Cute Baby wanted circular: The Heavenly Priced Pretty Escape Wife

Chapter 608

Since that entanglement, Letong's attitude towards the three children has gradually been laissez faire. She has also calmed down her mind and let Dabao be in the main position, while her mother is in the auxiliary position.

It's not that she is irresponsible, but that she knows that she has a baby eldest son who loves her, and this baby eldest son will take good care of and educate the two little ones.

In the twinkling of an eye, after the summer vacation, Dabao transferred from the primary school department to the junior high school department. On the first day of school, the headmaster personally sent him to the classroom of class one, grade two of junior high school.

At this time, Dabao was nine years old. Standing in front of his 13-year-old classmates, he was at a disadvantage in height. On the first day of school, he just stood on the platform and made a brief self introduction, which made his classmates feel a strong momentum.

Of course, which of these 13-year-old children did not grow up to this age under the careful care of the elders and parents? Who, like in Dabao, has lived in such a complex environment since childhood, not only to learn how to protect and save himself, but also to think about bringing back his father's heart, whose heart is not on him?

Although the dark side of Dabao's nature has been gradually softened and obliterated after recognizing Letong, what he has experienced has been branded in his young heart.

Therefore, his character, no lack of optimism, no lack of cheerful, but only the lack of innocence.

This is why he is optimistic, but always gives people a feeling of being young and mature.

"My name is Ji Yu. I'm a new student. Please take care of me in the future."

Dabao didn't say that he was only nine years old, let alone a skip. But the students in the class, as early as he did not come to report, had spread, today's class to cut students, is the primary school that gifted students.

Of course, no one has really seen this gifted student before, because it is said that this student seldom has activities in the school, and there is a special bus to the school on time, and there is a special bus waiting at the gate after school.

So, when I saw with my own eyes that the gifted student was not a nerd as I imagined, but a cute and handsome little Zhengtai, the students in the class immediately blew up their nest.

Especially, most of the young girls who are in love with each other are looking at him on the platform, and they don't forget to talk with their classmates.

Dabao is used to being the focus of his eyes. After a brief introduction, his smiling eyes swept over the class and asked the headmaster, "headmaster Li, where is my seat, please?"

Principal Li was only responsible for bringing him over, but of course he was not careful enough to help him arrange his seat.

"Ji Yu, sit here!"

Crisp voice came, Ji Yu along the voice to see in the past, saw a big eyed girl with horsetail stood up, is waving to him.

Ji Yu almost did not have any hesitation, "are male students sitting with male students, right?"

Ji Yu is young, but he has been surrounded by girls since he was a child. He knows how to avoid unnecessary trouble and entanglement. He knows that he is handsome and can attract the eyes of other people, especially the opposite sex. However, he never feels that this kind of situation is a kind of enjoyment, on the contrary, it is a kind of suffering.

Because, from small to large, there are not many women who can make him tolerate and accept their approach.

In addition to mummy and sister, the rest can barely tolerate, probably only aunt yuan'er and Xiaojing.

Ji Yu himself also can't say clearly, this kind of disgust, is because of childhood face Ji old lady that a kind of subconscious that the false mouth face arouses.

Of course, he never told his parents about his aversion to most women, so that they would not feel guilty.

The girl with a ponytail was stunned at first. Before she could explain and lobby, Ji Yu, who was carrying a schoolbag, came down from the platform and went straight to the third row of the first row, where there was an empty seat. Moreover, her deskmate was a boy.

Ji Yu did not immediately sit down, but raised his face to the girl who was still standing there and politely laughed, "I'll sit here, thank you!"

To him, it's just a polite smile. In the eyes of the girl standing there and other girls, it's not the same thing at all.

So, just the first day, Ji Yu children successfully captured most of the girls in his class

On the first day of class, there was still no real content. First, the whole school held a meeting, then the head teacher held a class meeting, distributed textbooks, and then selected class cadres.

The head teacher, surnamed Zhang, stood on the platform and asked the students if they had any ideas, such as who thinks who is suitable or who can volunteer.

Ji Yu's expression is calm to sit, he never thought to hold any position, because he is afraid of trouble. There are still younger brothers and sisters waiting for him at home. He doesn't want to let the little Huobao wait for him because of something at school.

"Teacher, I think we can let Ji Yu serve as the learning committee member."

Ji Yu is a little upset in the heart, who is this in the end? Find something for him!

Slightly raised his head, follow the voice to see in the past, on the, actually is the initiative to invite him to the same table horsetail girl. The girl is also looking at him, a pair of smiling eyes curved, very lovely, but in Ji Yu's eyes, there is nothing special.

In Ji Yu's eyes, beautiful women are only his mommy and sister Niu Niu.

Other girls, basically look the same.

Ji Yu takes back his sight, stands up and says sincerely to the teacher on the platform.

"Mr. Zhang, I'm sorry, I'm a cut in student. Maybe I can't keep up with many lessons, so I don't have much energy to help my teachers and classmates. I'm very sorry!"

Ji Yu is very young, but his logic is very strong. Even the teacher who stands on the platform thinks that he is very reasonable.

This little student is only nine years old. Although he is a gifted student, he jumps up the grade after all. It's normal for him to study harder than his classmates.

"Well, Ji Yu just cut in class. There are many things he didn't adapt to. Let him study at ease for the time being. Other students should pay more attention to him!"

The teacher waved to Ji Yu to sit down, and then said to the girl student who had just proposed, "Shao Yuxin, you were the first in the class last semester. After that, you should help Ji Yu more, you know?"

"Mr. Zhang, I know!" Shao Yuxin, the student, answered with a sweet smile.

But Ji Yu didn't want to get her feeling, and stood up again.

"Miss Zhang, my mother has the same worry about my study, so she hired a tutor for me early. The students' time is very precious, so I don't bother you. Thank you!"