Cute Baby wanted circular: The Heavenly Priced Pretty Escape Wife

Chapter 704

The first day of shooting was much smoother than Dabao thought.

The scenic spot is not far from where I live. It's a large reef group. On the other side of the reef group, it's a small, clean and beautiful beach.

The weather is warm, the sun on the island is not strong, but Dabao still tells the makeup artist to put sunscreen on Niuniu and Xiaobao.

The makeup girl said that the skin of the young princess is very good. It only needs a little lip gloss and a little eyeshadow to enhance the three-dimensional sense of the five senses.

After all, the model of this age group pursues clean and flawless natural beauty, not delicate and sexy and other mature beauty.

Niuniu is going to change her clothes. Dabao is naturally hard to stay in the dressing room, so she climbs up a huge rock with the brigade. Photographers, directors and a large group of staff set up the shooting formation on the reef. Soon, Niu Niu appeared on the reef with several staff escorting her.

Dabao followed the photographer's lens, and his eyes immediately seemed to meet the iron block of a magnet, which could not be moved any more.

Niuniu is holding a violin and a bow. Her curly hair is spread over her shoulders. She is wearing a light golden butterfly hair belt. She is wearing a suspender skirt. The upper part of the gauze skirt is pure light gold like the hair belt. From the waist, she gradually turns black. But in the more and more thick black gauze skirt above, by the wisp empty form from the sparse slow sparse to the dense ground is full of big and small stars and the crescent moon.

Skirt knee, Niuniu that two straight thin legs in black gauze skirt is particularly eye-catching.

When Dabao's eyes fell on the beautiful white feet on the reef, his heart, which had been out of rhythm, seemed to be completely out of work.

"It's so beautiful. It's really like a fairy!" At the same time, the cameraman beside him gave a string of praises.

"Sihan, just like you did last night, just face us and play that song last night." Luo directed Niuniu to give instructions.

Dabao was slightly stunned. He quickly responded and asked, "director Luo, don't you just take static photos?"

"Mr. Ji, we had a discussion last night and thought that the dynamic should be more aesthetical than the static, and more suitable for the theme of this season's clothing. Of course, we signed a static advertising contract with you, so we will shoot this dynamic short film first, and then we will capture the appropriate static lens in it. When the short film comes out, we can talk about the change of the contract, In the end, of course, we will focus on your opinions. "

"Do Niuniu and Xiaobao know?"

Dabao's first thought was that of Niuniu and Xiaobao.

"Well, we talked to them for a while, and they said it's OK to shoot anything."

After thinking about it, Dabao has come to this point. As long as the scale is not involved, other issues can be discussed slowly.

Over there, Niuniu puts the piano on her shoulder as gracefully as usual, and the pleasant sound of the piano starts immediately. The sea breeze seems to be infused into her soul by the sound of the piano, and her curly hair and skirt swing up with the rhythm of the melodious music.

Niu Niu's back is facing the blue sky and blue sea. She is immersed in the music world. Her eyes are shining with the sound of music. The sun is slanting on her crystal clear skin. Her delicate facial features and graceful figure give her the illusion of life. She only feels that this one is not a mortal, but a spirit of the sea under the influence of the beautiful scenery, I can't help but come to the surface and play a fascinating spring Concerto

All the staff around, including the director and the photographer, were quietly watching Niu Niu, who was covered with halos. Only the click of the shutter was ringing in Dabao's ears. But Dabao's eyes were only Niu Niu, and his ears were full of melodious music.

At the end of the song, the elf picked up her skirt and stood on tiptoe to leave. The little prince in a frolic casual dress flashed out with a beautiful wreath in his hand. He pulled her arm. Without waiting for the elf to react, the little prince put the wreath on the ELF's head, and then, on tiptoe, quickly gave her a kiss on the forehead.

“OK! It can be finished. Sihan and Xiaohuan are great

As soon as the director's voice fell, there were whistles and applause all around.

Dabao, however, rushed out at the moment when the director called OK. Soon, he jumped over several rocks and ran to Niuniu.

"Niuniu, does your foot hurt? Brother, go back with you! "

Niu Niu blushes and points to Zhang Ziwen.

"My shoes are in sister Ziwen's, so you can put them on and go. You don't have to carry them on your back."

Zhang Ziwen quickly lifted the shoes and bent over to help Niu Niu put them on.

"Well, I'll do it myself!" Niu Niu said and leaned down.

Dabao is faster than either of them. He squats down, grabs her feet, takes a wet towel to wipe them clean, and then helps her put on her shoes.

On one side, Zhang Ziwen said with shame, "master Ji, I didn't expect you to be so careful."

Xiaobao turned her lips and said to Dabao with disdain, "brother, my sister and I are still going to play on the beach. If you help her wipe it so clean, won't it still be dirty when we look back?"

"Her feet are covered with sand. If you put on shoes like this, you will wear your feet. After you finish playing with sand, you have to wipe your feet before you put on shoes, you know?"

Dabao was very serious. He helped Niuniu clean her left foot, put on her shoes and waited on her right foot.

Zhang Ziwen stood aside, thinking that young master Ji was not like a brother, but more like a combination of mother and nanny.

Even Mr. Mai, who was only going to stay on the island for a day or two at the beginning, could not help but postpone all his work and stayed with the film crew until the end.

During this period, Dabao and Mr. Mai had a new discussion about the contract. With the consent of Niuniu and Xiaobao, Dabao asked his parents and finally signed a new contract.

And Mr. Mai, because of his love for this season's models, decided that this season will not only do paper advertising, but also try to consider multimedia advertising.

Mr. Mai's decision may be a happy event for many people, but for Dabao, he is not happy.

On the contrary, there are some concerns.

Because of the particularity of the family, most of the children of the Ji family are very low-key and rarely show up in public. If Niu Niu didn't like it, no one in the Ji family would agree to this endorsement.

But if Mr. Mai really chooses all media advertising, Niuniu will become the focus of the audience.

Therefore, while signing the new supplementary contract, Dabao also asked Mr. Mai to sign an identity confidentiality agreement.