Cute Baby wanted circular: The Heavenly Priced Pretty Escape Wife

Chapter 832

Niu Niu's career as a work study student in Ji's family is not optimistic about by Dabao, but she is becoming more and more proficient and better day by day.

Miss Lei, who used to be biased, now treats her differently. And whenever other people ask her unkindly, when the taste of the prince female boss is not very good, she really smiles and nods and says, well, it's very good!

Miss Lei is in her thirties. She has been wallowing in the workplace for more than ten years. She has seen too many fresh college graduates who can't make it. There are many interns who can't do hard work and don't want to do it.

And Sihan, Mingming is still a high school graduate, the degree of superior family is amazing. But it happened that she was such a spoiled young lady, but she never had a second word when she worked. No matter what she was asked to do, as long as she understood, she always acted neatly and never complained bitterly.

"Miss Lei, my sister didn't embarrass you, did she?"

In fact, Niu Niu's performance this week is in her eyes. She just wants to hear the voice of approval from Miss Lei.

"General manager, don't you know it? Sihan's performance is remarkable. It's a pity that she will go to school after the summer vacation. Otherwise, I hope she will help me all the time. Compared with the two assistants I got from the personnel department two months earlier, they are much more useful. "

Dabao was really busy before, and even miss Lei's workload increased greatly. Therefore, for some time, Dabao asked the personnel department to temporarily transfer two assistants to help Miss Lei.

However, two assistants, Miss Lei, were not satisfied. In the end, she simply returned them to the personnel department and worked overtime every day.

"It's OK for her to be an assistant. For others, it's probably just a matter of reluctance."

After a week's observation, Dabao recognized that Niuniu really had no business brain.

"General manager, you and Huan Shao are geniuses, but Sihan is not! So don't measure her by your standards. After graduating from high school, you have taken charge of acquiring a broken company and developing it into a new rich man in the network world. According to everyone's opinion, you are the God in the altar, and Sihan is the normal high school graduate, OK

Miss Lei said a fair word, and at the same time, she secretly calculated the psychological shadow area of Sihan, an ordinary person who grew up among smart people.

Dabao didn't explain anything for himself. The real idea in his heart doesn't need the understanding and support of Miss Lei.

In the twinkling of an eye, at the end of June, the scores of the college entrance examination and the admission scores of major colleges and universities were announced one after another. Niu Niu's score was more than 30 points higher than that of r university. Although the score was similar to her expectation, she was still very happy. She took her card with the endorsement fee and yelled to invite everyone out to dinner.

Xiaobao also happens to have a holiday these days. Originally, he intended to stay in Beijing to help Yang Sheng. He didn't come back until early August, but when he knew Niu Niu's achievements, he flew back that day.

When Niuniu raises her card and yells at her to invite her to dinner, Xiaobao is the first to come out against it.

"Sister, you have worked so hard to get such a good result. Naturally, we invite you to dinner. How can you treat you to dinner? Daddy and Mommy, are you right? "

Letong nodded, "Xiaobao is right. Let's treat Niuniu to a meal. Finally, Niuniu will treat us to a meal. Is that ok?"

Letong's proposal was immediately unanimously approved by several members of the family. The family picked up Mr. Ji and went out to have a happy meal together. After dinner, Xiaobao proposed to go to KTV to sing. Letong said, "you young people go to play. My father and I will send my grandfather back. If it's too late, we'll open a few Suites in the hotel, so we don't have to run around on both sides."

The brothers and sisters nodded and agreed to move to the KTV next to the restaurant. On the way, Dabao called Yin Zhihao and Ren weiqi, Xiaobao also called two high school buddies, and Niuniu called Du Xin and Guo Yuhang.

More than half an hour later, the friends and classmates of the three brothers and sisters came one after another, and the KTV room was bustling.

Zhihao, the first one, watched Niuniu grow up from a little kid in kindergarten to a beautiful girl now. He knew each other very well. When he stuffed the gift into Niuniu's arms, he couldn't help reaching out and trying to pinch her face.

Dabao, who knew his intention at a glance, quickly pulled Niuniu behind him to protect her.

"Zhihao, Niuniu has grown up and can't be pinched any more."

Zhihao continues to try to squeeze Niuniu's face with a smile, "it's someone else. I'm like you, brother!"

Dabao mercilessly kicked in the past, "go away, you, you can never be the same as me!"

Zhihao bent over to touch his calf, pointed at Dabao and jumped onto the sofa to sit down.

Xiao Bao leaned over and kindly reminded him, "brother Zhihao, you can ask my brother to borrow money or ask my brother to be a coolie for you, but don't give my sister any advice!"

Zhihao's face was blank. "Oh, Xiaobao, what are you talking about? I just want to squeeze Niuniu's face. How can I make up her mind? Besides, Niuniu is almost 18 years old. Even if I want to chase her, you can't control Dabao, can you? "

Xiao Bao has seen a fool, but he has never seen a fool so stupid that he can't help it. Anyway, he did his best to remind the personnel. In order to avoid bringing disaster to the fish, he was safer to stay away from the fool.

"Yin Zhihao, do you dare to chase Niuniu?"

Dabao's insipid voice was echoed by a wireless microphone that was like a flying object in the sky.

Fortunately, Yin Zhihao's skill is good and quick to respond. When he realized that something was wrong, he flashed and the microphone hit the wall.

"Dabao, you want to murder me, don't you?" Yin Zhihao picked up the microphone and threw it back at Dabao, but with a smile on his face, which means that he was not angry. After all, they often make fun of each other.

More than ten years of brotherhood, naturally, can not be broken by any microphone.

Dabao didn't flash, raised his hand to catch the microphone accurately, "anyway, you remember what I said, anything else can, Niu Niu's business, you don't even think about it."

Xiaobao kicks Yin Zhihao and winks at him desperately. Zhihao quickly raises his hand and surrenders, "OK, I see. Uncle is so fierce, who dares to hit your baby sister?"

At this time, Yin Zhihao didn't think about it in any other direction. Anyway, Dabao was controlled by his sister, and he already knew about it more than ten years ago.

Here, when Yin Zhihao finished, the door of the private room rang. Then, the door was pushed open, and everyone looked at it, but they couldn't see who was coming, only a bunch of red roses!