top to bottom.

"Ji Sihan, you're not going to die, are you? It's November. Just staying outside can freeze people into ice. You're so wet that you look like a ghost. Can't you even take care of yourself for such a big person? "

Dabao was angry, angry and distressed. He was humming, but he gently wrapped her from head to body with a blanket, then half hugged and half pushed her into the car.

"Bang" to close the door vigorously, huffing to turn the heating to the maximum gear, and then glared at the little girl who showed innocent big eyes from the blanket.

"You'd better have nothing to do, or you'll give me a week's rest at home, and you're not allowed to go anywhere."

Niu Niu, who had no chance to explain all the time, blinked and looked at him pitifully. She said softly, "I'm ok. Everyone is the same as me. I'm not the only one..."

The angry Dabao's chest heaved sharply. "It's someone else. They're forced by life. It's just you. You're the one who has to suffer!"

My heart aches so much that even my lungs are squeezed crooked. How much I can say.

Niu Niu knew she was wrong, so she didn't argue. She just looked at him pitifully with her shining eyes.

Dabao drove the car away from the training base with a black face. "Watch for yourself, see where there is a clothing store, and buy a suit of clothes to change quickly!"

Niuniu answered obediently. When she turned her head, her nose itched badly. She couldn't help sneezing loudly.

Dabao was flustered. Just now he had a poker face. He frowned and looked around anxiously. "I'd better see where there is a hospital. I'll send you to the hospital directly."

Usually a very smart person, but easy to be a little girl a few "sneeze" confused mind.

Niu Niu, the culprit, rubbed her sour nose with the back of her hand. "Brother, I'm ok. It's the fur of the blanket that stimulates my nose that makes me sneeze. I don't have to go to the hospital."

The little girl didn't lie. Her body has been great since she was a child. She seldom patronizes her with common diseases such as cold and fever. Of course, it has a lot to do with the care of the Ji family.

Dabao glanced at her suspiciously. "Isn't it really a cold?"

Niuniu stretched out a paw from the blanket, slightly propped up, and put her paw on Dabao's taut face.

"You see, my hands are not ice at all!"

Dabao felt it carefully for a while. He put his hand on her paw and gently pinched it to make sure that her paw was really soft and warm. Then he put down his mind and gave up the idea of taking her to the hospital.

Fortunately, although the training base is located in the suburbs, the surrounding living facilities are also perfect. After driving for a few minutes, you can see a long row of clothing stores.

Dabao stops the car in the front of a shop, urges Niuniu to get out of the car, goes in and ignores the guide's greeting, and directly takes a set of warm and comfortable clothes to Niuniu. Even underwear, he did not avoid to do it all by himself. Niu Niu knew that he was in a terrible weather today. Although her face was burning, she did not dare to have any opinions. She pretended not to see the shopping guide's ambiguous eyes and entered the dressing room with a big red face and a large number of clothes picked out by Dabao.

Back at home, Letong and Jirui listen to Dabao angrily say it again, but also scold Niuniu a few words.

Niuniu bowed her head to admit her mistake and promised that she would take good care of herself in the future. Nothing like this would happen again. Letong and Ji Rui let her go.

Dabao was angry, but after entering the room, he told his parents about it in a few words. Then he went to get a thermometer and took the temperature of the little girl to make sure that her temperature was normal and there was no sign of fever. Then he urged her to take a bath.