Cute Baby wanted circular: The Heavenly Priced Pretty Escape Wife

Chapter 653

"No! Niuniu doesn't want a boyfriend. It's enough for Niuniu to have a brother. "

Niu Niu's reaction is very fierce. She shakes her head a few times. Then she looks at Dabao with her red eyes.

Although, this is just a little girl who is not familiar with the world to say simple words, it is impossible to count.

But when Dabao listened, he felt inexplicably relieved. Just now, a little bit of subtle discomfort and discomfort in my heart completely disappeared.

He thought that maybe he was just like someone else's father. He had broken his heart for this little girl since childhood. Therefore, as long as he thought that this little girl would one day be closer to other men than himself, he couldn't say a word in his heart. If one day she belongs to another man, she will feel reluctant and deeply hostile. It's just a normal reaction. It's not unusual.

"Well, don't, don't..." Dabao gently rubbed little curly hair's head, gently comforted the little princess who was annoyed by herself.

Small curly hair was felt smooth hair, then stretched out his hands tightly around Dabao's arm, silent to put his face on his bare skin arm.

Yin Zhihao and Ren weiqi, who have heard the conversation between their brother and sister, feel extremely strange because they are afraid that their brother will be robbed and show their ownership. However, they can't say exactly what is strange.

Obviously that is the normal posture of the sister nestling up to the brother, but the two clearly see something similar to the little lover cuddling up to each other.

Dabao, however, didn't know that his two best friends regarded him and his sister as they did. He just gently stroked Niuniu's head in his usual manner.

After finding a reasonable explanation for his inexplicable mood, he was completely relieved that he would feel uncomfortable because he thought of Niu Niu's future boyfriend.

"Master Yu, your mother asked if you need to prepare dinner for your two classmates?"

In front of Xiao Li, drop the partition and ask Dabao.

Dabao didn't care about it. He turned to ask the two people's opinions behind him. They both said that their families hadn't seen each other for half a month, and they wanted them to go back to dinner earlier.

Next, they have two days' holiday, so they make an appointment to go to Ji's house the night after tomorrow.

Along the way, Xiaobao seems very clever, has been playing his own game.

At first, Dabao didn't feel anything. When the car was driving half the way, Dabao noticed the abnormality of the little guy.

No! Usually this little guy sees himself, just like Niuniu. He wants to hug or kiss. Why is it so quiet today?

Dabao was sitting in the middle of the two little guys. He rubbed the little guy's head and asked with a smile.

"Xiao Bao, why don't you say anything? Don't you miss your brother these days? "

Xiaobao just raised his head, but his eyes crossed Dabao and glanced at Niuniu who was still clinging to Dabao.

"Yes! How can Xiaobao not miss his brother? No one is training with Xiaobao these days! "

Dabao lowered his head slightly, and his chin rubbed against his forehead.

"Then why do you just play games and ignore your brother? Angry? "

Dabao asked, but he knew it was impossible.

Xiao Bao has a big heart. It's not easy for him to think about something or get angry.

Sure enough, after listening to Dabao's guess, the little guy turned his lips with disdain.

"I let my sister..."

Dabao turned his head slightly, and immediately understood the meaning of this little guy.

"Sister, I haven't laughed much these days!" Xiao Bao seemed to be afraid that his brother Dabao didn't understand. He quickly added in a low voice.

Dabao smiles. It's not something to be happy about, but his mood is getting better somehow.

"OK, my brother will practice more games with you tonight."

"Well!" Xiaobao should finish, and bowed his head to play his game, do not know him, just as he is addicted to the game.

But Dabao knows that the real purpose of this little guy is to let him spend more time with Niuniu.

"Brother, military training is not very hard, you black, also thin!"

The little girl who had been silent for a long time finally spoke.

"Ouch, Niuniu's eyes are so sharp. Even your brother is thin and black?"

In the back seat, Yin Zhihao leaned forward with his hands on the back of his chair.

Dabao put his backhand on his face and pushed his head back.

"Do you think everyone is as blind as you

Yin Zhihao scratched his head. What else did he want to say? Xiaobao, who was playing games over there, didn't lift his head, but came with such a sentence.

"Brother Zhihao, bad people and good things are meant to die!"

Xiaobao's words not only picked up the curiosity factors of the two boys in the back seat, but also asked with one voice, "Gee, whose good thing did he do?"

Dabao smiles and pats Xiaobao on the head. "What nonsense, stinky boy?"

Of course, Xiaoding didn't have a specific concept of what he said. He only knew that his elder sister had always been very close to his elder brother. After so many days apart, her elder sister certainly wanted to monopolize her elder brother for a while. Therefore, he wisely gave her all the opportunities.

But Zhihao's elder brother bothers his elder brother and sister. He is either not afraid of death or ignorant of interest.

Xiaobao ignored his brother's threat and played his own game seriously.

Obviously, Yin Zhihao and Ren Weiqi are not as intelligent as Xiaobao. After Xiaobao reminds them, they still don't know that they are looking for some topics to ask Dabao.

Dabao has two purposes. He talks with Niuniu all the way and occasionally deals with the two people in the back seat. It's not until Xiao Li sends Yin Zhihao and Ren Weiqi home that the car is completely quiet.

"Brother, brother Zhihao, how can you tolerate him for so long?"

Xiao Bao leaned back and let out a long breath.

Dabao make complaints about his vomit. Instead, he takes two boxes of milk out of the reserve box and gives them to Niu Niu and Xiao Bao.

"Be hungry. Have some milk first."

Two people obediently took the milk, put on the pipe to drink.

"Brother, is the camp fun?"

Xiaobao is really a boy. She cares about different things from Niuniu.

Dabao nodded, how to say, the past ten days of military training, in the eyes of others, is really very hard, but for Dabao, it is more like playing a game of tackling key problems, every day, like conquering a difficulty.

He didn't spend a long time in the barracks, but he did learn a lot.

These things are not concrete projects that can be said on the surface. More importantly, they should be the honing of thought and the growth of mind.

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