Cute Baby wanted circular: The Heavenly Priced Pretty Escape Wife

Chapter 765

Brother and sister three people and Si Jun finally in the coffee shop even lunch together to solve, when checkout, Si Jun insisted that he pay.

"Yu elder brother, a few days ago, I was in Ji's part-time job, made a very rich Commission, so, let me pay this meal."

Dabao didn't argue with him, so he settled the 200 yuan bill.

Si Jun is a resident student. He walks back to school after paying the bill. Dabao carries Niuniu and Xiaobao away.

Xiaobao will go to Beijing B University in a week. Letong has packed a lot of things for Xiaobao these days, but some things need to be bought by Xiaobao himself.

Originally, according to Yang Sheng's meaning, there was no need to prepare for anything. When Xiaobao passed, he, who was an uncle, would help him to prepare.

But Xiaobao, probably because he is the youngest child in his family, occasionally he also hopes to get more attention and care from his family.

These days, every night he watched Mommy dragging her suitcase to clean up for him, and the smile on his face didn't stop.

Niuniu, who is a sister, accompanies mummy to help him clean up whenever she is free. Therefore, the young master is only responsible for pointing after mummy and his sister with his hands behind his back.

When going out to register, Niuniu agreed with Xiaobao that she would accompany Xiaobao to buy some clothes after registering.

Because Xiaobao is getting older very quickly. Many clothes in the family are getting smaller and shorter.

"Brother, did you give me the clothes?"

Xiaobao, a miser, clearly has a lot of money, but when he carries his clothes, he smiles and asks the rich man's brother to support him.

"Yes, not only clothes, but also whatever you want to buy."

Although Xiaobao is rich, compared with Dabao, he is naturally a little witch to see a big one. Now someone patted his chest and said that all the expenses were covered. Xiaobao immediately opened the crazy purchasing mode.

Dabao didn't disturb his interest either. When Xiaobao was trying to pick up, he also took a fancy to two skirts and handed them to Niuniu for comparison.

"Girl, this skirt should look good on you. Go and have a try."

Niu Niu held her skirt and hesitated, "brother, I have to wear school uniform every day since I went to high school. Isn't it a waste to buy these skirts?"

This special store is a very expensive brand special store in r city. A skirt costs tens of thousands of yuan. Niuniu doesn't think it's necessary.

Dabao looked at her with interest. At last, he raised his lips to her ear and whispered, "Miss Sihan, don't you forget that you are my girlfriend! For a date on Saturday and Sunday, you should always dress up to accompany your boyfriend? "

Niu Niu's ears are hot and her face is scared. She's afraid that his words will be heard by the shopping guide.

She put her arms around her clothes and glanced around. She found that almost all the shop guides had gone to serve her baby brother, young master Ji.

"Mr. Ji Yu, I will wear school uniform. If you are not satisfied, you can find someone else to accompany you!"

Dabao put her hand and clothes into his arms and rubbed her chin against the top of her hair.

"If I could find someone else, I would not go back to China."

A lot of feelings, not from the beginning know that you can not.

Dabao, after several years of separation, realized that he had to be a little girl in his life.

Niu Niu raised her head with a proud face, right in front of Da Bao's dark eyes.

"As long as it's you, not to mention wearing school uniform, or wearing a sack, I will never dislike you. As long as it's you! "

Niu Niu's heart was trembled by his sudden affectionate confession. The heat and affection in his eyes made her move her eyes, but it was a little hard to bear the heat.

Fluttering down his eyes, gently push him away, and then hold the two skirts tightly in his arms.

"Since you think it's beautiful, I'll change it."

It's as thin as a mosquito's voice, with a little girl's coyness and shyness, and a little sweetness used by a little woman in love.

"Well, you change into a skirt first, and I'll help you choose two pairs of shoes to match."

Under the guidance of the shopping guide, the little girl goes into the fitting room. Xiaobao over there takes a coat in her hand and raises it to Dabao.

"Brother, come and help me."

Dabao raised his eyelids and glanced at the coat. "It's very nice. You should be very handsome."

Xiaobao was obviously dissatisfied with his brother's perfunctory attitude. He said angrily, "brother, are you heterosexual

Dabao was angry and funny, but he put down his shoes and walked over, "Jihuan, how old are you?"

Xiao Bao raised his head and snorted, "sorry, fourteen! Legally speaking, you need to be accompanied by your parents. If you don't have parents, you need to be accompanied by your elder brother! "

Dabao is dumbfounded and laughs. He is convinced by this boy. He used to be a little arrogant and coquettish. He thought that he would change when he grows up. Unexpectedly, he's getting worse.

"Isn't it just choosing a coat? Is it so serious that it's illegal and accompanied by parents?"

Xiaobao doesn't care so much, "hum, you can accompany your sister every day in the future. I'll fly in a week. At that time, I'm sad to find you to buy a coat with me."

Dabao realized that his seemingly careless little brother was parting.

"Fool, we can fly back on Saturday, and we can also fly over to accompany you. How can you say it so evil?"

Dabao rubbed his younger brother, who was only half a head shorter than himself, but he was filled with emotion.

He still remembers that when this little guy just learned to talk and walk, he always liked to make himself angry. Unexpectedly, in the blink of an eye, this little man would be as tall as himself.

"Anyway, I'm the protagonist today. You and your sister want to date and talk. Please wait until I'm gone. At that time, I can't manage you either."

Dabao reluctantly shook his head, raised his hand to surrender to compromise, "OK, OK, today Xiaobao young master is the protagonist, I and other Untouchables will obediently wait for the young master to send."

Xiaobao pursed his lips and then took them back, grinning brightly.

"That's about it! I'm going to eat your cooking tonight. No, it's this week. I'm going to eat only your and Mommy's cooking. "

Young master Xiaobao, he got a bargain, so he got an inch at once.

However, Dabao, a brother, is always soft hearted towards his younger brother and sister. Hearing Xiaobao's capricious request, his smile did not diminish.

"OK, my brother makes it for you every day. Not only dinner, but also breakfast and lunch. OK?"

Xiaobao nodded with satisfaction. Just at this moment, Niuniu changed her dress and came out. Just now, master Ji Xiaobao, who just emphasized that she was the leading role, ran with stars in his eyes and led Dabao, and said with dogleg praise, "sister, you are so beautiful!"