Cute Baby wanted circular: The Heavenly Priced Pretty Escape Wife

Chapter 718

Of course, this is one of the reasons. The most important reason is that people from the musical instrument club sent instruments here today. When they saw Si Jun's violin, they said excitedly that it was produced by a famous artist, at least in case!

Niuniu heard this, disappointed, but also a little happy for Sijun.

After all, he can finally have a piano of his own.

If it wasn't for the orphanage performance, if it wasn't for the chat with Si Jun, Niu Niu didn't know that there were so many children, and even the minimum schooling was a luxury.

It's Si Jun and the children in the orphanage who let Niuniu understand how far away things she used to take for granted seem to others.

What she naturally enjoys now is all the hard work of her parents and brother.

So, she really shouldn't be as headstrong as she was when she was a child. Everything depends on her own mood. When she has nothing to do, she just wants to spoil with her brother. Besides her studies, her brother has to work hard!

Where like her, she only knows how to study hard, even if she works hard, her grades are still at the middle and upper levels.

Hung up the phone, Niu Niu next to the bed to think about things, Si Jun's things, and did not stay in her mind for long, thinking, she thought of her brother.

When she thought that clumsy herself not only failed to help her brother, but also caused him a little trouble from time to time, Niu Niu began to dislike herself.

"Where's my brother?" Niuniu went out of the living room to see if her brother needed to make a cup of tea or something. With her brain, she could only come up with such trivial things to please her brother. But in the living room, Xiaobao was playing games alone.

"In the room!" Xiaobao pours at Dabao's room, and his eyes never leave the screen.

After years of intimacy, Niuniu didn't think much about it. She said, "brother, I'm coming in." then she unscrewed the door and there was only a dim night light in the room.

Niuniu was a little surprised. She thought that her brother should be reading at this time. But the quiet atmosphere seemed to be sleeping?

When Niu Niu hesitated to quit, she saw a figure sitting up on the bed.

"Niuniu? Come in The man's voice was so clear that it didn't sound like a sleeping voice.

"Brother, are you asleep? Then I'll... "

"No sleep, come in!" Dabao interrupted her, and then the dazzling headlight came on.

Niuniu vomits her tongue and looks at her brother sitting on the bed. Although he is in his pajamas, she is really sober. Then she closes the door, trots over, kicks her slippers and climbs onto the bed.

Although, in her heart, she has been telling herself not to be too sticky to her brother, and not to bother him with her trivial things.

But it's obvious that habit is a terrible thing. Over the years, she and her brother have had the same habit. How can any two resolutions or admonitions change it?


As soon as the little girl climbed into bed, she habitually went to Dabao's arms.

Dabao, as usual, opened his arms, moved his feet away, let her close to him, and then held her in his arms naturally.

"What's the matter? Didn't you sleep? "

Dabao rubbed the little girl's hair with her chin, took a deep breath, suppressed her mood all night, and recovered instantly.

"No, I just went to make a phone call."

Niu Niu, a little girl, is still too young after all, and she never defends her brother. When she is asked by him, she tells the truth in a hurry. When she speaks, she remembers that her brother hates Si Jun very much.

Sure enough, Dabao's hands are tight.

"Well? Who should I call this evening? Is it for classmates? "

Dabao is 100% sure that Niu Niu is calling Si Jun, but he deliberately asks if he is calling his classmates. He wants to test whether the little girl really regards Si Jun as a special existence.

Niu Niu hesitates for a moment and thinks about it. She still thinks that she shouldn't keep it from her brother. Even if her brother doesn't like Si Jun, she can't lie to her brother.

"No, I'll call Si Jun."

Niu Niu wanted to say that it was Si Jun in the orphanage, but then she thought that her brother had a good memory. Moreover, the brother and sister had a quarrel over this man. Can you remember this man?

Although Dabao was not happy with the answer, he was also relieved.

Niu Niu said, then she raised her head from Dabao's arms and looked at him carefully, for fear that he would run away like the night before last.

Dabao lowered his eyes to her panic line of sight, "what do you want to call him for?"

Dabao's tone is very flat. Niuniu can't hear his emotion. She looks at him carefully, but she can't see anything from his face.

"I asked him if he had received the violin, but he said that someone donated a lot of money to the orphanage today and some musical instruments, and he would return the violin to me tomorrow."

Niuniu's brain, obviously, does not connect the idol who is good at learning with her brother. Even though she has heard from her brother that she wants to donate money to the orphanage, she and Xiaobao have donated the money.

"Oh... Isn't that good?"

Dabao saw Niuniu didn't hide herself, and her gloomy mood improved a lot.

It seems that Si Jun is really a tough guy.

"Well, I think it's very good, too. He also said that the man also found some teachers in the orphanage. From tomorrow, he will have teachers to teach him to play the violin."

Niuniu repeatedly told herself not to bother her brother with such trifles, but as soon as the gate opened, she couldn't stop it. How could she remember her dog fart warning?

Looking at the chattering girl, Dabao is a little upset again. The little girl is getting closer to him. Of course, he doesn't want the topic between himself and the little girl to revolve around a smelly boy he doesn't like.

"Don't talk about him, talk about yourself. Is the sixth grade a little difficult? Do you need a tutor? "

Niuniu looked at him strangely, "with brother and Xiaobao, why do you want a tutor?"

Of course, Dabao didn't really want to hire a tutor for her. He just casually turned her back from the topic of Sijun.

"I'll just ask, but it's also possible that tutoring is more professional than Xiaobao and me." Dabao casually put off a reason.

Niuniu stared at him and did not speak. After a while, she said, "brother, do you think I'm too stupid to teach me?"

Dabao picked up her face and rubbed it vigorously. "Silly girl, where are you stupid? Don't say you are not stupid, even if you are, my brother will never dislike you! "

Niuniu is actually very easy to coax. After listening to Dabao's words, she grins contentedly in his arms.