Cute Baby wanted circular: The Heavenly Priced Pretty Escape Wife

Chapter 804

The afternoon breeze gently rises and falls, the white curtain in front of the window, and the mottled golden light falls on the handsome young man sitting behind the desk. The young man's eyes were half down, and the light from time to time was shining on his deep and beautiful facial features, adding a sense of illusion like a dream.

In Niuniu's eyes, it was a beautiful picture, but because of the young man, there was a beautiful and delicate beauty in his arms. With Niuniu suddenly pushing the door and shouting, the beautiful picture was like a beautiful reflection of the lake suddenly broken by a stone, and instantly split into countless ferocious and twisted pieces.

Niu Niu stood at the door holding the doorknob stupidly. There was a faint sound of "Ho Ho". It seemed that there was a sharp weapon hitting her chest, and her heart was hollowed out instantly. For a moment, her mind was blank.


The young man with drooping eyes stood up, while the young woman who half fell on him was pushed away by him and fell to the ground.

"Manager Ji..."

Niu Niu's mind was awakened by the young man who rushed over like an arrow. She glanced at the beautiful woman who fell on the ground with a sad face and wanted to stop talking. But she didn't look at the young man and turned to run.

"Niu, listen to me!"

The young man said anxiously that he had caught up with Niu Niu and grabbed her by the arm.

"Let go of me!" Niu Niu's voice trembled slightly, obviously with a cry.

"Niuniu, you misunderstood!" The young man anxiously pulled people into his arms, holding her waist in one hand and her head in the other, and forced the emotional girl to be tightly confined in his arms.

"I don't know!"

Niu Niu was struggling in his arms. Her stubbornness was many times stronger than that of a cow. Fortunately, the young man was also a strong man. Even if the girl in his arms resisted badly, he still half hugged and half dragged people back into the office.

The beautiful woman who had been pushed to the ground had already stood up. When she saw the young man coming back with a man in his arms, her eyes were red, and she called out in a pathetic low voice, "manager Ji..."

The young man didn't look at her at all, but cried out in a cold voice, "Uncle Li, take her out!"

Xiao Li, who was still in the hall, didn't know what had happened just now, but when he heard the young man's cry, he knew that something was wrong and rushed over. Without waiting for the woman's reaction, he had been dragged out by Xiao Li, who was powerful in Kong Wu. He closed the door and separated the inside world from the outside world.

"Niuniu, listen to me..."

Dabao pushes Niuniu away from her arms, holds her face in his hands, and tries to make her look at herself.

Niu Niu bit her lip and shivered.

When Dabao saw her tough attitude, he sighed, bent over, picked her up, ignored her resistance, strode to his desk, sat down and put her on his lap.

"She is the manager of a distribution point here. She was just reporting her work, and then suddenly fell on me..."

Dabao explains and clicks on a folder on the computer.

Niu Niu bit her lip and said nothing. Now what can't he say? If I didn't just open the door, who knows what will happen next?

"It's no use what I said. Look at the surveillance video and draw a conclusion. Then judge whether I'm guilty or not, OK?"

Dabao's heart is still palpitating. She just turned around and left. She almost didn't scare him to death!

Mouth soft voice coax, right hand quickly point to open a video.

Then, slightly forced to lift up the face of Niu Niu, who was heartbroken and looked down, Niu Niu's eyes were forced to fall on the screen.

The surveillance camera should be right above Dabao, because Dabao on the screen is looking down at the file.

Later, a touch of human figure flashed into the camera. The man was the woman who was lying on Dabao just now.

Seeing the delicate face on the screen, Niu Niu felt uncomfortable. She didn't want to see it again. Dabao seems to have been guarding against her for a long time. He pulls her face with his hand.

"Look, believe me!"

Niu Niu was forced to look at what the woman said to her brother Dabao with her head down. At first, the painting style was very normal, which was the picture of the subordinate reporting to the superior.

After such a normal picture lasted for a few minutes, the woman suddenly raised her hand and seemed to want to reach for the document on the desk. In the blink of an eye, the painting style suddenly changed. The woman rushed into Dabao's arms without warning. Obviously, the moment Niuniu opened the door coincided with the time when the woman fell into Dabao's arms!

There was almost no pause. Dabao stood up anxiously, and the woman was pushed to the ground by him

"Niuniu, I'm really innocent!" Dabao, who restored the truth, said in a somewhat aggrieved tone, and rubbed her head against Niu Niu's back neck.

Niu Niu sucked her nose, raised her hand and wiped the corners of her eyes, "you are innocent! I'm so sad! "

The little girl's unhappiness finally confessed. She bit her teeth and bumped back heavily with her elbow.

The aggrieved Dabao has a pain in his chest, but suddenly he chuckles.

"Baby, are you jealous?"

Dabao teases Niu Niu with a smile and pulls her anger out of her heart.

"Yes! I'm jealous! It's a pity that I got up early in the morning and flew over to cook soup for you. I wanted to give you a surprise. You're so good that you're fooling around with others behind my back

The more Niu Niu said, the more aggrieved she was. She sniffed heavily and blinked, trying to hide her confusion and confusion.

She couldn't tell the man behind her that she even had the heart to kill him when she saw that picture just now!

Dabao was stunned for a moment. He put away his smile. His eyes were full of love. He turned the person to face himself, bowed his head and gave her a kiss on her lips.

"I'm sorry, baby, I'm too careless! In the future, I will pay attention to that except you and Mommy, no female animal is allowed to appear within one meter of me. "

Niuniu's eyes were hot and wet, and she didn't want to talk to him.

Dabao looked at the top of her hair and said nothing more. He gently took her into his arms and held her tightly.

After a while, Dabao whispered in Niuniu's ear again.

"Don't be angry, OK? It's me. I should have spread the news that I already have a lover. Let them not make up their mind about me. "

Niu Niu rubbed a few times in his arms, then reluctantly raised her head and glared at him with reddish eyes.

"You should have said it in the morning!"

Niu Niu's sulky little face made Dabao kiss her lips again.

After a long time, Dabao's panting voice rang out in the office, "I'll say it now! All right? Baby

A few seconds later, on Dabao's microblog, there was a conspicuous statement: "my name is the owner of the grass. All single dogs, please take a detour!"