Cute Baby wanted circular: The Heavenly Priced Pretty Escape Wife

Chapter 646

Basically, every parent has experienced the rebellious period of adolescence.

Ji Rui and Letong are very lucky. At the most restless age of Dabao's thirteen or fourteen years old, Dabao is obedient and sensible, which makes people feel sad. They not only don't make their parents worry, but also help their parents share most of the problems from their younger brothers and sisters.

For example, in the second grade of Xiaobao primary school, because a boy was chatting with Niuniu every other class, Xiaobao, who was eager to protect her sister, secretly beat someone the next day because she had some Kung Fu.

After Dabao knew it, he repaired Xiaobao and scolded others for being stupid. He only knew how to solve problems by force. When he finished, he had to take Xiaobao to apologize in person. Then, with Xiaobao behind his back, he scares the beaten boy and dares to make a decision again. Next time, he will be beaten even worse.

For another example, Niuniu, who won the first prize in the school music competition, was pushed out by a small group in her class. She was very sad. Dabao asked Xiao Li to buy some small gifts that little girls would like and let Niuniu give them away. After one or two times, Niuniu and the people in this small group were happy.

In fact, this kind of snobbish group and Dabao are not rare, but his silly sister cares about it, so he has to sell these people in other ways. Even if it's a fake friendship, as long as it can make little silly girl happy, he doesn't care to help her maintain some illusion.

These seemingly trivial things often happen to Xiaobao and Niuniu, but basically, Ji Rui and Letong, who are parents, have little chance to know, because when they come to Dabao, they have solved the problem perfectly.

In contrast, Niuniu and Xiaobao rely more and more on Dabao.

Maybe it's because of his younger brother and sister's dependence, which is very simple for Dabao's schoolwork. Dabao no longer chooses to skip grades as he did in primary school and junior high school. Instead, he follows ordinary students and goes from senior one to senior three.

In the second semester of senior high school, even in the noble school where Dabao and his students are studying, an electronic screen is installed in the third floor of senior high school. There is a countdown timer in it. Every day, the students carry their schoolbags and go upstairs. When they see that the time from the college entrance examination is less and less, the tense atmosphere can't help covering the whole floor.

Of course, this tense atmosphere still does not affect Dabao.

Even as he was in primary school and junior high school, all his homework was solved in class, and he never brought any learning things home. After school, he still devoted himself to his younger brother and sister.

Dabao, who is nearly 14 years old, is taller than Letong, who is 1.68 meters tall. It is estimated that he is more than 1.7 meters old. At this time, no matter from his appearance and temperament, he can't see that he is a teenager. He walks with his classmates and is even taller than some male classmates.

Niuniu was in the second grade at this time, and her grades were above average. Xiaobao chose to study in the same class with Niuniu when his parents told him that he could skip the grade.

He is as smart as Dabao, but he is very skinny. He always looks like a child with ADHD in class, but even so, he always sits on the throne of the first grade. For him, the teacher has always been both love and hate.

Although Niu Niu's grades are ordinary, she has always been a man of the moment in school because she plays the violin well. In addition to her increasingly beautiful and dazzling face, Niu Niu, like her brother and younger brother, has become a well-known student in school.

Seven or eight year old girl, it is the age of innocence, the students are not on guard.

In fact, Dabao has mentioned this to Niuniu many times, asking her to be on guard against other classmates, especially some bad boys with bad intentions. But the little girl blinked her beautiful eyes and said to Dabao with a smile, "brother, Niuniu's classmates are all good friends."

In her eyes, a good friend will not betray her, let alone bully her.

Dabao sighed in his heart, and understood that it was her responsibility to let the little girl have such a beautiful misunderstanding. However, she was still young, and her innocence was the nature of her age. He can't ask Niuniu to be like herself just because he is a special one. At a young age, she can see through a lot of things.

Dabao has been smart since he was a child. He doesn't need to think about anything, whether it's a matter of study or a matter of worldly sophistication.

But the more you see through the world, the easier it is to lose the fun of exploration.

Fortunately, in the days when Dabao's day gradually became boring, God first sent him a younger sister, and then a younger brother. It was these lovely brothers and sisters that made Dabao's life interesting and full again.

On this thought, Dabao felt that thanks to the innocent character of Xiaoniu Er, otherwise, he would have no value at all.

"Well, brother knows, Niuniu's classmates are good friends." Dabao indulgently pinched the little girl's face, and no longer forced her to change her point of view.

Turning around, while Niuniu went to the kitchen to get dessert, Xiaobao came over and said, "you don't have to worry too much about elder brother and elder sister, don't you think I'll watch you?"

Most of the time, Xiaobao is not very reliable, especially when he plays, many things will be forgotten by him.

But in protecting his sister, Xiaobao has always been very attentive. In short, if he has any activities after school, he will take Niuniu with him.

But Niuniu has no idea that her brother wants to protect her. She follows Xiaobao obediently every day, but she is afraid that Xiaobao's dragging personality will cause trouble. Therefore, as a sister, she has to take care of him.

Parents and Dabao naturally don't go to poke anything, just by the little girl with this glorious sense of responsibility, and Xiaobao like Siamese baby, basically inseparable in school.

Before she knew it, Niuniu had been learning violin for more than three years. Shortly before Dabao's college entrance examination, she took part in the r city music competition. Originally, everyone just wanted to let her exercise. Unexpectedly, she passed all the way and won the championship of violin children's group.

Letong and Ji Rui discuss with Dabao afterwards whether to let Niuniu specialize in music.

After several days of discussion, the trio was unable to reach an agreement. Finally, they decided to listen to teacher fan.

"Mrs. Ji, Sihan works very hard, but she's not a very talented child. I don't recommend that she specialize in music now. After all, she's too young to take such a narrow road so early and give up more possibilities."