Cute Baby wanted circular: The Heavenly Priced Pretty Escape Wife

Chapter 617

Niuniu eventually went to kindergarten with Xiaobao. By this time, she was almost four years old and was in the middle class. Xiaobao is a little over two years old, studying in a small class.

Dabao, according to the headmaster, can jump directly to senior high school, but he chose to be promoted to junior high school.

Ji Rui and Le Tong, who are parents, always respect Dabao's choice when they go to school. Therefore, they don't ask Dabao why he didn't jump to high school.

The teacher in charge of the class, Mr. Zhang, thinks that Ji Yu is reluctant to give up his classmates in the class, and the real reason for Dabao to stay in junior high school is that the junior high school department is relatively close to the children's department.

The return time of kindergarten is always flexible, sooner or later.

On the first day of school, Letong and Ji Rui personally sent their three children to school.

Accompanied by teachers and nurses, the five members of the family visited the canteen and dormitory. Then Ji Rui and Letong sent Xiaobao to the small class, while Dabao was responsible for sending Niuniu to the middle class.

Standing at the door of the classroom, Niuniu is reluctant to come down with Dabao's neck in her arms. Her mouth is small and she looks aggrieved.

"Brother, Niuniu is going home!"

Niu Niu is used to staying at home. She just glanced at dozens of children with different faces in the classroom. She was flustered. Subconsciously, she buried her head in Dabao's shoulder and didn't want to lift it up.

"There are many children here who can play with Niuniu. Niuniu can learn painting, dancing and singing. When her brother comes to pick you up after school, OK?"

Dabao was not in a hurry to leave her. Instead, he took her to the corridor and calmed her down slowly.

At the beginning, my parents said that they would send Niuniu to school. After being convinced by Dabao, no one mentioned it again, until now.

Everyone in the Ji family knows that Dabao always dotes on Niuniu.

As long as Niuniu likes it, Dabao won't force her, as long as she is happy.

Under the excessive protection of Dabao and Ji's family, Niuniu seems to be afraid of strangers. Compared with Xiaobao's lawless and crazy personality, Niuniu is much more timid.

Aware of this, Dabao didn't feel soft this time. After making a lot of promises, she finally let Niuniu step into the classroom.

Dabao didn't leave immediately. Instead, he hid by the window and secretly watched Niuniu.

The little girl sat obediently on the stool. The teacher arranged for two lively and outgoing little girls to sit beside her. The little girl was playing with her little finger with her head down. She didn't respond to the chatting up and initiative of the two girls.

Dabao secretly looked at it for a while, but he was worried about the time. His class time was coming soon. If he didn't leave, he would be late.

Until he left, his baby sister still lowered her head and ignored.

So on the first day of school, Ji Yu, who was sitting in the classroom of class one of grade three in junior high school, was distracted from time to time.

Yin Zhihao, who is still at the same table with him, can't help asking him after class, "Hey, how can you be so out of your mind on the first day of school?"

Dabao didn't have the habit of complaining to others, but he was asked two lessons by Yin Zhihao persistently. Finally, he was annoyed by the other party and opened his mouth slowly.

"My sister went to kindergarten on her first day today, and I was a little worried that she couldn't get used to it."

Yin Zhihao said, for a long time, as if he had found some important news, "Dabao, didn't you say that your brother and sister went to kindergarten together? Your brother is younger, isn't he? Why worry about your sister and not your brother? "

As soon as Yin Zhihao reminded Dabao, he remembered that in addition to Niuniu, who was nearly four years old, he was also Xiaobao, who was a little over two years old.

"Xiao Bao is not afraid of students anywhere. I'm not afraid that he can't adapt to it. I'm afraid that his teacher can't adapt to it. Niuniu is different. She is soft tempered and timid... "

Yin Zhihao Tut, "simply, you can tie Niuniu's pants on her head!"

Dabao didn't say a word. As soon as the school bell rang, Dabao rushed out of the classroom first.

"Hey, Ji Yu, where are you going if you don't go to have dinner?" Yin Zhihao shouts to Zaibao, who runs in the opposite direction of the dining hall.

"You call me back!" Dabao confessed that the man had disappeared around the corner.

The junior high school department is separated from the children's department by a primary school department. Dabao runs around the shortcut for a few minutes and pants under the teaching building of the children's department.

The security guard who has been here for several years still knows him. He said that he would go to see his younger brother and sister. He didn't ask any more questions and let him go.

Xiaobao's class is on the first floor. Dabao went to Xiaobao's classroom to have a look. Sure enough, as he expected, Xiaobao's smelly boy was holding his neck with the little boy next to him. He didn't know what he was muttering about. He was smiling, but he couldn't find any sign of maladjustment.

Seeing him, the teacher came out and asked. Knowing that he was Xiaobao's brother, he gave a brief account of Xiaobao's situation this morning.

"Ji Huan's children have strong adaptability and practical ability. Just now many children cried, and he helped coax other children together."

Sure enough, Xiaobao is like a fish in water in kindergarten, just as Dabao expected.

There was no problem with Xiaobao, and Dabao didn't stay much. He just chatted with the teacher and hurried to Niuniu's classroom.

The children in the classroom are still eating. Dabao sees Niuniu at a glance. Other children are chatting with their classmates while eating. Niuniu is the only one who sits quietly in front of the table, drooping her eyes and absentmindedly blocking the rice in the bowl with a spoon. She doesn't mean to eat at all.

Dabao looks at the food in her bowl that hasn't been touched. She is worried.

The teacher soon saw him, sneaked out and pulled him to a corner.

"Ji Sihan's character is so quiet that she hardly spoke all morning."

Dabao also felt headache, "teacher, she usually less contact with outsiders, so she slowly adapt to it."

"It can only be like this, you'd better go quickly, don't let her see you..." the teacher didn't approve of Dabao's sneaking visit to Niuniu, and urged him to leave quickly.

In the afternoon, Dabao was even more in a trance. Fortunately, on the first day of school, there was no teaching content. The teacher symbolically said some old three chapters. When the school bell rang, he left school on time.

Dabao did not leave with them as usual, but ran to the children's department with his schoolbag on his back.

Xiaobao and Niuniu are waiting for him to pick them up.

Before Xiaobao's class was over, he went to pick up Niuniu first and then came to the door of the classroom. The teacher led the children out of the classroom.

Niu Niu, who had hung her head, heard the teacher say, "Ji Sihan, your brother has come to pick you up." At the same time, xiaomianer immediately lifted up. When he saw Dabao, he rushed over with his legs.