Cute Baby wanted circular: The Heavenly Priced Pretty Escape Wife

Chapter 719

Si Jun's problem, brother and sister after a communication, it seems, reached a consensus.

Dabao naturally doesn't dare to speak ill of Sijun as he did for the first time. Besides, he admits that Sijun is a very good boy. As long as he doesn't have a bad idea about Niuniu, it's not a bad thing for Niuniu to make more friends.

Niu Niu, however, is also vaguely aware of the change in her brother's attitude. Even if Si Jun calls occasionally or she calls in the past, she will never avoid Dabao again. Her aboveboard approach makes Dabao feel at ease.

However, every time Niu Niu talks to Si Jun on the phone, he will still listen. If there is a slight mistake, he will definitely intervene.

Fortunately, Niuniu is so simple and lovely. Every time she chats with Si Jun, it's not about violin or learning. It's not about three cats and two dogs. As for her family, she only tells Si Jun that she loves her father, Mommy, brother and brother very much. She never mentions anything else about her family.

It seems that even if she looks simple, her sense of preparedness and self-protection is still very strong. Dabao was very satisfied and relieved by her point.

Recently, the game is still in the public beta stage. Dabao is still very busy, but he tries to take his work home. When his parents are busy in the bedroom, they propose to set up a study for him. Anyway, there are several empty rooms at home.

After thinking about it, Dabao said that it would be better to open up the two rooms downstairs, and then divide them into three compartments with glass, one for Xiaobao Niuniu's study, one for his studio and one for Niuniu's practice room.

His studio is located in the middle. Even if he is working, he can occasionally see the situation of his younger brother and sister through the glass. If his work needs to separate space, just pull down the curtain around, and each other will become three independent spaces without interference.

Dabao's proposal was immediately approved by the whole family.

In a few days, the three brothers' study was finished. Dabao sat in his studio and was tired of reading the data. Then he looked at Xiaobao on the left, who was lying on the carpet of the study and tossing his robot. Then he looked at the little girl who was focused on practicing in the piano room on the right. All the fatigue disappeared immediately.

When Mommy's Letong is not so busy these days, she boils some sweet water and makes some desserts for several children every night. Several children originally like to eat sweets. In addition, Letong's craftsmanship is now at the master level. Before, Dabao had to lose a few kilos of meat because of hard work. These days, she slowly made up for it.

Niuniu is very sensitive to her brother's fatness and thinness. That day, after eating sugar water, she looks at Dabao, leans back to his arms, raises her hand and pulls his face.

"Brother, you are fat!"

Dabao touches his face and smiles at Letong, who is sitting diagonally opposite.

"Mommy, this is raising us as pigs. Can we not be fat?"

"Yes, I've fattened you up and sold you for a good price." Letong, who is a mother, is not serious. She looks at her son with a smile. It's really like watching a fat chicken evaluate the price in the market.

Niu Niu lay on her back in Dabao's arms, raised her hand and exclaimed, "Mommy, how much is it? I'll buy it! "

Dabao chuckled and pinched her face. "Why, don't you give up your brother?", That smile is very meaningful.

Letong also smiles with interest, waiting for her daughter's answer.

The little girl didn't answer Dabao's question directly. Instead, she propped up her body and raised her hand to le Tong.

"Mommy, I only have five yuan. Can I sell it?" The little girl said, she couldn't help giggling.

Dabao immediately put on a look of heartbreak and silent tears, half covered his face with his hand, and said in a pinch of his voice, "what a pity, I'm only worth such a little money."

Niu Niu lies in his arms and laughs more happily, while Le Tong over there laughs more narrowly, meaning to point out.

"Niuniu, don't say five yuan, even if it's upside down, your brother is willing to sell it!"

With a smile on his face, Dabao glanced at the teasing mother, lowered his forehead to his forehead, and asked Niuniu.

"Yes, I'll chase you. I'll sell you. Little beauty, take me away quickly! Are you afraid? " Although it's a funny tone, it brings some expectation.

Niuniu didn't know that mummy and her brother were digging a hole for her to jump. She felt very funny. She came out of Dabao's arms and jumped to the ground with a bang. She stretched out her hand and pulled Dabao's collar. "Come on, come on, piggy. I'll buy you. Come home with me!"

Dabao got up obediently and bent over

President Ji, who has been watching the crowd, glanced at his wife coolly. "You are really good. You sell your precious son for five yuan."

Le Tongbai looked at him, "Tut, what do you know, President Ji Da? They call one willing to fight and another willing to suffer like this!"

Jida president said that he really did not understand, but his wife is really a little nervous recently, it can't be the early arrival of menopause.

President Ji, who was worried, secretly decided that this week he would have to catch his wife and go to see doctor Fu. It doesn't matter whether his son is cheap or not, but his wife's body is the most important, right?

Over there, the "little fat pig" who was mercilessly dumped by mummy, obediently followed his little beauty master into the bedroom.

Close the door with your feet, "little fat pig" can't help but pick eyebrows, heart, little beauty, do you know you are leading wolves into the house?

Naturally, the little beauty didn't know. When she heard the "little fat pig" saying, "master, what can I do for you?" she pointed to the bed with a smile and said, "go and sit there!"

Dabao walked to the bed and sat down. He glanced at the bedroom he hadn't been in for many days. He found that it was no different from before, except that the books on his pillow had been changed from children's books to youth literature books.

Dabao picked up the book at random and turned it over. He took a quick glance at the profile and found that the identity of the man and woman in the book was an orphan.

"Master, what's in this book?" Dabao felt a lump in his heart immediately.

He doesn't want to interfere in Niu Niu's making friends, but if she puts too much attention on that Si Jun, he can't do it anyway.

"Oh, it's a history of orphan struggle." Niuniu followed and climbed into bed.

"Why do you suddenly like this kind of subject matter?" This kind of writing with a little realism, Dabao thinks, is too heavy for Niuniu.

What's more, she has never been in touch with books on similar subjects before. Now she will read them. Maybe she is influenced by Si Jun?

"Si Jun said that there are some girls in his college who have special inferiority complex, but Si Jun is a boy. I don't know how to tell them. I just want to read such books and enlighten them when I have time."