Cute Baby wanted circular: The Heavenly Priced Pretty Escape Wife

Chapter 616

Since Niuniu realized that her brother might be robbed, Niuniu kept pestering the driver every day and insisted on picking up Dabao from school with the driver.

Moreover, every time she arrived at the parking lot at the gate of the school, she refused to sit in the car and wait. She always asked the driver to lead or hold her and Xiaobao to stand at the gate of the school and wait for Dabao.

When Dabao came out and hugged her and Xiaobao, she would look around warily to see if the sticky sister had gone to school with her brother.

After nearly half a month's observation, when she saw her brother coming out with Zhihao and weiqi, Niuniu finally let go and slowly forgot about her sister.

In the twinkling of an eye, in October, on Niuniu's third birthday, Yang's father and Yang Sheng flew to r city from Beijing with Xiaojing to celebrate Niuniu's birthday. Of course, Ji also came to join in the fun.

The old master of the Yang family was nearly 90 years old, but his mental condition was better than that of a few years earlier.

Yang Sheng joked in front of a large group of people, "of course, my grandfather is in a good spirit. He threw away the big burden. What's worse is that I was squeezed out of shape by this burden. Tong Tong, no, you and Rui have to come back to help me some time. "

Letong is ignored by Ji Rui. Ji Rui reminds him calmly, "Yang Sheng, you are the president and chairman of Yang family."

Yang Shengbai glanced at him, "I'm the president and chairman of the board. But Tongtong is the biggest shareholder in the future!"

Letong said with a smile, "brother, why don't you exchange Ji's shares for my Yang's shares?"

Letong is a joke, but it makes Yang's master and Yang Sheng cast their eyes on Ji Rui.

"Girl, did Rui bully you?" Yang's tone and expression are very serious, which makes Yue Tong jump.

"Grandfather, I'll just talk about it. What are you nervous about?"

But the old master of the Yang family didn't believe it. He frowned at Ji Rui and said, "Rui boy, to be honest, did you do something to apologize to the girl?"

Ji Rui is wronged very much, raised a hand to wring the face of the precious wife, hint that the disaster that she rushes into is cleaned up by herself quickly.

"No, grandpa! It just occurred to me that my brother holds shares in Ji's company, and I, as a leisure eater of Yang's company, always occupy the position of the largest shareholder in the future, which is not very good. "

Yang Shengyang throws a pillow. He wants to smash Letong, but Ji Rui catches him.

"Tongtong, Ji's shares, I won't exchange them with you. That's the witness of years of hard work between Rui and me. Besides, when Dabao and Xiaobao grow up, they may be closer to my uncle because of these shares. "

Now Dabao, who is playing with Niuniu and Xiaobao in the side hall of the room, shouts from a distance.

"Uncle, don't worry, even if you don't have Ji's shares, when you get old, Niuniu and Xiaobao will be as filial to you as they are to your parents!"

Dabao's words made a room full of grown-ups laugh, and the joke about shares was over.

Anyway, from now on, until Dabao and Xiaobao grow up, the relationship between the yangjiaji family should still be so close and harmonious.

Naturally, the meaning of Yang's grandson is to hope that his most cherished grandson and granddaughter will be able to support each other and go on together in a harmonious way, in addition to maintaining their feelings and having common interests.

"Brother, what is filial piety?"

Niuniu has recently opened a hundred thousand "why" models. When she encounters something she doesn't understand, she always grabs Dabao and asks "why?"

"Filial piety means that children should treat their elders well, such as grandfathers, grandfathers, Dadi, mummies and uncles..." Dabao accompanied Xiaobao to build blocks while patiently explaining to Niuniu.

Niuniu also took a rectangular piece of wood and stacked it on the bridge deck piled up by Xiaobao.

"Oh... Niuniu will be filial to her brother too..."

Big treasure puffed to smile, "silly wench, elder brother need not you filial piety, elder brother is not so old!"

Niuniu tilted her head and looked at Dabao, "but you are my brother!"

Niuniu's words made Dabao speechless.

Yes, he is a brother, a younger sister and a filial brother. It's normal!

Niuniu's words, theoretically speaking, should be very correct.

But Dabao always felt that there was something wrong, but he couldn't figure it out for a moment.

Dabao ignored the strange discomfort in his heart, nodded, raised his hand and rubbed Niuniu and Xiaobao's head.

"Well, Niuniu and Xiaobao should be filial to their brother in the future."

Xiaobao is pushing the car with his buttocks pouted. The building blocks piled up with enthusiasm just now are quickly abandoned by him.

"Well! Will be filial... "Don't understand any Xiaobao, echoing the general response finished Dabao, then arched body pucker small butt push his car" dudududu "to go away.

The rest of Niu Niu is still happily piling up the castle behind the bridge, reciting words.

"Niuniu wants to build a big house... With a big house, she can be filial to her brother..."

Dabao was amused, lying on the ground holding her cheek and looking at the little girl, "girl, why can you be filial to your brother when you have a big house?"

Dabao felt that he must have been asked more "why" by the little girl. Now he was infected, and he was eager to know the real thoughts in the little girl's mind.

The little girl narrowed her eyes and laughed. Then, mysteriously, she came to kiss Dabao.

"With a big house, you can get married..."

Dabao thought, "get married? Who married whom? "

This little girl usually at home to see what a mess of things, only three years old, know to get married?

Dabao knows a lot of things when he is very young. However, with his IQ, it is not difficult for him to clearly understand the problems far beyond his age.

But Niuniu is not the same. This little girl is always naive. Of course she is not stupid, but she is definitely not very smart. He was really afraid that her not very clever head would go astray if she accepted these messy questions too early.

Seeing the little girl staring at herself, Dabao was a little anxious. She pinched her face and asked patiently, "Niuniu, tell my brother, who will marry?"

The little girl giggled, her little body trembled with laughter, and finally stopped, "of course, Niuniu and her brother are married, Niuniu is going to marry her brother!"

Dabao was stunned for a moment. He didn't know what it was like. Anyway, he couldn't make sense of the mess.

"Silly girl..."

Dabao, who couldn't tell what mood he was in, put her in his arms.

"Elder brother, Niuniu will be filial to her elder brother..." the little girl buried in his arms said a word to her.