Cute Baby wanted circular: The Heavenly Priced Pretty Escape Wife

Chapter 807

Dabao soon got rid of the sand and ice in the glass, quickly put the glass away, and came out to see Niuniu lazily lying on the sofa.

"Still sleeping?" Dabao asked with concern.

"No, I'll go to work with you."

Niuniu doesn't want her brother to be absent from work because of her arrival. Although she also wants her brother to have a good rest, the people of the Ji family are always very tolerant and can't put aside their work for fun.

Niuniu, carrying her schoolbag, obediently follows Dabao back to the office. The former Xiao Zhang, with great insight, specially brought in some fruit and juice, saying that she bought it for Miss Ji during her lunch break just now.

Niuniu politely said thank you. What else did Xiao Zhang want to say? Dabao handed over the documents in hand. "Miss Zhang, please translate these documents and give them to me before 5 pm."

Xiao Zhang accepted the document submissively, flipped it casually, and his face changed. He put the document in his arms with a sad face and turned to leave quickly.

Niuniu's eyes were very sharp. Looking at the door of the office closed, she began to gossip, "brother, that elder sister is very kind to me. Why do you give her shoes?"

Dabao stares at her. "Tut, I don't know who just knocked over the vinegar jar all over the room. How can a glass of juice buy you off?"

Niu Niu glared back at him, "brother, one thing comes to one thing, sister Xiao Zhang comes to sister Xiao Zhang, it has nothing to do with that woman."

Dabao took a piece of waste paper from his hand, squeezed it into a ball, glanced at it, and threw it in her face. "You're so stupid. Do you think I'm a random plant? She and the distribution manager just now are best friends. Originally, I didn't make an appointment with that woman today. She suddenly called to say that she had some special circumstances to report, so I would let her in. "

Dabao has always been very planned. He works in an orderly and efficient way. If it's not an emergency, he will not disturb his own work plan. Xiao Zhang, who has worked under him for several months, can't help but let that woman into his office without knowing his habits.

However, the work that the woman reported to Dabao was just an ordinary trivial matter. At that time, Dabao was already impatient and dissatisfied when he heard her report. With a little brain, he could figure out what the woman was doing.

Originally, when Dabao approached his opposite sex colleagues or subordinates with ulterior motives for various reasons, he would imply or make it clear that he was already well-known and would not have any ulterior feelings towards other women.

But the woman was totally unusual. Without any verbal hint, she seduced him directly and simply with her actions. Dabao always looked down upon such a woman who was extremely unbearable in his eyes.

In Dabao's opinion, there is nothing wrong with liking or admiring someone. After all, liking is a wonderful thing.

But like is not a person's business, you like him, he also likes you, that is both willing, everyone is happy.

Only you like it unilaterally, not wrong. You can say that you can ask for fair competition, but you shouldn't use disrespectful actions to fulfill your own liking.

The distribution manager, Dabao, has asked Xiao Li to find some reasons to transfer from his original position.

A woman who takes her job as a weapon in pursuit of a heterosexual boss has no distinction between public and private. Dabao thinks that she is not qualified to sit in that position at all.

"Sister Xiao Zhang is the woman's accomplice?"

Niu Niu was very angry. She immediately put the juice back on the tea table and got up to pour a glass of water.

"I don't know if I'm an accomplice or not. Anyway, I won't put such people by my side." People like Xiao Zhang, who can't distinguish between work and personal feelings, are not worthy of sympathy and forgiveness even if they are used unintentionally.

"You're going to fire her?"

Niu Niu, who has never wallowed in the workplace, thinks her brother is making a fuss.

"No, but I'll transfer her to another job“

Shopping malls are like battlefields. Naturally, Dabao will not put a person with such low loyalty on his side.

However, these things, he felt that Niu Niu this simple girl does not need to know.

"Girl, I'm thirsty. Make me a cup of tea."

Niu Niu's attention was immediately drawn to another direction, turned to see him, "where do you put your tea?"

"In the cupboard you have." Dabao pointed to the locker in front of her, "the fourth floor on the left."

Niu Niu opened the cupboard door and saw that it was full of tea cans. She couldn't make up her mind for a moment, "what kind of tea would you like to drink?"

"Whatever. I'm a little angry these days. I'll be clean and moist."

Niuniu then made him a cup of Biluochun, carefully brought it to him, and watched him take a sip slowly.

"I've bought some Siraitia grosvenorii. I'll boil you bawanghua Siraitia soup in the evening to clear away heat and moisten lung."

Dabao just said it casually. Seeing Niuniu's serious appearance, he was very happy.

"Well, I seem to know a lot about it!"

He joked, but he drank honey in his heart.

You know, Niuniu is less than 16 years old. A girl of this age has a lot of fun and studies. Dabao didn't dare to expect that she would put much attention on herself.

After three years away, Dabao can still stay with her as her elder brother and lover, watching and waiting for her to grow up, which is a great joy for him.

And this little girl, who could not even cook rice, did not regard him as a pure reliance. Instead, she came all the way from R city to cook him a pot of delicious ribs baked rice and a pot of nourishing soup. It can be seen that her feelings for him, just like his feelings for her, are too strong to melt, right?

Dabao is not a clumsy person, but he doesn't always talk about liking or love. He felt that love and love were not expressed by mouth, but by action.

The little girl probably didn't know how moved and happy he was when he stood in the kitchen and opened the lid of the pot. At that time, he even had the idea of marrying her immediately.

Although the little girl was originally a member of his Ji family, she was his sister. What he really longed for was to make her the other half of Ji Yu. It is not a formal relationship, but a relationship protected by law.

"I pestered mommy for teaching all night last night... But it's the first time for me to practice it. If it's not good, you have to support it!"

Niu Niu was ridiculed by him and was afraid that he expected too much of herself, so she had a preventive injection in advance.

Dabao reached out to pull her over and let her sit on her lap. "Don't worry. It must be delicious."

"Ah? Why? " Niu Niu's eyes widened and her face was puzzled.

"That's the love soup you specially cooked for me. It's the only one in the world. Can it be bad?"