Cute Baby wanted circular: The Heavenly Priced Pretty Escape Wife

Chapter 613

As for the question of sending Dabao to the boarding house, it's a dead end in the end. Both Letong and Dabao know that Ji Rui was forced to say it.

Let's not talk about the wishes of Letong and Dabao. Just ask Niuniu and Xiaobao, and they won't agree.

Seeing Dabao's ninth birthday approaching, Letong and Ji Rui ask him how he wants to celebrate his birthday. Dabao thinks of it or not, and turns to ask his younger brother and sister.

"Niuniuxiaobao, where do you want to play?"

"Play with my brother..." Xiaobao and Niuniu's answers are surprisingly consistent. Anyway, in their eyes, as long as they play with my brother, it's fun everywhere.

Letong thinks that not all children like to invite their classmates to have birthday parties at home. She once heard the driver say that Dabao has a good relationship with his classmates. It happens that Dabao's birthday this year is Saturday, so she can have fun.

"Dabao, why don't you have a party at home and invite the students to play at home?"

Dabao then remembered that Yin Zhihao and some of them did mention celebrating his birthday. At that time, they also said whether they wanted to have a party at McDonald's.

"Let me see..."

As a result, when he returned to school the next day, Yin Zhihao mentioned it again and even brought his pocket money back to school to prepare for a party for Dabao to celebrate his birthday.

Dabao didn't want them to spend such meaningless money. In the end, he decided to have a little party at his home.

Of course, Letong and Ji Rui unconditionally support Dabao and immediately order people to go to the party.

Dabao was going to have a birthday party at home. Originally, he only talked to a few good boys. On his birthday, there were more than a dozen men and women, including Shao Yuxin.

Since Shao Yuxin said that Niuniu was not like Dabao, Dabao was even colder to her. When she saw her face, she just nodded at most. No matter what Shao Yuxin said to him, he was just perfunctory. After a few days, the other party probably also aware of his indifference, these days, has not how to harass him.

Therefore, when Dabao saw Shao Yuxin among a group of people, he was really surprised.

For this indomitable girl, Dabao began to feel headache.

"Happy birthday, Ji Yu!"

A large group of little kids rushed into the yard noisily. The voice of congratulations made Dabao dizzy. He secretly began to figure out how to tie Yin Zhihao and Shao Yuxin into a group, so as to avoid endless trouble in the future.

Xiaobao and Niuniu originally came out with Dabao to welcome the guests. Soon, the two lovely little guys were surrounded by male and female classmates. They begged to pinch their faces and hug each other. In an instant, they robbed most of Dabao's leading role's aura. The yard was very busy.

Xiaobao is not afraid of life. She is surrounded by several girls and looks at them with big eyes. But the timid Niuniu pulls her brother's pants and hides behind Dabao.

Letong takes aunt Guan and Aunt Wang out to help meet the little guests. In the yard, she holds a few umbrellas. Under the umbrellas, there are several tables, on which are all kinds of snacks, drinks, snacks and fruits.

See Niuniu has been pulling Dabao, Letong will come to take her, "Niuniu, Mommy take you to swing, OK?"

Niuniu, holding Dabao's thigh, shook her head desperately. "Niuniu wants her brother!"

Letong also wants to coax her, but Dabao bends over and holds her, "Mommy, you go to work, I'll hold her."

Compared with Niuniu's timidity, Xiaobao has taken the initiative to lead several boys and girls to the doghouse to see the animals.

"Ji Yu, what's your sister's name? How lovely, like a doll

Yin Zhihao reaches over and tries to squeeze Niu Niu's face. Dabao worries that he will hurt Niu Niu, so he raises his hand and pushes him away.

"Ji Sihan."

"Xiaohan, my sister will take you to play with the slide, OK?" Shao Yuxin, who is behind Yin Zhihao, stretches out her arms to Niu Niu, posing to hold her.

Niuniu gave her a strange look, turned to bury her head in Dabao's arms, put her hand tightly around Dabao's neck, and whispered, "I want my brother!"

Dabao patted her on the back and said, "well, Niuniu is good. My brother holds it."

Shao Yuxin awkwardly smile, take back the hand, "Ji Yu, your sister really stick to you."

Dabao ignored her and pointed to the umbrella. "Zhihao, you take them there to play. I'll make some milk powder for my sister."

In fact, this is just an excuse for him to get rid of Shao Yuxin.

Yin Zhihao answered foolishly and led a group of students to the other side of the yard.

Dabao returns to the room with Niuniu in his arms. He quickly flushes a bottle of milk and hands it to Dabao.

"Dabao, you don't seem to like the girl just now?"

Letong's intuition is usually accurate. She sees deep admiration in the little girl's eyes. On the contrary, she sees disgust and alienation in her baby son's eyes.

"Annoying Dabao made no secret of his disgust for Shao Yuxin.

"What's wrong with her?" Letong is very interested.

A long time ago, she had imagined that a young man like Dabao, who was good-looking, optimistic, cheerful, and sweet mouthed, would be chased by many girls if he was a little older.

At that time, she was also worried about whether her baby son would become a playboy because of his superior conditions.

But from his attitude towards the girl just now, I'm afraid that this baby son has the same moral character as his father in terms of emotion, being single-minded and persistent.

"She didn't bother me much, she was just annoyed!"

Dabao doesn't like to speak ill of people. Except for occasionally playing pranks on his father, he seldom mentions other irrelevant outsiders in front of mummy.

Yue Tong thinks about the girl's behavior just now, and vaguely understands that the girl must be too active to annoy her baby son, but it's not easy to interfere too much in her son's interpersonal communication.

"Niuniu, I'll watch. You go out and greet them."

Dabao is a crazy girl protector. With his sister around, how can he have the heart to socialize with other students?

Dabao seems to be aware of this. After thinking about it, he gives Niuniu to Letong.

Niuniu, who is transferred to Letong's arms, is not very happy. However, Letong ignores her and holds her and turns to walk upstairs.

Up the stairs, Le Tong asked the little girl in her arms, "Niu Niu, don't you like my brother's classmates?"

This little girl, though timid, seldom resists other people's contact so much.

Niuniu rubbed in her arms for a long time, then raised her head and said to Letong, "I don't like my sister!"

Le Tong Leng Leng, "which elder sister?"

Niu Niu flat mouth, "brother that sister..."

Le Tong instantly understood that this little girl didn't like the little girl who wanted to hold her!