Cute Baby wanted circular: The Heavenly Priced Pretty Escape Wife

Chapter 612

"Mommy, would Niuniu be sad if she knew she wasn't my own sister?"

Letong is very surprised. Since bringing Niuniu back, this topic has rarely appeared in their home, especially in Dabao's mouth.

At any time, Dabao insists that Niuniu is his biological sister.

And their whole family, including the old master of Yang family and Yang Sheng, have always regarded Niu Niu as their own, never biased.

"Silly baby, Niuniu is my own daughter!" She just thought that whether she, as a mother, had done something carelessly that made the silly son misunderstand something.

"Mommy, I know you love Niuniu." Dabao buries his head in Letong's shoulder. Letong listens to his usual coquetry tone, and really doesn't mean to blame her.

So, what happened?

"What's the matter, baby?"

Letong's heart is pounding with fear from her baby son's abnormal reaction. Isn't it Niu Niu's biological parents who come to the door?

But when I think about it, I think it's very unlikely. The island yuaner chose for her marriage is a remote and closed small island in r city. It's not easy to find it. What's more, Niuniu was only a month old at that time, and she didn't grow up at all. If she recognized people with the photos at that time, she couldn't recognize them at all.

"Some people say Niuniu is not like me!" Dabao said quietly, in a tone, where is Ji Dabao?

Letong breathed a long breath, raised his hand to sweep his son's head, "silly son, it's not like, you're not like me, are you not my own son?"

Many times, Letong and Dabao go shopping arm in arm. People who don't know each other think that they are a pair of brothers and sisters at most. No one ever regards them as a mother and son.

Letong's words, let Dabao as if the top, suddenly open.

"Right... I'm not like mommy either..." Dabao straightened up and shaved his hair.

Rare silly once Dabao, let Letong angry and funny, Qu Qi fingers played his smooth forehead.

"You are so stupid

"Hey, hey..."

Being scolded as a fool by mommy, Dabao is not angry either. He even puts his arm around Letong's neck and kisses her face.

"How old are you, Dabao? Still like a little kid, not weaned? "

I don't know when Ji Zong, the head of the family, came out. At a glance, he saw his son cuddling his wife and gnawing. He was a little upset.

"Daddy, even if I become an old man, in the eyes of Mommy, I'm still a little kid. Mommy, right?"

Dabao didn't pay attention to his father's warning at all. He gave two more kisses to Letong's face.

Yue Tong patted him on the head, glanced at Ji Rui, who had already turned black, and reminded him with a smile, "Mr. Ji, Dabao is only nine years old, isn't he a child

Ji Rui gouges out Dabao, turns around and steps up the stairs.

Dabao hugged Letong and whispered for a long time. Seeing that it was almost time to go to bed, he stood up straight and said with a smile, "Mommy, go to coax daddy. I guess you're going to be mad!"

Le Tong is also funny, "since you know he's going mad, you still say those words to do such things?"

Dabao stood up and stretched, "uncle like Daddy, it's time to help blood circulation and promote metabolism!"

Letong can't help laughing and clapping his ass, "do you mean your daddy has to say thank you?"

"Haha, that's not necessary. I'm just afraid he's too boring. If you want to dislike him, father and son, help him as filial piety to his old man."

Le Tong also stood up and rolled a white eye toward him, "come on, it's good that he doesn't vomit blood because you're angry. Filial piety or something, save it!"

Dabao smiles, stands on tiptoe and kisses her again, Finish saying, the sole of the foot smears oil general flash.

Yue Tong shook her head with a smile and said, "good night!" to his back

Letong pushes open the bedroom door. Ji Rui, who leans on the bed to read, raises his eyelids and glances at her. It's cool.

"It's over making out with my son?"

Letong raised his hand and fanned, then sniffed heavily, "ouch, what's the smell? Why is it so sour? "

Ji Rui drops his eyes and turns over the book, ignoring her.

Letong walks to the bed with a smile and looks at him from the bottom up. She asks.

"Mr. Ji, are you jealous again?"

Ji Rui doesn't look at her. As soon as the book is patted, it directly covers her face. However, the strength is very light.

"Take a bath! A smell of oil fumes. " The tone that the man dislikes is not good, let Le Tong almost break achievement.

Remove the cover in the face of the book, Letong false hand smell, "Ji total, are you sure it is fumes, not vinegar?"

As a matter of fact, what's the smell of lampblack? Letong came back late today and never cooked at all. After taking a bath at home, she played with several children. Ji Rui's talk about the smell of lampblack is pure nonsense.

Ji Rui doesn't know whether he is angry or pulled up. He throws the book away and sits up. He holds Le Tong in his arms.

"OK, the smell of oil fumes and vinegar is good. I'll clean it for you!"

"Er... Mr. Ji, I can..."

Letong's screams and revolts were soon drowned in the sound of the water


The next day, Dabao came to the dining room after washing. In front of the dining table, only daddy didn't see mummy.

"Where's Mommy?" Dabao looks left and right.

"Didn't wake up..." the head of the family simply answered his son's question, put the last mouthful of bread into his mouth, stood up and told aunt Guan.

"Aunt Guan, after a while Niuniu and Xiaobao get up, don't tell them that mommy is still sleeping."

Obviously, they don't want to harass Letong.

"Mommy is not feeling well?" Dabao knows it and asks.

Ji Rui gouged him hard and turned to walk out of the dining room.

Dabao Gulu Gulu drank two mouthfuls of porridge, stared at the figure who was wearing his coat, muttered in a low voice, "he didn't even say thank you..."

Ji Rui didn't know if he heard what he said, or the telepathy between father and son made trouble. He suddenly looked back at him and said, "Ji Yu, did you forget that your school has boarding system?"

Dabao sticks out his tongue, makes a face at Ji Rui, and lowers his head to eat his rice porridge.

Letong wakes up after sleeping until noon. She sits up with a sore body and sees a note on the bedside table. It's Ji Rui who must have left it.

Letong secretly scolds Ji Rui in the heart and reaches out to pick up the note.

"Honey, have a good rest at home today! Besides, I'd like to send Dabao to boarding. You two should think it over! "