Cute Baby wanted circular: The Heavenly Priced Pretty Escape Wife

Chapter 695

Dabao's inner struggle and tangle, he thinks that hiding well, he thinks Niuniu doesn't understand.

Niuniu may not be able to say the exact reason, but she really felt that her brother was leaving her step by step.

This distance is not only the physical distance, but also the invisible distance between the heart and the heart, which can't be touched.

This kind of untouchable distance, let Niuniu fear!

Physical distance can be narrowed by means of transportation, but the invisible distance between hearts, let alone Niuniu, an 11 year old child, even an adult, has no exact way to make them closer.

Therefore, Niu Niu, who is vaguely aware of her brother's abnormality, subconsciously wants to hold her brother tightly. For her, she can't make them close again. She has to try her best to keep her brother by her side all the time to ensure that her brother won't leave her.

"Niuniu, daddy and Mommy will grow old one day. My brother will make himself very strong before they grow old. In that way, my brother can protect you, Xiaobao and daddy and Mommy, you know?"

Niu Niu doesn't understand Dabao's words.

"Can you move home quickly? You don't have time. It doesn't matter if you don't come to pick me up from school with Xiaobao. We can also let the driver's uncle send it to school. Will you move home? "

Niu Niu knows that she can't convince her brother, so she has to take second place. She hopes that her brother can go to work normally, just like her parents, so that, at least, she can see her brother in the evening.

"Niu'er, I'll move home when my brother is busy." Dabao won't let go at all.

Because he has no confidence in whether he can maintain normal self-control in front of Niu Niu.

Niu Niu lowered her head again and got sulky. Her uneasiness was eating her bit by bit.

Because of uneasiness, the little girl began to think wildly.

When my brother grows up, he knows more and has more knowledge. Does he feel that her silly sister is very childish and boring, so he no longer wants to spend a lot of time with her as before?

No doubt, no matter from which aspect, brother is a top excellent boy, from small to large, never lack of girls like him. Now, he doesn't like to go home more and more. Has he made a girlfriend?

These confused ideas, in Niu Niu's mind around, but she did not dare to Dabao proof.

Because, she is afraid to hear Dabao brother tell her, "yes, you are naive, you are boring", "yes, I have a girlfriend".

Either she deceives herself or she doesn't want to face the reality, as long as her brother doesn't say anything, she pretends to know nothing and sticks to him all the time!

"Well, the hair is dry. It's late. Go to bed."

Dabao knew that the little girl was angry and that she was very upset. And he, in fact, knows better than anyone that a little concession can make Niuniu happy and make her laugh, but this kind of concession, as far as the current relationship between them is concerned, is tantamount to drinking doves to quench their thirst.

He knew very well in his heart that the most rational way now was to deal with it coldly.

Niuniu stood up in silence, went straight to the opposite bed, lifted the quilt, and angrily covered the quilt from head to foot.

Once upon a time, as long as she was like this, brother Dabao would come and tear off her quilt, saying that it was not hygienic and that she would be suffocated.

Niuniu thought that this time, her brother would come and tear off his quilt just like before.

She hid in the quilt with little air, held her breath and pricked up her ears, waiting for her brother to come.

But outside, there was no movement. Slowly, she heard her breathing more and more heavily. The air seemed to become thinner and thinner, and her eyes were getting hotter and hotter

Niuniu heavily sucked her nose. As time went by, Niuniu felt as if she was about to die of suffocation. In front of her eyes, it was dark, and the cold tears were only coming down from the corner of her eyes, but the piercing chill made her tremble.

Her eyes are wide open, but she can't see anything. Her ears have always been very smart, but at this time, the world is as quiet as if she is alone. She is choked in the quilt, and the more she thinks about it, the more uncomfortable it is. She opens her mouth and wants to cry, but she finds that she can't cry at all, only tears from the corner of her eyes keep flowing

The quilt was opened without warning, and the dazzling light made her subconsciously close her eyes and raise her hand to cover them.


Familiar and gentle call, like to open the valve of her heart grievance, hand still tightly cover eyes, mouth, but finally open, "wow" to a loud cry.

Niuniu's cry, like two invisible hands, tore Dabao's heart into rags, hung on the dead branch in the empty field, and was blown around by the fierce wind.

Reason told him that now it's better to turn back and walk out of this room without saying a word. Tonight, even if you squat in the corner of the yard and freeze into a popsicle, don't mess with Niuniu.

But Niu Niu's tears, has always been the killer of his collapse, as long as a touch, he has no reason to speak.

Dabao, who was crying bitterly, couldn't care so much anymore. He put his hand on the bed and lay over her, and stroked her face full of tears.

"Good girl, good girl, don't cry! My brother is wrong. How about forgiving him? "

Niuniu was crying, her hands still covering her eyes and her head shaking hard.

She was so bent in her heart that he could easily forgive her for holding so much anger and uneasiness for such a long time?

Dabao was bewildered by her tears, so he just lay down beside her, fished her in one hand, put her in his arms, rubbed her head and coaxed her.

"It's my brother who deserves it. Niuniu won't forgive me if she doesn't forgive... Baby, don't cry, OK?"

Dabao coaxed her and gently rubbed her forehead with her lips.

Niuniu cried again for a while. Under Dabao's constant coaxing, she finally sobbed and opened her mouth.

"No... brother, don't give up Niuniu..."

Dabao gently kisses away the tears from the corner of her eyes. The light saltiness spreads to the tip of her tongue, but Dabao feels bitter.

"My brother doesn't have... Niuniu is good... My brother loves Niuniu the most and won't want Niuniu. If you don't cry, my brother will be distressed if you have swollen eyes... "

Dabao, who has always been clever, is incoherent and defends himself.

Niuniu no longer spoke, but her tears did not stop. Dabao's heart was like a dike without a hole, and the flood surged out of the hole.

The flood without dyke engulfed all his reason in an instant. His brain was blank, and his lips went with his heart, blocking her cold and trembling lips.