Cute Baby wanted circular: The Heavenly Priced Pretty Escape Wife

Chapter 803

The daughter wants to visit her son. Of course, Letong won't stop her. So the next morning, Niuniu flies to m City, where Dabao is located, accompanied by Xiao Li.

M city is the capital of T Province, but in terms of city appearance, it seems to be a little worse than r city.

Niuniu wants to visit Dabao in M city. Everyone has nothing to tell Dabao. The reason is that the little girl wants to surprise her brother.

Niu Niu sat in the car from the airport to the city, looking at the scenery curiously, "Uncle Li, where does my brother usually live?"

Xiao Li is a special assistant to Ji Rui and Dabao's father and son. He usually runs around, so he is familiar with Dabao's business.

And Niuniu, although Dabao has been in M city for some time, she has never come to visit the class, so I don't know the specific situation.

"He lives in the dormitory on the top floor of the company. Don't worry, there is a special person to manage it. It's convenient to eat and live."

Xiao Li ventilates the little girl in advance. When she gets it, she sees her big brother living in an ordinary dormitory with ordinary employees, and her psychology is unbalanced.

"So..." Niuniu leaned her head against the window and didn't know what to think. After a while, she turned to ask Xiao Li.

"Is there a kitchen in my brother's dormitory?"

Xiao Li didn't respond for a moment. He nodded blankly, "yes, I remember that master Dabao lives in an apartment with one room and one living room. There should be a kitchen."

Xiao Li occasionally lives here for a few days, but he lives in a single apartment, and he doesn't have the need and desire to enter the kitchen, so he doesn't pay attention to whether there are related facilities in the apartment.

"When we pass the supermarket, can we buy some ingredients?"

Niuniu is not good at cooking, but she recently learned a lot of soup making skills from Mommy. On the plane, she began to plan to cook several different kinds of soup for her hard-working brother.

"Yes, there's a supermarket near the company. We'll get off early."

Niuniu did her homework before she came here. She found the ingredients she needed in the supermarket. But in ten minutes, she pushed out a shopping cart full of ingredients. Xiao Li helped settle the bill and walked out of the supermarket with the ingredients.

"Now call master Dabao?"

Up to now, Dabao doesn't know that his baby girl has come to m city.

"No, I'll go to his dormitory to make soup first, and then I'll go to his office to find him, OK? Uncle Xiao Li, if you have anything to do, just go ahead and don't worry about me! "

Although Xiao Li is an elder, he can't listen to Niu Niu's words. He helps her carry several bags of food materials and leads her into Dabao's dormitory. Then he goes to do his own business.

Niu Niu takes Xiao Li to the door and closes the door. Without paying attention to the furnishings of this room, she goes straight into the kitchen, finds out the casserole to make soup, puts all the ingredients in the casserole, waits for the water in the casserole to boil and turns down the fire. Then she turns around and goes out of the kitchen and stands in the living room to visit the small room carefully.

In her inherent thinking, single men's rooms are mostly messy.

But here is clean and tidy. The furnishings in the living room are very simple. There is a gray sofa and a tea table. There is a TV on the opposite wall. On the other side of the porch, several pairs of shoes are neatly placed on the shoe rack. The white curtain is half drawn. With the gentle breeze, the bright sunshine comes in from the window and falls on the clean floor.

Here, Niuniu can't find the breath of her brother, or, to be exact, the breath of people, so clean that there is no breath of life.

He twisted the door of the only room, only to find that it was locked.

Niuniu opens the drawer under the coffee table to find out if there is a spare key, but she is disappointed.

Waiting for the soup to be cooked, Niuniu finds rice in the kitchen and puts it into the electric rice cooker. According to the method mom taught her last night, she marinates the spareribs with soy sauce and other seasonings. When the rice is almost cooked, she pours the marinated spareribs into the electric rice cooker.

Mommy said that this electric rice cooker baked spareribs rice is not only delicious, but also easy to make, which is very suitable for her kind of fool who wants to please her brother and has no cooking skills.

The rich aroma of meat and rice soon appeared in the electric rice cooker. At this time, the soup in the cooker was almost cooked. Niu Niu took a spoon and tried it. She realized that her craft was passable. Then she turned off the fire and went out with the key to the dormitory.

She made it very clear just now that her brother's office is on the sixth floor.

Niuniu came out of the elevator, and a 20-year-old woman in a professional suit came up, "Miss, who are you looking for?"

Niu Niu friendly smile to her, "I look for Ji Yu."

The woman looked up and down at Niuniu, "are you looking for manager Ji? Do you have an appointment? "

Niuniu is stunned. Do you want to make an appointment when you come to find my brother?

"No, I'm his sister."

Niuniu thinks that as long as she says that she is Ji Yu's sister, she will be unimpeded. Unexpectedly, the woman frowned and looked at her suspiciously.

"Sister? I'm sorry, manager Ji didn't explain it. Why don't you sit here and wait, and I'll dial a phone for you to ask? "

Originally, what this woman carried out was a normal procedure, but Niuniu wanted to surprise her brother. As soon as the phone was pulled in, there was no surprise?

"Sister, don't bother you. I'll find him myself!"

Niu Niu Yang Yang's own mobile phone, neatly dial the phone.

"Hello, Uncle Li, I'm in the hall on the sixth floor now. Would you please come here? Don't let my brother know

Although Niu Niu has never been in the workplace, she knows that Uncle Li is not only their brother's and sister's close driver, but also a senior executive in Ji's family. I think he is not a nobody here.

Sure enough, when Xiao Li rushed over, the woman who had blocked Niu Niu before bowed her head and said, "good director Li!"

"Xiao Zhang, this is manager Ji's sister. If she comes to manager Ji in the future, you don't have to worry about anyone."

When Xiao Zhang Dun was in a panic, he quickly turned around and made amends carefully to Niu Niu, "Miss Ji, I'm very sorry, I don't know..."

Niuniu didn't mean to blame her. After all, this is a place to work. There should be rules for work.

"Sister, don't apologize. I'm sorry for embarrassing you."

After talking with Xiao Zhang, Niu Niu trots to the office with the sign of manager's Office pointed by Xiao Li.

"Director Li, should miss Ji not take revenge?" Xiao Zhang looked at the figure who was running away, very scared.

"What do you say? She's still a little girl. How can she have so many thoughts? It's OK. Go back to work and remember later."

Over there, Niuniu trotted to the door of the office. She felt the handle of the door and pushed, "brother!"

After a surprise call, the little girl who couldn't wait to see her brother was petrified and stiff outside the door!