Cute Baby wanted circular: The Heavenly Priced Pretty Escape Wife

Chapter 654

After Dabao came back, Niuniu immediately went back to the little curly hair who always had a sweet smile on her face.

At dinner, she ate half a bowl of rice, and then offered to add more.

This can make Letong a happy mother. You know, little girl has been having a bad appetite these days. No matter how hard she coaxes her, she only takes a few mouthfuls of food and says she's full. Looking at little girl's face shrinking day by day, Letong's heart aches to death.

Xiaobao watched his mother happily fill another half bowl of rice for her sister, and looked up at Dabao, "brother, it turns out that it's Jianwei Xiaoshi tablets."

Xiaobao's serious words made several people at the table laugh except Niuniu.

Yue Tong was happy and looked at Dabao with a smile.

"Xiaobao, you are wrong. Your brother Dabao is just Niuniu Jianwei Xiaoshi tablet, right? You see, aren't you just eating one bowl as usual? "

Dabao understood why he was helpless. "Daddy, I don't care about your wife!", That look, unexpectedly have a few silk sympathy meaning.

Ji Rui's business is irrelevant, and he says, "I think your mommy is right!"

Look, this man is really sad. He is a big man outside, but he is his wife's echo at home!

However, in Dabao's view, this is also the happiness of Dadi and mummy, or to be exact, all of them.

Mingming is a tough and domineering man on the outside. When he comes home, he knows how to gather up all the sharp thorns and edges, and face his wife and children with the softest and most delicate inner.

In the future, I will become such a man, right?

When I go out, I try my best to support my wife and children. When I come back home, I use tolerance, gentleness and even doting to make my wife and children feel meticulous love.

In Dabao's eyes, Dadi, who used to be irresponsible and rely on his hard work to attract a little attention from the other party, has unconsciously become a very competent good husband and father.

"Well, I'm wrong. In my father's eyes, when will Mommy be wrong?"

Dabao teased mercilessly, but with a smile on his face.

Ji Rui raised his eyelids and looked at him, "I'm like a fool!"

Dabao also looked back at him, "it's not HunJun, what is it?"

Letong put a abalone in a big bowl and another one for Ji Rui.

"Come on, your father and son are half the same. Don't say who."

Dabao was not happy. "What's my business?"

Letong smiles and glances at Niuniu, who is sitting beside Dabao and is holding a big meal. Suddenly, she squints, "baby son, Mommy, would you like to make a bet with you?"

Dabao is a little bit unpredictable about the strange interest in his mother's eyes. To tell you the truth, until now, he still thinks that the most unpredictable person in this family is Mommy.

"Bet on what?"

Letong had already had enough to eat. When she spoke, she kept on talking. Seeing that there was half a bowl of shrimp in the bowl, she got up and pulled some into Xiaobao's bowl, and the rest into Niuniu's bowl.

After sharing the shrimps, she sat down and looked at the big treasure waiting for her.

"Bet you'll be as virtuous as your father in the future, afraid of wife!"

In the Ji family, the word "afraid of wife" is not a derogatory word, but a commendatory word.

Dabao was looking at Letong. He dropped his eyes and put a piece of chicken into his mouth.

"There's nothing to gamble on."

In Dabao's mind, of course, he thinks that being afraid of a wife is not a shameful thing. It's like daddy is afraid of Mommy. He says he is afraid. Is he really afraid?

It's just spoiling mommy and protecting her. She's a little unhappy.

In the future, if he loves a woman as much as his father loves his mother, he will be afraid of his wife.

Dabao took it for granted, so he felt that there was no suspense about mummy's gamble.

The cards are all on. It's no use gambling again.

Letong looks at her baby son and smiles with great interest, but she doesn't insist on anything.

The family quickly turned to other topics, chatting while eating. They usually finished their meal in half an hour, but this meal lasted more than an hour.

Fortunately, Letong has foresight. She called the instructor early and took a day off. After dinner, the family of five moved out of the yard and lay on the grass looking at the stars and the moon.

Niuniu got on and off the bus, but she didn't leave Dabao's side except for going to the bathroom.

This time, she is directly lying on Dabao's body, humming and shaking her legs comfortably, with her small hand on Dabao's neck, which is extremely intimate.

"Girl, where do you want to go tomorrow? My brother will accompany you."

Originally, Dabao had no choice but to leave home so many days, so there was no problem of guilt.

But in Dabao's heart, he felt very guilty. Touching her face, her comfortable feeling no longer existed, and she was even more depressed.

"Not going anywhere..." Niu Niu's answer was simple and unexpected.

"Well?! Why? "

Niuniu, a little girl, is really quiet and gentle towards strangers, but she can play crazy with Dabao and Xiaobao.

After all, she is just a child, which child is not playful? Just because of personality differences, it shows that there is a deviation in the degree of desire to play.

"Play at home!" Niu Niu grabbed his neck and rubbed his chin with her forehead.

"Well, play at home."

At this age and with such a calm mind, Dabao doesn't care where to play. Anyway, his purpose is to spend more time with his younger brother and sister. As for the location, it's the same.

"Brother, no military training in the future?"

Niuniu has no idea of military training at all, so for her, military training is as terrible as a raging beast.

"No, just start school this time. After that, my brother will send you to school and pick you up."

The courses in the university are not too tight. Dabao has calculated that in addition to his schoolwork, he can also pick up his younger brother and sister as before, and even take an occasional morning or afternoon to visit Ji.

"Daddy, do I have to be 18 to get a driver's license?"

At this time, Dabao felt that if he had a driver's license, it would be more convenient.

"Of course, don't think so!"

Although Ji Rui loves several children very much and sometimes even connives, he never compromises on the issue of principle!

"I know. I'll just ask!" Dabao also understood his father's painstaking efforts and didn't ask for any more percentage.

[Note: Jianwei Xiaoshi tablet is an appetizer to help digestion. There's another one more!]