Cute Baby wanted circular: The Heavenly Priced Pretty Escape Wife

Chapter 764

Mr. Yang's birthday party is very grand. He has been in business for decades. There are many people who revere him and respect him. In addition, as he grows older, he has gradually reduced his ferocity and made many intimate friends.

Therefore, apart from Yang Jiaji's family and a total of 10 or so relatives, the rest of the 100 banquet are basically friends and contacts of the old master and Yang Sheng, who is now in power.

The guests came to the host's table in turn to celebrate the old man's birthday. As the future successors of the Ji family, Dabao and Xiaobao naturally had to follow Yang Sheng and Ji Rui to entertain all the guests and meet all kinds of people, big and small, by the way.

Letong, churan and two girls stay at the master's table to accompany the old master to entertain the guests who come to congratulate him. The atmosphere has been very happy until a middle-aged man said that he was toasting the old master.

Naturally, the old man would not drink it himself. The assistant helped him to drink it. However, the young man behind the middle-aged man kept staring at Niu Niu. Finally, he extended his hand to Niu Niu very attentively.

"Hello, miss. Are you Sihan?"

Niuniu is slightly shocked. Letong reacts faster than she does. She smiles at the young man and asks, "who is Sihan?"

The young man took a closer look at Niuniu. "Sihan is the spokesperson of a clothing brand. Isn't she really Sihan?"

Niuniu had already reflected when mummy pretended to be silly and asked back. At this time, she also laughed at the young man, "I'm not. You've got the wrong person."

Although the young man didn't say anything at last, it was enough to make Le Tong alert.

The old master of the Yang family, who saw all this in his eyes, immediately told the assistant in a low voice to check the information of the father and son just now.

Soon, someone came to tell the old man that the middle-aged man was just a businessman in Beijing, and his son was studying abroad.

Yangliu repeats what she told Niuniu to Letong again. Letong and the old master are at ease.

Niuniu looks at the nervous look of mummy and master, and she can't help feeling guilty.

"Mommy, I'm sorry. If I didn't insist on this endorsement, you don't have to be afraid all the time."

Yue Tong patted her face, "fool, you didn't do anything wrong. You can do whatever you want. We parents, no matter what, will become your most solid backing. "

Niu Niu embraces Le Tong, just like when she was a child, and refuses to let go for a long time.


After returning from the capital, Dabao officially reported back to Ji's family, but there was no fixed position. Even Niu Niu didn't know what department her brother was working in. She only knew that he often went on business trips, and often went there for several days.

Niu Niu would never complain and be depressed as she used to be when she was young. Her brother was busy with her work, so she spent most of her time on the children in the orphanage. In addition, she asked Mr. Mai to help her find a physique teacher. She went to yoga class three days a week, and she had a very full life.

So, in a month after the summer vacation, brother and sister get together less and leave more. In a twinkling of an eye, school will begin in a few days. Dabao's busyness comes to an end. In a few days at the end of August, he becomes a close brother, carrying his brother and sister to eat delicious food and play fun everywhere.

On the last day of August, the two brothers accompanied Niu Niu to No.1 middle school to register. After registration, they met Si Jun, who also came to register, at the door of the teacher's office.

After everyone said hello, the three brothers and sisters stood outside chatting in the corridor. When Si Jun finished registering, the four of them went to the coffee shop outside the school and sat down.

In October, Si Jun began to study abroad as one of the five exchange students in the University for one year.

The expenses at one's own expense shall be paid by Ji Jia. And this is not unconditional funding, but Dabao and Si Jun privately made an agreement, finally settled.

As for the content of this agreement, only Dabao and Sijun, including Niuniu, knew it.

"Sihan, these are the notes and some key points I used before. I've sorted them out to see if they are useful."

Si Jun handed a large bag of learning materials to Niu Niu. Niu Niu took it and said thank you.

In fact, with Dabao, she doesn't have to worry about learning, but with Sijun's heart, she can't refuse.

Dabao, however, showed great magnanimity in this regard, even took two notes and turned them over, giving a very pertinent affirmation.

"Niu Niu, Si Jun, these notes are concise and to the point. You can have a look at them more. They should be of great help to you."

He is not a narrow-minded person. Some people are really nice to Niuniu, and he is happy for Niuniu.

The premise is that this person should know how to advance and retreat properly, and also know what to do and what not to do, and Si Jun is obviously an interesting person.

With her brother's affirmation, Niuniu happily takes over the information and looks through it. Dabao seems to have expected to meet Sijun here. While Sijun, Niuniu and Xiaobao are chatting with each other, they go out and take a large box of goods in the car.

"Si Jun, you should use these things."

As a past person, he doesn't mind giving Si Jun help and advice in his study or life.

"Thank you, brother Yu!" Si Jun and he, I do not know when, also did not have any formality, naturally like years of old friends.

And his attitude of being neither humble nor arrogant, even if he accepts financial aid, is also worthy of great treasure's heart.

Dabao believes his vision very much. In time, Si Jun will definitely become a great weapon.

"Don't thank me. After going out, you still have to rely on yourself for many things. I put an address book in it. If you need, you can contact them in order. I have already said hello to them. If you have any difficulties, you can try to find them to solve them."

Si Jun nodded, but said, "well, I hope I can't use any of them!"

Dabao is noncommittal about this. In a word, what he should do is how to make use of it and how to survive. It's Si Jun's problem.

"Brother Jun, in fact, there are some relationships. It's OK to use them. Maybe you can get twice the result with half the effort. Of course, it's up to you to judge which ones should be used and which ones shouldn't be used. "

At the age of 14, Xiao Bao gave Si Jun very pertinent and practical advice.

Xiaobao, as a young master of the Ji family, will not blindly superstition and rely on his own background, but he will never pretend to be high when it is time to use it.

Therefore, he thinks that Si Jun should also make good use of the interpersonal network provided by his brother instead of blindly resisting for the sake of nobility.

In some things, it's not shameful to succeed by making good use of resources, but more praiseworthy.

Si Jun was slightly stunned for a while, and soon understood what Xiao Bao wanted to express, "well, I'll weigh it well!"