Cute Baby wanted circular: The Heavenly Priced Pretty Escape Wife

Chapter 756

Niuniu's mind was quickly occupied by the matter of entering a higher school. After that, the topic of the family of five has been around the matter of Niuniu and Xiaobao entering a higher school.

With that, Xiaobao suddenly gave Dabao a cold look.

"Brother, you can watch for yourself."

Before Dabao answered, Niuniu came to Xiaobao curiously to gossip.

"Brother, what do you want your brother to look at? Is that your girlfriend? "

Xiaobao rolled his eyes and twisted Niuniu's face, "idiot, I want my brother to watch you. Don't let other boys soak you away! I can't help you any more

Xiaobao's best "you" is a pun, which refers to both Dabao and Niuniu.

Niuniu was originally holding a gossip heart to Xiaobao, but she made a big red face.

Dabao hugged Niuniu and said with a smile.

"My girl is very kind to me. Don't sow discord here!"

Niu Niu's face is redder!

Xiaobao doesn't care about these two guys. He climbs to Letong's side and acts coquettishly.

"Mommy, you don't care about them either. I'm tired of them!"

Letong looked at her eldest son and daughter with a smile, and then at Xiaobao, "you think they are boring, you can also take a girlfriend home to show us love!"

Ji Rui takes a look at his wife, but he shakes his head.

Other parents are always afraid of their children's puppy love, but his wife seems to be eager for his son to bring his daughter-in-law back to see their parents early!

"I don't want to be in charge of this and that all day long. I'm bored to death!" Xiao Bao snorts, nests in Le Tong and continues to play his game.

"It doesn't matter. Do you look at your sister and mind your brother?"

But Letong is afraid that the world will not be in chaos, and starts the war again.

"Mommy Niuniu is thin skinned. She is teased by her brother and mother. Her face is burning and she stares at Letong.

"Ha ha... I shut up, I shut up..." Letong raised her hand to show a truce with a smile.

The next day, Niuniu happily asks Dabao to take her back to school to get her grades, and never mentions the endorsement again. Both Dabao and Letong think that the endorsement is a complete turn over.

In the next few days, Dabao, an idle man, took his younger brother and sister to the town near r city to play. During this period, Xiaobao's score in the college entrance examination came out, and he won the champion without accident. There was no suspense about going to B University.

After the three brothers and sisters had been away for a few days, Dabao was sent to Beijing by his father to talk about a cooperation project with his uncle Yang Sheng. Niuniu and Xiaobao stayed at home. Xiaobao continued to indulge in the game, and Niuniu asked the driver to take her to the orphanage every day to give lessons to the children there and play with them.

Since she knew that she was not the natural daughter of the Ji family, Niuniu felt her luck every time she looked at the children in the orphanage.

If she had not met her brother Dabao, she might have been one of these poor children.

There won't be such a wonderful learning and living environment as now, and there won't be such a loving family

"Niuniu, do you really come to middle school?"

Si Jun, who is currently in senior high school at No.1 middle school, has been promoted to senior two since the beginning of school. Si Jun knew Niu Niu's identity and background as early as two years ago. Niu Niu had been studying in an aristocratic school. Si Jun didn't believe that Ji's people would let Niu go to No.1 middle school. It's not that No.1 middle school is not good, but there are more children from ordinary families and rich people who go to the noble bilingual school.

At this time, Niuniu gave the children more than half an hour of class. During the break, Si Jun brought her a bowl of cool tea. Niuniu took the tea and drank it all at once.

"Well, I've already told my parents, and they all agree."

Si Jun took the empty bowl in Niu Niu's hand and stuffed her with a piece of sugar.

"Herbal tea is a little bitter. I ate the sugar."

The friendship between Niu Niu and Si Jun has become more and more solid over the past three years. Even if they don't meet each other every day, they meet and chat on the Internet every day, so they know each other's situation.

However, her real life experience, as well as the love relationship with Dabao's brother, Niu Niu never mentioned it to Si Jun.

"Before, I thought that parents would be very autocratic with a background like yours."

To Niu Niu's family, Si Jun is envious. But what he envies is the harmonious relationship between Niu Niu and her parents and brothers, not the rich family.

"No, my father and mother are very democratic. My mother and I are like friends. I can talk to her about everything."

Niuniu thinks that if she has children in the future, she should be a good and considerate mother like mommy.

"Isn't your brother back home? Why didn't I come with you? "

As for his idol is Niuniu's brother, Si Jun also knew it two years ago.

"On a business trip, he's not as free as Xiao Bao and I are."

Leaning against the railings outside the corridor, they chatted for ten minutes. When the bell rang, Niu Niu went back to the classroom to continue to teach the children music theory, while Si Jun went to another classroom to help some poor children with their homework.

Niuniu came here this time and brought some local products and snacks that she bought when she went out to play. After school, the staff of the orphanage assigned these snacks to the children.

Niuniu and Sijun didn't participate in it. They just stood outside and watched the children inside with snacks and gifts, shouting and dancing happily.

"Sihan, thank you and thank your family for us."

In recent years, Ji family has become the biggest sponsor of the orphanage. Letong even promised the dean that she would be used to subsidize the tuition and expenses of the children in high school.

The foundation set up by the father of the Ji family also regularly subsidizes some funds to improve the children's daily life.

In addition, Letong also set up some part-time work study jobs in the stores of Ji's products direct sales, which are specially provided to children over 16 years old in the orphanage, so that they can also earn some extra pocket money through part-time jobs.

And Si Jun has been working part-time in an electronics store of Ji's for a year. This part-time job usually goes to work on Saturdays and Sundays. In summer vacation, it is the same as regular employees.

Today, when he learned that Niuniu was coming, he took a rest with his colleagues, just to meet Niuniu.

"Si Jun, please be polite to me again, I won't come in the future!"

Niu Niu doesn't like Si Jun's face of thanking him. When he talks about these polite words solemnly, she puts on a straight face and pretends to be angry.

Si Jun, who is 16 years old, is half a head taller than Niu Niu. He has a handsome face and a tall and thin body, but he is not weak.

Thinking that Niu Niu was angry, Si Jun naturally didn't dare to say any more, "don't! I said it casually. Don't be serious with me! We will have a party next Sunday. It's said that it's a party held by an old brother who came back home in fine clothes. Do you want to come to play

"Let me see. I may have something to do." Niuniu remembers that her brother said he would take her and Xiaobao back to the capital to celebrate his birthday.