Cute Baby wanted circular: The Heavenly Priced Pretty Escape Wife

Chapter 692

After all, the seafood here is famous. After a long time of hard work, people feel that this is the best food in the world.

When the food on the table was almost finished and everyone's stomachs were almost full, they began to fight and drink. A few older people even guess boxing.

The atmosphere was very warm. Although Dabao didn't drink at all, he felt very excited when he looked at it. On several occasions, he even couldn't help but coax with everyone. The loser drank all the wine at once.

The boss of the design department lost miserably, and soon he drank a little too much. He came to Dabao with his glass in his hand and said, "Yu Shao, let's toast you!"

Zhong Hao raised his hand to obstruct, "Lao Gao, Yu Shao can't drink! Besides, it's not appropriate for Yu Shao to drink, is it? "

When Zhong Hao mentioned this, many people remembered that his boss was a minor under 18.

Lao Gao was reminded of this, so he naturally turned to Yin Zhihao, who was sitting beside Dabao.

"Zhihao, you are not a minor, are you?"

Yin Zhihao quickly got up and poured himself a full glass of wine, "boss, I'll give you a toast!"

A large group of people who have been busy for a long time seldom relax and have a good drink. In the end, the whole box, except for Dabao, a minor, was completely destroyed.

Dabao had a headache when he looked at the staff who had been drinking in a box. Finally, I had to call Xiao Li and ask him to bring some drivers to help get the people back to the company.

Xiao Li quickly brought several people over and helped the drunk employees to the car. Dabao thought that since everyone was drunk, he would go home and sleep for one night.

So, after all the things were told, he stopped a taxi and went home first.

Back home, Niuniu and Xiaobao haven't slept yet. As soon as she sees Dabao coming back, she pounces on him and hugs him.

Originally, the smiling face was wrinkled when he came to kiss Dabao's face.

"Oh, brother, did you drink?"

Little girl said, don't say kiss, also dislike to loosen hand, cover nose back two steps.

Dabao sniffed, and he really smelled a smell of wine.

"I didn't drink. I ate with my colleagues. They were all drunk."

Niu Niu didn't quite believe what he said

"Not really!" Dabao replied solemnly.

Niuniu leaned back in disbelief and said, "well, don't drink in the future!"

"Well, brother doesn't drink it!" Dabao almost raised his hand to swear.

Fearing that the smell of wine on his body would smoke Niuniu, Dabao took a bath first and walked out of the living room with a bowl of steaming rice porridge on the tea table.

Remembering the dish of curry fish eggs that day, Dabao raised his eyebrows and said, "Niuniu, did you cook it?"

Niuniu shook her head. "No, it's Mommy. Mommy says you drink wine and eat porridge to nourish your stomach

Dabao felt that even though he was full of mouth, he couldn't make his family believe that he didn't drink.

"What about Mommy?" Dabao looked around. There was no one.

"Work in the study with Daddy." Niuniu pointed to the direction of the study.

Dabao in the bathroom has confirmed that he has no smell of alcohol all over, this time just came to kiss his brother and sister on the forehead.

"I'm going to see daddy and Mommy."

Said, got up to the study with Letong and Ji Rui said hello, just folded back to hold a bowl to eat porridge.

"How was your English test on Tuesday?"

Dabao has always been very attentive to Niuniu's affairs. When we meet now, of course we have to care.

Niuniu threw the book aside, climbed over, put her hands on Dabao's shoulder, put her chin on her hand, blinked and looked at Dabao straight.

"Brother, I finished tenth in the exam."

Last time, she ranked more than 20 in the exam, but this time, she jumped up more than 10. Even the teacher praised her for her great progress. Although this is no match for Xiaobao's No.1 grade, Niuniu is very satisfied. She is very happy to have such a result.

"Wow, that's great! What prize Niuniu wants, brother will buy it for you! "

Dabao is also very happy for Niuniu, so he rubs her head.

No one knows better than him that little girl has made great efforts for the rising ten.

Sometimes, he also felt that God was really unfair. For example, he and Xiaobao did not spend more than one tenth of Niuniu's effort on learning, but the effect was more than ten times higher than Niuniu.

Often looking at the stubborn little girl yawning to review her lessons, he would like to be able to give her a little bit of his IQ.

Dabao, who was full of love in his heart, looked at the little girl leaning on his shoulder.

Dabao looked down at her red face, breathing more and more heavily, looking at her eyes, also unknowingly become profound and unpredictable.

What he was oppressing in his heart was like a raging volcano, boiling in his chest, and seemed to be out of control at any time.

"No! Mommy bought candy for me and my baby yesterday. Next time I will do better in the exam. At that time, my brother will remember to buy me a prize

Niuniu's clear and innocent voice interrupted Dabao's reverie in his mind, and his surging emotions stopped him from the precipice again, and he successfully forced her back to her heart.

"Well, my brother will save money and buy a big prize for Niuniu."

Niuniu giggled, "don't save money. I like a skirt. My brother will buy it for me. It's not expensive but it's good-looking."

Dabao put his hand on her waist and gently carried her to his arms.

Head down, lips gently kiss her soft curly hair.

"Girl, whatever you want, my brother will give it to you!"

Dabao's light and soft low voice sounds like balderdash, but it's the most real idea he represses in the bottom of his heart.

With these words, Dabao closed his eyes slightly and felt bitter: niu'er, I'm afraid you don't want what I want!

Niuniu didn't know her brother's mind, but she held out her hands and hugged Dabao's waist tightly, buried her head in his arms and gave a dull reply.

"Niuniu knows that brother is the best to Niuniu!"

Dabao sighed in his heart and laughed bitterly. He blurted out what he shouldn't have said, "Niuniu, you're still young, you don't understand."

Silly girl, you are only 11 years old, where do you know that love is sometimes a kind of injury!

Niu Niu rubbed in his arms, raised her stubborn face, "brother, I'm not small, I understand!"

Dabao tried to squeeze out a smile. "Well, my brother didn't see Niuniu. Niuniu is very powerful and knows it all!"

Silly girl, if one day you really understand, do you think that your brother is actually a pervert and a monster?