Cute Baby wanted circular: The Heavenly Priced Pretty Escape Wife

Chapter 757

Dabao stayed in Beijing for three days. When she came back, Niuniu told him about the orphanage party. Dabao told her that the grand master had a birthday party on Saturday, so she couldn't come back on Sunday.

Niu Niu replies to Si Jun on QQ, and the other party seems very disappointed.

Two people chatted for a while, Si Jun then got off the line, then, Niu Niu saw that he changed his signature.

"Flowers in the mirror, moon in the water."

Niu Niu gave a moment's attention to this signature. In terms of emotion, she is not dull. Si Jun is very kind to her. She always knows. And this kind of good, she always thought is a good friend that kind of good.

But this meeting, looking at such a signature, she could not help but doubt whether she had read it wrong.

Or is Si Jun really just a good friend to her, just because he and his brother have become lovers, so he becomes very sensitive?

He was patted on the head. "What do you think? So absorbed? Even the soul is gone

Dabao said and sat down with his arms around her waist and her back.

Niu Niu originally wanted to hide it, but then she felt that the more she concealed it, the easier it was to cause misunderstanding. It would be better to spread it out.

Moreover, she also wanted to hear from her brother, who was a bystander.

"I just told Si Jun that I couldn't make it back to Sunday's party. He seemed very disappointed."

Niuniu spoke very frankly. Dabao listened carefully and helped her analyze it seriously.

"You don't have to worry too much, it's normal. You are his best friend. Of course, he is disappointed if you don't attend. For example, Zhihao and I had an appointment to play together, but one of them didn't come, and the other two would be very disappointed. "

For Niu Niu's confession, Dabao is actually very useful.

Let's not talk about the feelings of Si Jun for Niu Niu. From Niu Niu's point of view, such a frank attitude is enough to prove that she has no other superfluous ideas about Si Jun except for her good friends.

In Dabao's view, this is extremely important.

He is a confident person, even if Niu Niu has a little favor for him, he will have confidence to let her fall in love with himself.

Therefore, as long as Niu Niu has no different feelings towards Si Jun, it doesn't matter to him whether he likes Niu Niu or not.

"But after he went offline, his signature changed to this."

Niu Niu anxiously points to the dialog with Si Jun on the screen. Obviously, she has been well protected by Dabao and Xiaobao over the years. In the face of the other party's possible favor and frustration after rejection, she is not only sympathetic, but also at a loss.

Dabao glances at Sijun's signature and looks down at Niuniu.

If according to Niuniu said, two people chat after each other immediately changed the signature to this, this Si Jun really may be secretly in love with Niuniu.

Si Jun has a secret love for Niu Niu. Dabao is not surprised.

Let him unexpected, the other side did not say anything, Niu Niu this silly girl can feel!

"Do you think he might like you?"

Big treasure so straightforward words, let Niu Niu stiff for a while.

She raised her head and turned her face to look at shangdabao.

"Brother, even you think so?" Niu Niu asked anxiously.

Dabao blinked and kissed her on the forehead. Instead of answering her question, he asked her, "do you like him? I mean, not like friends! ", Dabao specially emphasized.

Niu Niu's face flushed and looked down in embarrassment, "how can it be? I like you, and he, I always think he is a good friend

Although Dabao had been prepared for a long time, she was a little proud to hear that she was so frank.

This silly girl is so unprepared that she reveals her mind. Fortunately, it's him that she likes people. If it's someone else, it's strange that she doesn't take the opportunity to squeeze her out of residue!

Yeah! So, such a stupid girl who is so stupid and Frank is only suitable to be a couple with him who dotes on her and loves her.

Dabao complains in his heart for a while, and then remembers that stupid Niuniu is still trapped in the remorse of hurting her friend, waiting for his rescue.

"Fool, since he didn't tell you face to face, you don't know anything. In fact, you think too much."

In Dabao's world view, opportunities are always given priority to the positive.

Since Si Jun chose to fall in love silently, he has to bear the result and pain brought by withdrawal and cowardice.

Of course, Dabao doesn't mind his confessing to Niuniu. Because Dabao has enough confidence to keep Niuniu by her side and not be shaken by anyone.

Niu Niu frowned and muttered, "is this really good?"

Dabao twisted her face. "What's wrong? His words, although there is a certain implication, but it does not directly point to you. When he is chatting with you, he may also be chatting with someone else, the object, or someone else. Or, he once had a dream, but now it's broken, so it's not surprising to have this feeling, is it? "

Dabao's words are very reasonable. Niuniu tilts her head and thinks for a while. Her frown slowly stretches out.

"Yes, how can I forget that his object may be a female classmate in his class."

Niu Niu's intuition tells her that the object of Si Jun's signature must be emotion, not others. However, she forgot that besides herself, Si Jun would know many other girls.

"Yes, so, as his good friend, you just don't expose and don't be curious. People can't help you with feelings, you know? "

Niu Niu nods to agree, and then the topic of brother and sister turns from Si Jun to other things.

After watching Niuniu sleep, Dabao goes to the study to report to his parents about the progress of his work in Beijing. After he is busy, Dabao asks Letong about Sijun.

"Mommy, how is Si Jun now?"

Although, from the point of view of the relationship between lovers and enemies, he doesn't pay much attention to Si Jun.

But he also believes that knowing the other side can win a hundred battles.

Moreover, on the issue of Niu Niu, he would not allow himself to feel slightest contempt for the enemy. He knows very well that the relationship with his rival is like playing chess. When he meets a strong opponent, he will lose everything if he makes a little mistake.

Listening to Dabao's question about chisijun, Letong is a little strange, but when she thinks about it, she thinks it's inevitable.

"His academic performance is very good, this final exam, he is the third grade, science is particularly outstanding."

Letong because of the relationship between Niu Niu, Si Jun is also particularly concerned about. In her opinion, Si Jun is indeed a rare talent. It would be a pity if he gave up his studies early.

"Well, he is a very thoughtful child. Please contact his school. If he has any ideas, we can provide him with a better learning environment."

Dabao is also a person who cherishes talents. He thinks highly of Sijun more than Zhihao and Weiqi.