Cute Baby wanted circular: The Heavenly Priced Pretty Escape Wife

Chapter 697

The five members of the Ji family are all powerful people except Niu Niu.

As a result, Niuniu, a rare breed, became the object of common protection for the other four people.

Once upon a time, Dabao would spank Niuniu because Xiaobao played tricks on Niuniu. Now, Xiaobao would fight against injustice because his brother ignored his sister.

When she got up the next day, Niuniu's eyes were swollen. People with a clear eye knew that she had cried. However, except for Yin Zhihao, who was a rough hearted man, who made gossip, none of the other three members of the Ji family asked more.

Just like Xiaobao's words of fighting against injustice, Dabao listened to it again from mummy.

Of course, mummy is more tactful, but the meaning is absolutely the same.

Dabao had no choice but to promise once again that he would move home after his busy time.

After breakfast, uncle Yin began to arrange the itinerary of several people. Niuniu was always next to Dabao. Anyway, she made up her mind to follow her brother wherever he went.

Dabao originally promised Ji Rui to go fishing. When his father saw his daughter's nervous appearance that she was afraid of being robbed by others, he took the fishing rod and said it didn't matter if he went fishing.

The so-called husband singing and woman following is a couple like Ji Rui and Letong.

As Ji Rui marches forward with his own tools, Letong, who originally planned to take the children and the workers up the mountain to pick tea, hastily tells Dabao a few words and asks him to take good care of his younger brother and sister, and then runs to Ji Rui.

"Ji Rui, wait for me!"

Ji Rui heard the cry, stood still, turned around and looked at her in surprise, "why did you come here? Don't you want to accompany the children up the mountain to pick tea? "

"Children are so big, let them play by themselves, our old husband and wife, rarely live a two person world, isn't it good?"

Ji Rui didn't return her, but he held out his hand to her with a smile.

Outside the yard, Yin Zhihao stares at the back of the couple who are not far away and holding hands lovingly. He says with admiration, "Dabao, your father and mother are very affectionate. They are all old wives. They love to show off more than us young people when they fall in love."

Dabao also looked at his parents along his line of sight and returned to him with disapproval.

"My daddy and Mommy are not show, their feelings are really good!"

In Dabao's memory, mom and dad didn't quarrel after they got married. Sometimes they quarrel with each other, but they don't quarrel. One of them always admits his mistake first.

When you go out, when you don't need to take care of your children, daddy always hugs or leads Mommy. This kind of love has been going on for more than ten years.

Presumably, their love for each other will continue in the future.

As an outsider, Yin Zhihao is envious. As a son, Dabao is envious and proud.

Thinking of this, Dabao naturally looked down at Niuniu.

Niuniu looks up at him as if she is telepathic. They look at each other unexpectedly. Dabao doesn't feel anything, but Niuniu turns away in a hurry as if she has been stabbed by something. Dabao is puzzled, but he glimpses her red earlobes in the sun

This wench, should not be to think of yesterday that kiss?

Thinking of this possibility, Dabao was a little uncomfortable.

Fortunately, several workers just came over and handed the baskets of tea to everyone. Dabao reached for them and carried them on his back. He habitually took Niuniu's hand and followed the tea pickers up the mountain path.

Along the way, Niu Niu is very silent, which is very different from her usual.

Although she is not brave, she is always a lively and talkative girl in front of acquaintances, especially in front of Dabao.

Dabao thought that she was embarrassed by last night's incident. "Niu Niu, are you still angry with your brother?"

He didn't know what Niu Niu thought about the cross boundary kiss last night. Of course, he had extravagant hopes. He hoped that she could understand the feelings behind the kiss. No matter whether she wanted to refuse him or accept him, he didn't have to work so hard.

So he ventured to mention last night.

Niuniu raised her eyelids to look at him, then put her other hand around Dabao's arm, and her body was close to him. "Niuniu was not angry with her brother..."

Niu Niu's reaction is the same as before. In her eyes, he sees the same dependence and respect as before, but he doesn't have the infatuation or other similar emotions he wants.

Probably, she is still too young!

Dabao rubbed her head with some helplessness and pity and changed the topic, "the wind is so strong, why don't you come out with a hat?"

Since he knows that he is extravagant and that he can't get the answer he wants, why does he have to suffer again and again?

"I forgot to take it..."

Niuniu is timid, and her brain is not as smart as their brothers, but she is very careful and thoughtful, which Xiaobao's careless boy doesn't have.

Usually thoughtful little girl, actually forgot to take the hat, it can be seen how absent-minded she has been recently.

As the culprit who made her unhappy, how could he have the heart to blame her again.

Dabao pulled out Niuniu's arm. Niuniu immediately stared at him with an unhappy face.

He didn't explain much. He took down the scarf from his neck and let Niuniu stand still. He put the scarf on her head and skilfully circled it a few times. A hat improved from the scarf was properly put on Niuniu's head.

Niuniu felt the hat on her head and looked at Dabao's naked neck. She couldn't help shrinking her head and pointed to his neck.

"Brother, aren't you cold?"

Dabao zipped his coat under his chin, lifted his hand and put the hat on his head.

"It's not cold. Your brother Dabao is as strong as an ox!"

Here Dabao is still boasting. In the distance, Xiaobao, who has always been as flexible as a monkey, is about to climb to the top of the mountain. At this time, he is crossing his waist and yelling at them.

"Brother and sister, are you two not full? Why is it so slow? "

Dabao can't help but think of the climbing during the October holiday, and his sight naturally falls on Niuniu's feet.

"Niuniu, will the place where you sprained last time still hurt now?"

Injured bones and muscles, is to slowly raise, so, after coming back, Letong also specially went to doctor Fu there to get some Chinese medicine, every few days will boil a suit to Niuniu bubble feet.

"It's no longer painful. It's mommy who made a fuss."

The little princess, who has always been protected, occasionally protested against the excessive protection of her family.

However, her strength is meager, and she is always defeated by a disadvantage of one to four every time. As a result, naturally, the protest is invalid!