Cute Baby wanted circular: The Heavenly Priced Pretty Escape Wife

Chapter 693

The next day, Dabao saw Yin Zhihao again and remembered the follow-up result of Shao Yuxin.

"Zhihao, did Shao Yuxin call again later to pester you?"

"How could it not?"

"What do you say to her?" Dabao can't help but be curious about the way he treats his friends.

At this moment, Dabao even felt that he and Yin Zhihao were a little in the same boat.

"I said, I'm sorry, I can't help her. Then, with a click, she hung up on me

It is probably because of Shao Yuxin's resolute attitude that Yin Zhihao has no room to think about it at all. Because he is completely dead hearted, he is no longer as obsessed as Shao Yuxin that night.

Dabao is envious of his good friend, but he doesn't know how long he will have to struggle in the mud to get out.

"I've already said hello to my uncle about our going to the tea house. My uncle said we can go to the tea house at any time for as long as we want."


It's said that there is a big reservoir near the tea farm, so Ji Rui has prepared a set of advanced fishing equipment early. Letong tells Dabao that for this trip, your father's enthusiasm is even higher than niuniuxiaobao's.

They set out on Friday afternoon, got off the highway, drove for half an hour on the winding rural road in the field, and finally arrived at Uncle Yin Zhihao's tea farm.

Uncle Yin prepared the meal early in the morning and warmly welcomed them into the room. After washing their hands, they took their seats.

According to my uncle, the chicken on the table grew up eating tea fruit and tea. All kinds of vegetables were planted beside the tea garden. The steamed grass carp was caught from the reservoir

I don't know if it's because I'm hungry, or because these self-produced and self sold foods taste much better than what I eat in the city. Niuniu and Xiaobao, who usually eat a bowl of rice at home, say they're dead. Today, they eat two bowls of rice, and they still say they're delicious.

Uncle Yin's family also has two children, younger than niuniuxiaobao, but the host family put two big chicken legs in Niuniu and Xiaobao bowls.

Such noisy behavior, Letong of course refused to rely on, hurriedly let the sister and brother give the drumsticks to the master's children.

But Yin Zhihao said, "Auntie, don't ask them to push around. My uncle keeps a lot of chickens. My cousins don't like chicken, especially the drumsticks. They all smell of chicken excrement."

Uncle Yin glared at Yin Zhihao, "Zhihao, are you disgusting? If you say that, the children have no appetite at all."

But Yin Zhihao said, "uncle, don't worry, these two kids are all food. I'm not disgusting. It won't affect their appetite."

Sure enough, Niuniu and Xiaobao eat happily with their drumsticks. Niuniu's eating style is relatively gentle, while Xiaobao's mouth is full of fat. Letong sitting beside him can't help wiping his mouth from time to time.

"Mommy, this chicken leg is delicious! It's much better than what we usually eat! "

"Fool, this is the ground chicken. Didn't you listen to my uncle just now? They usually run all over the mountain and eat such natural things as wild grass, tea, fruit and tea, while the chickens we usually eat are fed with fodder."

Xiaobao and Niuniu are very curious after listening to Letong's explanation, "uncle, do they really run all over the mountain?"

Uncle Yin nodded with a smile, "yes, let brother Zhihao take you to see it tomorrow morning, OK?"

After dinner, the adults chatted in the room, and a few children played in the yard. Xiaobao was still a child. Looking at the large tea mountain shrouded in the moonlight in front of him, he exclaimed that he wanted to see it now.

Dabao slapped him on the butt, "boy, you don't sleep at night, but the chicken wants to sleep. What are you going to see now. Besides, the temperature in the mountains is low at night. What can I do if I ice you on the mountains? "

Xiao Bao said, "hum, brother is a liar. How can it freeze here?"

But Yin Zhihao confirmed Dabao's statement, "Xiaobao, your brother didn't cheat you. The temperature on the mountain is at least ten or eight degrees lower than here. It will really freeze in the middle of the night."

"Can we see the glacier when we go up the mountain tomorrow?"

Dabao slapped Xiaobao on the head, "do you think this is the North Pole? You can see glaciers and ice debris. As soon as the sun comes out, everything melts."

Dabao knows that Xiaobao is just looking for trouble. This kind of common sense, as smart as him, can't be unknown.

It was November, and the temperature in the mountains was lower than that in the city. Several people walked in the yard for a while, but they could not stand the bitter wind, so they all went back to the house with their heads down.

Uncle Yin's family is very big. There are at least a dozen bungalows in a row. Some of them are workers' rooms, and some of them are specially used to entertain guests.

These rooms are similar to the double rooms in the hotel, with two big beds in each room.

There are just three empty rooms, one for Ji ruiletong, one for Yin Zhihao and Ren weiqi, one for the driver, and one for brother Dabao.

In fact, this arrangement is the most reasonable, but for Dabao, it is a kind of suffering.

But others don't know about his suffering, because, just a few months ago, he was sleeping in the same bed with the little girl in order to coax Niuniu to sleep.

Niuniu takes her pajamas to take a bath. Dabao says to Xiaobao, who is playing games next to the edge of the bed, "Xiaobao, you're sleeping tonight."

Xiaobao looked up at him strangely, "why? I don't sleep well. What should I do if I fall to the ground? "

But Dabao said, "what if I sleep next to you and you get up in the middle of the night and step on me in the bathroom?"

Xiaobao tilted his head to think about it. He thought what his brother said was quite right, so he nodded and agreed.

Niuniu came out after taking a bath and came out in a princess nightdress with lace. She wiped her hair and cried, "brother, it's time for you to take a bath."

Xiao Bao made a sound, but he didn't want to move.

"Go Dabao kicked his upturned ass.

"Brother, you go to wash first, and I'll try again."

Dabao was too lazy to pay attention to him and grabbed his iPad. "I'll blow your sister's hair. If you don't go, you can blow it for your sister."

Xiaobao got up reluctantly, "I'll take a bath!"

Xiaobao is also very good to Niuniu, but there is something on Niuniu that he never dares to touch.

That's the long curly hair on Niu Niu's head. For so many years, he never conquered them.

Perhaps, the elder sister's troublesome curly hair, only the elder brother such a patient boy can afford to wait on!

Dabao rushed Xiaobao to take a bath and waved to Niuniu, "Niuer, come here, brother, blow for you."

When Niu Niu was a child, she was just as helpless as Xiao Bao about her disorderly hair after washing her hair. At that time, it was Dabao or Letong who helped her comb more.

It was during the past two years that she grew up and took care of her own hair.