Cute Baby wanted circular: The Heavenly Priced Pretty Escape Wife

Chapter 819

"Sister, this way, OK or not, I will give you an accurate answer on the 15th. I'm very sorry for the delay."

The little girl is a sincere person. Knowing that others are not her, she didn't take advantage of the fire to raise her value. Instead, she gave an exact date from the other party's point of view.

"All right, I'll wait for your call." Zhang Ziwen knows that Niuniu looks gentle and easy to pinch, but she is really a very independent girl. It's hard to persuade her if she is so determined.

Niu Niu breathed a sigh of relief, hung up the phone, carefully flashed into the inner room, for fear of waking Xiao Bao who was sleeping snoring.

She quietly put the chopsticks into the kitchen, washed them, opened the refrigerator and saw that there were some fresh mangoes in it. She neatly made two mango milkshakes, put one in the refrigerator and took one out by herself.

Xiao Bao turned over. Maybe the air conditioner was a little low. When he fell asleep, he felt cold and curled up slightly.

Niuniu put down her milkshake, climbed into the locker and took a thin quilt to cover him. He sat down not far away from him, with his back against the sofa, his computer on his lap, his milkshake in one hand and his web page in the other.

Automatic online button button has a picture flashing, Niuniu point to open a look, it is the high school students who have a little interest in Xiaobao.

Thriving: is Sihan here?

Tian Xin: Well, just now.

Xinxinrong: do you want to go swimming tomorrow?

Sihan remembers that the last time a large group of people went out with Xiaobao, Xiaobao mentioned his love of swimming in front of her classmates. Unexpectedly, Xinxin remembered.

Tian Xin: I'm going to class tomorrow. I probably don't have time.

Xiaobao has made it clear that she is not interested in comparing with his older girls, so she will not force Xiaobao to get together with her classmates.

Xinxinrong: OK... I'll see if other students have time, or when you go swimming. You can ask me to go together!

Xinxin's attempt is very obvious, she is drunk, not in the wine, but in Xiaobao. Because, Niuniu knows, she can't swim at all.

Tian Xin: Well, if we go, we'll call you. However, most of us swim at home.

It's not that Niuniu wants to show off that she has private swimming at home, but that she wants to break Xinxin's hopeless hope.

Xinxin completely did not respond, soon, the head will be dark down.

Niuniu doesn't care much about it. She's not a fool. Naturally, she won't make her baby brother suffer in order to please her classmates.

Niuniu set the button to be invisible, and then searched a lot of reports about sun Dao and Fang Kai.

Originally, she thought Fang Kai was so popular and good at acting. She was at least 267 years old. According to the encyclopedia, he was only 21 years old, one year younger than Dabao.

Niu Niu was curious to look at his profile. She found out that he was born in a poor family. After graduating from junior high school, he dropped out of school because of his poor family. It was also his luck to follow his cousin to work as a construction worker in the city. After working as a construction worker for more than half a year, he was favored by the director Sun, and quickly became popular because of his role as the hero of the fire. After that, he retreated bravely, After being secretly sent abroad by director Sun to study acting with a famous teacher for two years, Fang Kai, who came back only 18 years old, has become an old playwright. After that, he became very popular. With the development of song, film and television, he has become one of the few most popular fried chicken in the mainland.

After reading Fang Kai's Encyclopedia, Niu Niu feels like she has seen a youth inspirational drama, full of positive energy.

I can't help but be curious. Can a woman really play normally when she plays with such a handsome guy who wants acting skills, appearance and temperament?

Probably, many girls will be crazy about such a handsome guy, right?

Of course, she was the exception.

Because there are so many handsome guys around her.

Domineering CEO, familiar male type has Daddy and uncle, sunshine handsome career has formed Dabao brother, yuppie charm type has Xiaobao brother.

Since childhood, she has lived in the pile of handsome men, and her immunity to handsome men is not generally high.

After reading Fang Kai's and sun Dao's gossip, Niu Niu started a famous website. She wanted to see some interesting news, but she just started it. The pop-up headlines startled her.

[the first big family in the capital, Yang's drama, officially opened]

"Xiaobao Xiaobao..." Niuniu puts her feet on Xiaobao, who is full of naive sleep.

"Well?" Xiao Bao snorted with a heavy nasal voice, but he lay still.

"Xiao Bao, get up and see if it's true?"

Niu Niu couldn't help it. She bent over and grabbed the clothes on his shoulder and pulled hard.

Xiaobao finally reluctantly opened his eyes, slowly sat up and wiped his sleepy eyes with the back of her hand. Niuniu had already handed the computer to him, "Xiaobao, look!"

Xiaobao frowned slightly. For a while, his lax eyes focused on the screen.

"Oh..." Xiaobao glanced at the title on the screen, spit out a word noncommittally, then pushed the computer away, grabbed his hair with one hand and stood up with the other.

Niuniu is very anxious. What does "Oh..." mean?

Anxiously, she ran behind Xiaobao with her computer.

"Brother, do you have a word to say, is it true or false?"

Xiaobao has been working for his uncle in Beijing for more than half a year. He didn't go home immediately after the summer vacation, so he stayed with his uncle to help. So, Niuniu thinks Xiaobao must know about it.

Xiaobao didn't say a word. She scratched her head all the way to the washroom and suddenly stopped. Niuniu couldn't hold her feet for a moment and hit his hard back.

"Eh!" Niuniu touched her nose.

"I'll tell you after I brush my teeth and wash my face!"

Xiao Bao, who was very angry when he got up, finally made it clear. He strode into the washroom and closed the door.

Only when Niu Niu ran back to the living room with her computer in her hand did she remember to read the report.

According to the detailed report, it is said that the old master of the Yang family is over 100 years old and has already given up on the young family. Yang Sheng, who was supposed to be in charge of the old master's son's generation, is in charge of the Yang family. Therefore, several brothers and sisters of the son's generation joined hands at the board meeting this morning to ask Yang Sheng to hand over the power, Because of this, he became ill. At this time, he was still in the emergency room. Life and death are still unknown

Originally, Niu Niu was very calm when she read the previous report, because she didn't know much about the fight for money and power, so she couldn't feel it. But when she saw that the old master of the Yang family was angry and sick, she was not calm at all!