Cute Baby wanted circular: The Heavenly Priced Pretty Escape Wife

Chapter 696

Dabao's lips were close to her, and she felt that the person in her arms was stiff immediately. Dabao held the back of her head with one hand and stroked her back with another.

Originally wanted to be happy and desperate to plunder the heart, after touching her cold lips, slowly become calm.

His heart, full of pity, rough action in an instant gentle down, lips carefully touching sucking Niu Niu's lips.

Niu Niu didn't seem to understand, but she just froze in his arms and was passively held by him, kissing gently and pitifully.

Her lips, very soft and cool, touch, a bit like cotton candy soft slippery, lips in addition to toothpaste residual Mint breath, there is a touch of salty, it belongs to Niuniu tears taste.

Dabao gently holding her lips, as if to coax lovers in a low voice, "baby, don't cry, OK?"

Niu Niu's strength and soul seemed to have been taken away. She wanted to nod her head and found that she couldn't move. Then, she managed to squeeze out a vague reply from her lips and teeth.

I don't know whether Dabao's kiss played a soothing role, or whether she was scared at all and her tears stopped miraculously.

And Dabao's cruel attitude was gradually calmed down in the light kiss.

Dabao, who gradually regained his sense, clearly felt that the girl in his arms was no longer a small meat ball, but a girl with an attractive smell.

Clearly aware of this, his hand, then stiff in her back, no longer dare to explore more than half.

Some things, after, can never look back!

Just now that shallow kiss, he can explain to himself that he has lost his sense. If he goes further, he will not be able to prevaricate with losing his sense.

Finally defeated the riot, another one of his own Dabao gently moved Niuniu away from his arms, gave her a kiss on the forehead, got up and helped her to cover the quilt again. Without saying anything, he turned and went into the washroom.

Niu Niu's brain is also blank. She lies on her back with her eyes slightly closed. She only hears her heart beating powerfully at a faster than usual pace.

Gradually, her brain began to recover a little consciousness, but this little consciousness was not enough for her to accurately judge what had just happened.

She only remembered that her brother's lips were very warm, and her brother's embrace still reassured her as always. Her brother's gentle tone, like a pair of big wings that can fly, carried her back to the ground slowly from the sky.

Although the elder brother just now is a little different from the past, she can be sure that the elder brother does not dislike her, and he still likes her as before, loves her and loves her!

"Niuniu, come on, brother, wash your face for you."

Soft voice into the ears, stained with tears on the face was then slightly hot wet towel gently wipe.

Niuniu didn't resist, but she didn't open her eyes. She felt the hot and humid touch from her face to her chin, and from her nose to her eyebrows.

"Girl, I'm sorry."

Niuniu dares to say that tonight, what she heard from her brother was sorry, which is probably more than the usual total amount of one year.

After all, my brother has always been very good to her. Don't make her cry, but I'm not willing to say a word to her.

Until Dabao helped her clean her face, and even wiped her hands carefully, Niuniu didn't say a word, and didn't open her eyes.

It's not that she's still angry, but she feels embarrassed and embarrassed at the thought that she can't control her emotions and is crying out of control. What's more, she doesn't know how to deal with her brother Dabao who is scared by herself, but still treats her brother gently.

And Dabao, also dare not force Niuniu, after all, he is also for his loss of reason to do cross-border and guilt, at this time, he also does not know how to face the little girl.

Just now, when wringing the towel in the washroom, he even made a hypothesis. If the little girl pointed to his nose and scolded him as a hooligan when she came out, how would he explain? How does it end?

Fortunately, although the little girl is eleven years old, she really gets a late start in emotion. She can't even talk about the relationship between men and women. She has no concept at all. If her EQ and IQ are the same as Xiaobao's, Dabao might have been cut off by her just now.

However, in other words, if the little girl's IQ and EQ are as high as Xiaobao's, she doesn't have to be so secretive, just tell her clearly?

Dabao feels that he is less and less like himself. What's the difference between his worrying about gain and loss and those women in love on TV?

Dabao is self-examination and self loathing, while quietly helping Niuniu dry her face and hands, covering the quilt. Finally, he kisses her face and forehead and says good night.

Walking to the door of the washroom, I happened to meet Xiao Bao who came out after taking a bath.

Xiao Bao wiped her wet hair and glanced at Niu Niu's bed. "Is my sister asleep?"

Dabao nods. Xiaobao turns around and follows Dabao into the washroom.

"Brother, you'd better come back to accompany your sister when you have time. She's in a bad mood recently."

Xiaobao usually gives people the impression that he is mischievous and mischievous. It's rare for him to be so serious.


Dabao is not surprised by Xiaobao. After all, the boy has the same genetic blood as him. Apart from being a little bit more outspoken and bad mouthed than himself, the two brothers have a lot in common.

"Mom and dad often say that although work is important, it's not as important as family."

Dabao hung up the towel, turned around and rubbed Xiaobao's head, "brother knows, he will pay attention later."

Xiaobao raises his feet to leave, but Dabao pulls him, "Xiaobao, wait a minute. Did your sister tell you something? "

Xiao Bao was shocked. "No, she didn't say anything. I just think she's like a Muggle recently. She's very simple. There are not many things that can make her unhappy. It must be because you're often away from home. She feels left out in the cold. "

Xiaobao's words, let Dabao find any refutation point.

"Brother, I know you love me and my sister very much, but my sister is different from me. I'm a boy with a big heart. Even if you don't go home for a month, I won't think about it, but my sister is different."

Xiao Bao doesn't know Niu Niu's life experience. Like Niu Niu and others outside, he thinks that Niu Niu is his own elder sister. Although this elder sister is different from him and his elder brother, she is timid and not smart, Xiao Bao doesn't love her less than her parents and elder brother.

As a result, seeing his sister depressed, his heart was scared.