Cute Baby wanted circular: The Heavenly Priced Pretty Escape Wife

Chapter 818

Letong tells Ji Rui about Niuniu's sudden attention to a movie star. After discussing with Ji Rui, the couple agree that it's better to hold still for a while before Niuniu shows no abnormal performance.

Niuniu is almost sixteen years old. She is no longer the little girl who carries a small schoolbag around her parents and brother all day. As a parent, she should be given enough space to think and choose.

They didn't tell Dabao about it either. First, Dabao was really busy recently. Second, they were afraid that Dabao would overreact and make some drastic behavior, which would make Niuniu make an incorrect decision.

Niuniu didn't notice the difference between her parents. In addition, Xiaobao came back these days, so her attention shifted from the script to Xiaobao.

Sister and brother go out to play ball games and ride a bike to climb the mountain together. Occasionally, Xiaobao asks his high school classmates to play together, and Niuniu goes with them. Anyway, Xiaobao's classmates are generally in their early twenties, about the same age as Dabao. Niuniu gets along well with them and is familiar with them.

When Niuniu and her current high school classmates go out to play together, Xiaobao will occasionally follow. Although he is young, no one dares to treat him as a younger brother, two girls who are better with Niuniu, and even ask Niuniu whether Xiaobao has a girlfriend in private.

About Xiaobao's girlfriend, Niuniu has never seen her.

"Xiaobao, do you have a girlfriend now?"

In private, Niuniu asks very frankly. Anyway, she and Xiaobao have long been used to speaking directly to each other. If they beat around the Bush, they might be rewarded by Xiaobao.

"No!" Xiao Bao's answer was equally straightforward.

"Why? My brother is so handsome that he doesn't like it? " Niu Niu looks sorry.


Xiaobao finally gave her a big white eye, "sister, have you forgotten? I'm only 15 years old. All my classmates are in their early twenties. I'm not sister control! "

Niuniu suddenly realized, "right! How could I forget about it? Don't you have the same age netizens to look up to? "

Niuniu knows that Xiaobao's team plays games, and there are many beautiful Lori in the team.

"Naive, don't like it!" Xiaobao seems to think that her sister's words are boring. She takes out her computer and lowers her head to play the game.

Niuniu originally wanted to help her two good friends lead the red line and let Xiaobao have a deep friendship with them. Listening to him speak so clearly, she didn't dare to make her own decision. She vomited her tongue and leaned over Xiaobao's shoulder to watch him play games.

As a result, Ji Rui and Letong come back from work for several days. They often see their sister and brother playing games together or reading books together. The pictures are very harmonious and pleasant.

"It seems that Niuniu didn't pay attention to other people's invitation, did she?" Yue Tong, who is gradually relieved, says this to Ji Rui.

Ji Rui's idea is similar to that of Le Tong. Moreover, the message from sun Dao is also the meaning that the female leader hasn't decided yet.

But Zhang Ziwen's side, is urged by sun Dao to have a big head, has no way, has to harden the scalp to call Niu Niu.

To be honest, she doesn't want to call Sihan during the holiday. Because all the people in the Ji family are smart masters, and Zhang Ziwen can't beat any of them, let alone a nest.

Looking for Sihan during the holiday is just like risking poking a beehive. At any time, you may face the Crusade and censure of the Ji family.

When Niuniu's phone rings, she and Xiaobao are sitting on the floor playing scissors, stone and cloth. The reason why they play such a childish game is that Aunt Guan cooks noodles for her sister and brother and then goes out to buy vegetables. After they are full, no one is willing to wash the dishes. Finally, it's easy to use the most primitive childish game to decide who does the dishes.

Niuniu's ring tone is a piece of violin music she played, so it's very easy to recognize.

"Sister, you call."

Niu Niu, who was distracted, lost 2-3 in the end. She angrily climbed over and picked up the phone. When she saw the call, she glanced at Xiao Bao with a guilty eye. She quickly got up and took her mobile phone out of the balcony to get through.

Xiaobao thought it was Dabao's brother who called back. He turned his lips and snorted, "dog abuse again!", With that, she glanced at Niu Niu's back, stretched out and lay on the ground with her hands on the back of her head and closed her eyes for a nap.

Niuniu carefully closed the balcony door, and then she got through the phone uneasily, "Hello, sister Ziwen..."

The sound is very low. Mingming's sound insulation is very good. After the door is closed, the balcony can't be heard in the inner room. However, the guilty Niuniu still looks at the inner room with her eyes. When she sees Xiaobao lying happily on the carpet, her heart drops slightly.

"Sihan, have you finished reading the script?" Zhang Ziwen asked quite tactfully.

Niuniu is also smart. She has finished her first time in the morning and the second time yesterday, but she says, "sister Ziwen, I'm sorry, I'm busy participating in training these days, so I just read the script a little bit. Don't you mean I can wait until the beginning of school to reply?"

When Niu Niu said that, Zhang Ziwen was naturally embarrassed to ask her whether she would answer or not.

"Oh, is that so? When will you be able to finish watching it? Although director Sun said that he would wait until before the beginning of school, he also wanted to put it on the screen as soon as possible

Although Niu Niu likes the script very much, she still hasn't made up her mind to accept it. After listening to Zi Wen's words, she feels that she has delayed other people's work and progress. She can't help feeling guilty.

"I'm sorry, sister Ziwen. Why don't you look for someone else first, I'm going to... "

Zhang Ziwen on the other side of the phone wants to palm his mouth. How can he bring the words to this end? Doesn't it just give her an excuse to shirk and refuse?

"Oh, Sihan, don't think so. It's true that sun Dao wants to put it on the screen as soon as possible, but you are his favorite candidate. He is willing to wait a little longer. Don't worry. Take your time." Zhang Ziwen interrupted her in a hurry, trying to lead the direction of the conversation back to the right path.

But Niu Niu is stubborn.

"Forget it, I'd better not take it. I'm a student. If the shooting conflicts with the course in the future, I have to ask you to cooperate with me. It's too much trouble. "

Niu Niu set herself up and thought about it for a while. She really felt that she was too shameful. How could sun Dao's whole shooting team be led by her nose by a little girl who had no name and no attention?

Zhang Ziwen's heart of committing suicide by biting his tongue is all there. "Oh, my little princess, since Sun Dao says he is willing to wait, you can let him wait. Take your time and think about it. Don't worry!"

Niu Niu was silent for a while, and finally gave a compromise for both sides.