Cute Baby wanted circular: The Heavenly Priced Pretty Escape Wife

Chapter 848

On the way back, Letong and his children are sitting in the back seat. While they are chatting, Dabao asks, "this director Sun is recognized as a talented director in the directing circle. I haven't seen his films. It's said that he has a good reputation. Niuniu, have you seen them?"

Niuniu nodded, "I've seen two or three movies. In fact, two years ago, he directed that movie. He asked sister Ziwen to find me, but I didn't promise."

After Niu Niu rejected sun Dao, she didn't mean to hide it. She just didn't think that there would be any intersection with sun Dao and there would be no follow-up, so she didn't want to mention it.

Now, by the way, I don't have any special thoughts or bad feelings in my heart.

Dabao didn't know that she had read the script and had some ideological struggle at that time. She only thought that she had rejected sun's request on the spot, so she didn't take it to heart.

Informed Le Tong takes a look at Niu Niu, but she doesn't say anything.

"Really, then go back and find two to accompany me?"

Dabao wants to make sure whether director Sun is used to using emotion as a gimmick or directly using scale plot as a gimmick.

So, after returning home and taking a bath, Niuniu climbs up to Dabao's bed with a doll pillow she recently gave to her.

Dabao has searched a bunch of films directed by sun. Niuniu points to one of them and says, "look at the fire. It's very good. It's Fang Kai's famous work."

Dabao used to stare at the big screen with the remote control. After listening to her words, he turned his head and gave her a meaningful look. Then, it seems that the doll in her arms is very eye-catching, one hand pulled the doll, one hand raised, threw the doll into a corner of the room.

"You already have me. What else do you want with these craps?"

How can Niuniu not understand Dabao's pun?

With open arms, he hugged the jealous man in his arms and put his chin on his strong shoulder. "Yes, I've got the most handsome guy in the country. Other things are really optional!"

Dabao was a little more satisfied. He held the man in his arms with his backhand.

"You watch it with me!"

Niu Niu went into his arms, looked up at him and said with a smile, "you watch the movie, I watch you!"

Dabao knows that she is comforting his "injured" heart. However, to be honest, her action is very helpful to him.

"If you stare at me like this for more than five minutes, I promise you'll get goose bumps all over the place. Come on, get up and watch with me

Dabao rubbed her head hard, then pulled people up, and they found a comfortable place to sit.

In the 90 minute movie, they didn't talk much, and they were deeply attracted by the plot. Niuniu watched this film for the second time, but this time, she was much more shocked than the first time.

There are many questions about human nature and survival in the film. She didn't understand them when she was young before, but now she does!

As a result, she was more involved in watching the film, and was more moved by the tough and unyielding spirit of Xiaoqiang.

"This director Sun really deserves his reputation. He really has some strength. The film has a strong appeal, a compact plot and a very good handling of the tension of the characters."

Even though he didn't like to see Fang Kai, Dabao gave a very objective evaluation of the film.

Niuniu is very smart, and the topic is all about the content of the film. She never mentioned Fang Kai, which makes Dabao funny and sweet.

"Girl, did anyone tell you that you are more and more intelligent?"

Dabao praised her and bowed his head to kiss her face as a reward.

"Yes? In fact, I'm also a smart person, but I'm a little bit late to get started? "

Niuniu rubbed her fingers in his arms and scratched Dabao's armpit.

Dabao is not afraid of itching, but the little girl is.

He treated her in the same way as he did, and he paid her back in the same way as she did with himself.

They roll together on the bed, making a scene from the head of the bed to the end of the bed. I don't know who is holding the remote control, and the big screen is fixed on the screen of the end.

The story in the film is over, and the attentive performance of those handsome and beautiful women in it is over. However, the pair of lovers on the bed are destined to never end in each other's lives. For each other, their stories will never be painted with the word "the end".


However, even if Dabao agrees with sun's talent and ability, he still suggests Niuniu read the script carefully before deciding whether to take the film.

After all, this is Niu Niu's first shot into the film world. No matter Dabao or Ji Rui and his wife, or even Niu Niu, they all hope that this shot can be loud and beautiful.

Niuniu's intention to develop in the performing arts circle spread to Mr. Ji in a few days. The old man came to Ji's house and talked to Mr. and Mrs. Ji Rui with reason and emotion. In the end, he was convinced by the two younger generations in turn. Therefore, his opposition was completely silenced before it reached Niuniu's ears.

Niuniu is also sensible. When she went back to the mansion to have dinner with him on Saturday, she told him about it by the way. Ji Rui, who had been pacified by Ji Rui and his wife, naturally didn't say anything against him. She only told her to be careful in everything and to hide and tuck in anything that couldn't be solved.

Niuniu listened obediently and nodded her head.

As for Yang Sheng's side, naturally there will be no objection. Yang Liu's sister and brother even smile and ask Niu Niu to send them a truck of signature photos, so that they can sell money after she is popular!

Niuniu's life focus has shifted again.

And her this decision, also solemnly told en normal teacher. Although Miss Fan felt sorry, she respected her choice.

Niu Niu is still thinking about whether to accept sun's play. However, she contacted Mr. Tan, who taught her acting before, and visited her twice in person. She finally got Mr. Tan's understanding and agreed to take her back as a student and continue to teach her acting lessons.

In addition, Niu Niu also asked the martial arts instructor of her former brother and sister to sign up for a very famous bodyguard training class in r city. This training class is famous all over the country for its devil like training. Many people from other cities and even provinces are attracted by it. It's really not easy for ordinary people to get a training place.

Dabao only thought that Niuniu reported the training class for the play directed by sun, because the female owner was a female agent with excellent skills.

He appreciated her professionalism, but felt that she didn't have to suffer from such inhuman pain for the sake of not many fighting scenes inside, just a few fighting scenes inside.

Besides, hasn't she decided to take the play yet?

"Brother, I didn't just attend this training class for the sake of this play. I'm for my own personal safety. I know you will always protect me, but no matter how powerful a bodyguard is, it's impossible to protect me 24 hours a day. If I have the ability to protect myself, you can rest assured!"