Cute Baby wanted circular: The Heavenly Priced Pretty Escape Wife

Chapter 831

On the morning of her first day at work, Niuniu helped Miss Lei type a number of documents. Midway through, she helped Miss Lei send a document to the president's office.

"Are you still used to it?"

Ji Rui takes over the document and looks at Niu Niu with a loving smile.


Niu Niu sees Ji Rui shrug his shoulders and wriggle. She quickly walks up behind him and beats him gently. She starts to nag.

"Did you forget to eat the liquid calcium mom bought last time, daddy?"

Ji Rui "Keke" coughed twice, "forget these two days, I'll eat in a moment, darling, don't tell your mommy!"

Niuniu stops, walks to the locker behind Ji Rui, pulls it open, takes a bottle of pills out of it, pours a cup of warm water, and takes two pills with water to Ji Rui.

"Oh, now

Ji Rui takes a look at the pill, "actually..."

"If you don't eat, I'll tell mommy now!" Niuniu didn't give him too much leeway, handed him her hand, the threat was very obvious.

Ji Rui took the pill with a wry smile, "your mom makes a big deal, and you believe it.", The mouth says so, but it is to force the yinwei of Niu Niu to pounce the pill into the mouth.

Niuniu watched him take the pills with her own eyes, and then she said, "Mommy is right. You are nearly 50 years old. If you don't pay attention to maintenance, you are easy to get old."

Ji Rui is speechless!

Although his appearance is similar to that of his uncle in his thirties, his physical function is not as energetic as when he was young.

Ten years ago, sitting in front of a computer and working in the morning, he would never feel tired. But now, if the posture of typing in front of a computer lasts for more than an hour, his shoulders and cervical spine will feel sore.

Niuniu took Ji Rui's cup and poured him a glass of water.

"Daddy, you and Mommy should be good all the time!"

Ever since she saw her grandfather die, Niu Niu has been very concerned about her parents and grandfather's health. Usually, Letong watches health programs, and she occasionally accompanies them.

Ji Rui was shocked by the sadness in her eyes. Touching her head, he nodded and said, "I'll eat on time in the future. Don't worry, your mother and I are still waiting for our grandson!"

If we say that before today, he did have a perfunctory and fluke mentality, that disease and aging will not come to him too early. Now, he is determined to keep fit according to Letong's regimen.

Although no one can avoid the day of aging and frailty, he still wants to appear as young and healthy as possible in front of his wife and children for a long time.

See small wench bite lip not to make a sound, know that she is definitely to think of old master's business again. Close the papers on the desk, stand up and pat her on the shoulder.

"Come on, daddy, take you out to dinner."

Niuniu answered him in a low voice, "well, I'll call my brother and ask him to wait at the front desk?"


A family of four walks into the chain restaurant opposite to Ji's building, which has been expanded into a whole floor. Zi Ke is already familiar with them, so he greets them from a distance and takes them into Yajian.

"Your brother Dabao didn't bully you, did he?"

As soon as she sat down, Letong asked Niuniu.

Dabao rolled his eyes. "Mommy, do you think I'm so bad in your mind?"

Letong laughs twice. She picks up the cup and sips the tea leisurely. She is too lazy to answer her son's question.

It is said that the son is better than the father, but in the Ji family, the son is better than the mother. Dabao didn't say it, but he didn't want Niuniu to work as a student in Ji's school, but Letong knew it.

Niuniu looks at Dabao, shakes her head with a smile and says, "Mommy, my brother is really not that bad!"

As for being harassed by her immediate superior by taking advantage of her position, Niu Niu is too thin skinned to mention it in front of her parents.

"Are you tired? Your brother is very busy and has a lot of daily chores. Thanks to Xiao Lei's ability, otherwise, your brother will have to add another secretary. "

Since the death of the old master of the Yang family, Letong and Ji Rui have stayed in the capital for a long time to help Yang Sheng straighten out Yang's affairs. Ji's burden has basically shifted to Dabao.

Until Niuniu's college entrance examination, Yang's rectification was finally over, and Letong and Ji Rui completely returned to Ji.

"My work is not difficult chores, so I'm not tired. My brother is really tired."

It's not the first time Niuniu has seen Dabao's work, but she is still shocked by the mountain of papers on his desk.

"Yes, your brother is really tired recently. When you release the list, you two can go out on vacation together."

Although the son is capable, but when the mother will be distressed.

Niuniu doesn't mind, but she is still used to focusing on Dabao's wishes. She turns her head and looks at Dabao who is noncommittal.

Dabao took her hand and squeezed it two times. "We'll talk about it then. There's a new proposal over there. At least I have to finish this proposal before I can take a vacation."

"Then wait until the proposal is approved. Anyway, freshmen start school late. You accompany Niuniu to go out for a walk before Niuniu starts school."

About the vacation, it's settled.

After lunch, back to the company, Dabao asked Niuniu if she wanted to go to his lounge to sleep for a while.

Seeing that Miss Lei was still busy sorting out the documents, Niu Niu shook her head and refused Dabao's kindness.

"Sister Rong, what can I do for you?"

Dabao saw this and said nothing more. He went directly into the office and continued to be busy with the work at hand.

Miss Lei, who has been working with Niuniu for a whole morning, gradually put down her prejudice and handed her a large stack of documents.

"Then you should send these documents to the vice president according to the Department marked by the prefix of the documents, the bottom two copies, and wait for her to sign and bring them back to the general manager."

Niuniu came into the elevator with a large stack of documents in her arms. Then the Department secretaries who took over the documents from Niuniu's hands almost looked the same as Miss Lei when she met Niuniu in the early morning.

But Niuniu didn't seem to see other people's flattered expression. She introduced herself with a modest and sweet smile. "Hello, sister. I'm Ji Sihan, assistant secretary of general manager Ji's office. Just call me Sihan."

Some of the new male employees who don't know who Sihan is are eager to find out who she is after she leaves.

"Wow, nice and on time beauty, is she a new comer? Who has her phone number? "

"Get out of here, go to the bathroom and look at your face in a mirror."

Miss Bai, the Secretary holding the document, glanced at the young man who was not in the situation at all. "Sihan is the crown daughter of Ji's family. Is it up to you? I can't afford it

The prince and daughter who caused the uproar and onlookers, however, unwittingly put a lot of documents in her arms and sent them to each department one by one.