Cute Baby wanted circular: The Heavenly Priced Pretty Escape Wife

Chapter 806

It is said that farewell is better than marriage, especially for Dabao and Niuniu.

They haven't seen each other for more than a week. They talk on the phone occasionally and are often interrupted by people or things on Dabao's side. This time Niuniu comes to visit the shift. Even if Dabao is busy, he wants to put aside his work and go out with the little girl.

But Niuniu refused Dabao's kindness, took out her backpack and showed Dabao all the books and exercises in it.

"Brother, I didn't come here to play. I came here to ask you to help me with my lessons. You're still busy with your work. I'm doing my homework and I'll ask you if I don't understand. How convenient it is! "

Dabao can't beat the little girl. They are tired of leaning on the sofa for a while. Dabao turns on the air conditioner, cushions the back of the little girl's head with a pillow and covers it with a thin quilt. "You sleep for a while, I'll wash the dishes."

The soft kiss fell on the little girl's eyes. When she heard the little girl humming lazily from her nostrils, Dabao touched her face with a smile in his eyes. Then he turned and put the chopsticks into the kitchen.

Although Niu Niu is not good at cooking, she, like Dabao Xiaobao, has been used to helping mummy when she is cooking since she was a child. Therefore, the kitchen is very clean at this time, and the used seasonings and utensils are placed in order as before. Dabao's job is to wash the dishes and chopsticks that she has just collected.

Living together for more than ten years, it's not uncommon for two people to eat and wash dishes together. But in such a place that only belongs to two people, it's like a couple, no, or it's like a husband and wife, cooking and eating together, and then one is tired and has a rest on the sofa, while the other is responsible for cleaning up the dishes, Obviously, it's just like the little couple in the happy family at 8:00.

Dabao happily washed the dishes and chopsticks, dried them and put them back in the cupboard. He opened the refrigerator to have a look. Sure enough, it was full of all kinds of food and fruits. It seems that the little girl came here to fatten him up.

It's a pity that she has only two days off. Even if she tries her best to feed him like a duck, it's impossible to fatten him up.

Dabao went out to have a look. The little girl on the sofa was sleeping very sweetly. Her eyes were closed and her mouth was slightly open. It seemed that she was really tired after running around this morning.

Dabao took out the Western reaction bought by the little girl, took out the melon meat with a spoon, put some ice into the blender and stirred it for a while, then a cup of watermelon sand ice came out.

So made two cups, a cup into the refrigerator, he took a cup out of the living room.

The only sofa in the living room was occupied by the little girl who was sleeping. Dabao went into the bedroom and dragged a simple folding stool out. He sat beside the little girl with an iPad, brushed the news for a while, and then looked at the sleeping little girl.

It was very quiet in the room. Dabao took a few mouthfuls of sand ice. The juice flowed through the straw and made a wheezing sound. The sleeping girl seemed to be disturbed by the subtle but clear sound. She moved her body slightly. Her eyebrows twisted slightly, and her mouth chewed. She murmured, "don't make a noise..."

Dabao held the straw in his mouth and stared at her deeply. He leaned over her lips and asked softly, "watermelon, sand and ice, do you want to taste it?"

Half awake girl's consciousness is actually a group of paste oar, Baji for a while, vaguely answered a voice "um..."

Dabao blinked. His dark eyes were full of interest and bad smile. He bit the straw and took a big mouthful of icy sand ice. When he put his cold lips on Niuniu's soft and slightly warm lips, the girl seemed to be frightened and suddenly opened her eyes.

After seeing Dabao, the panic in his eyes quickly faded and changed into a slight sulk, "Oh..."

She seemed to open her mouth to say something, but she gave Dabao a chance to take advantage of it. She pushed her tongue in and poured the cold and sweet flesh and sand ice into her mouth.

Dabao, of course, won't make a loss. After she put the sand ice into her mouth, she deeply kisses her lips. After letting her go, she looks at her, chewing the flesh and sand ice in her mouth with a confused sleepiness. The corner of her mouth looks at her with a smile, "how is it, does it taste good?"

Niuniu had been walking with her dear brother Dabao in the green willow whirling Park in her dream. The breeze swept her face and the birds chirped and danced on the branches above her head

Suddenly, the mouth was filled with cold sweet juice, fresh ice mixed with soft watermelon meat, a spirit, people will wake up.

When she is fully conscious, the sand ice in her mouth has been swallowed into her stomach. She meets Dabao's smiling eyes, nods and tries to sit up.


Niuniu nodded and tried to get the half drunk watermelon sand ice on the tea table.

Dabao took the cup first, but instead of handing it to her, she took a big mouthful of it, and her head approached again. The meaning in her eyes was very obvious, that is, I feed you!

Niu Niu licked her lips and subconsciously wanted to hide, but her big claw stuck firmly in her back, "brother..."

Without waiting for her to express any opinions, Dabao's cold lips had been pasted up again. With the last experience, Dabao easily put the sand ice in his mouth into the little girl's mouth.

The high temperature of perm rises all the way from the neck to the cheek. Niu Niu knows what ice and fire are.

At this time, her mouth is cold and cold, but her face is hot enough to fry raw eggs.

Dabao's eyes were full of smiles, and he didn't give her any chance to resist. He fed the sand ice in the cup into Niuniu's mouth one by one.

When Niuniu is forced to swallow most of the sand ice into her stomach, Dabao lets her go, takes the empty glass, and walks to the kitchen with long legs under the hot eyes of her trying to kill him.

In the blink of an eye, he came out with a glass of sand ice.

Niu Niu stares at the red sand ice in his hand and subconsciously goes into the deep sofa.

"Brother, I don't want to..."

The little girl is very fond of watermelon sand ice, but the way her brother fed her embarrasses her to the extreme. Fortunately, there are only two people here, he and her. Otherwise, if other people or family members see their intimate situation, she will probably hit the wall and make a decision on her own.

Dabaoshi ran to the sofa, moved her feet away with her hands, sat down, took a deep breath through the straw, swallowed it, and exhaled with great enjoyment.

"Hoo, cheer up!"

Niu Niu looked at his throat knot moving up and down, lost her mind. After a while, she came back to herself and asked foolishly, "how do you know I bought a watermelon?"

Dabao came to her and gave her a kiss on the lip. Then he bent his finger and tapped on her head. "Open the refrigerator and you'll see it, fool!"