Cute Baby wanted circular: The Heavenly Priced Pretty Escape Wife

Chapter 607

Dabao thought that Xiaobao's real temperament was only discovered by his brother.

As everyone knows, when the mother, but also in Xiaobao more and more mischievous daily detected what.

That night, Letong still sleeps on Ji Rui's lap and reads books leisurely, while Ji Rui reads international financial information with his mobile phone.

Looking at it, Letong closed the book, "Mr. Ji, do you think Xiaobao is a little villain?"

Ji Rui didn't lift his head, just said, "whatever you want!"

Letong is a little angry, but when she throws the book, she lies down on him and holds his face with her hand.

"Well, what's wrong with me? What's wrong with me, a very good young man who is very red? "

Ji Rui is too lazy to accuse her of playing games with Dabao. Just pull her hand over and nibble at her fingertips.

"Well, you are not bad, and so is Xiaobao."

Ji is not protecting Xiaobao. Ji's logic is that since Letong is not bad, Xiaobao's tricks are not worth mentioning.

Yue Tong lies in his arms, for a moment, he sighs a long time.

Ji Rui listens to her sigh, inexplicably a little confused, bows his head to kiss on her forehead“ What's the matter? "

"When Dabao was a child, he should have the same temperament as Xiaobao, right?"

Letong remembers clearly that before she knew Dabao was her own son, almost all she heard were Ji Zong's baby. Her son was a little devil, very difficult and so on.

Ji Rui was silent for a short time. "Well, at that time, I didn't pay much attention to him. My father indulged him unconditionally. Strictly speaking, Dabao's temperament when he was a child should be worse. Thanks to you."

Letong has the same taste in her heart. For Dabao, like Ji Rui, she is full of debt.

"I often wonder if it's too unfair to put all the responsibilities of Niuniu and Xiaobao on Dabao. He's only nine years old, but he worries more about his younger brother and sister than we parents

Letong said the secret worry in her heart.

It's said that caring leads to chaos. In terms of children, Ji Rui is more open-minded than Letong.

"Dabao is happy. He loves Niuniu and Xiaobao, so he is happy to coax and hurt them all day long. On the other hand, he doesn't want you to work too hard, so he always tries to take care of his younger brother and sister. For him, it's a manifestation of his love for his younger brother and sister and for you."

Ji Rui's words, not only didn't let Letong's guilt lighten, on the contrary, she felt worse in her heart.

"In this way, Dabao doesn't even have the fun of childhood."

I follow my younger brother and sister around all day. I'm very young, just like a little father.

Ji Rui rubbed her head. "Dabao is not an ordinary child. For him, to take good care of his younger brother and sister and make us less burden is his childhood fun."

Letong doesn't speak. Before, she always wanted to make up for Dabao and make up for all the maternal love he lost when he was a child. Unexpectedly, she didn't make up for anything. After she gave birth to Xiaobao, she threw the burden directly to Dabao.

Ji Rui sees that Letong is still frowning, and holds her up a little to let her face herself.

"Well, let me put it another way. Is it a burden for you to take care of Dabao, Xiaobao and Niuniu?"

"Of course not. It's a kind of happiness!" Letong didn't even think about it, and immediately denied Ji Rui's statement.

"That's right!" Ji Rui kisses the tip of her nose. She is very smart, but at some time, she is stupid and lovely.

"Fool, Dabao is just like you. He doesn't take care of his younger brother and sister as a burden! For him, it was also a kind of happiness. Otherwise, you try to tell him tomorrow to send Niuniu and Xiaobao back to the Yang family for a few days. Anyway, your grandfather is always thinking about these kids. By the way, let him have a good rest as a brother. Do you think he will Ji Rui made a hypothesis.

Le Tong just thought for a moment, and then she could imagine Dabao's madness.

"He won't, unless he goes with him." Letong answers without hesitation.

From Niuniu to Xiaobao, Letong doesn't want to take the dominant power back from Dabao, but Dabao is very persistent to his younger brother and sister. As long as he is there, it's difficult for others to interfere in the affairs of the two little guys. As time goes by, Letong gets used to it and becomes more and more comfortable.

"So I said, don't worry about a bunch of things. Dabao is different from other children, so what he wants is different from other children."

When Dabao was young, Ji Rui thought he didn't know Dabao. But as Dabao's personality becomes more and more stable, Ji Rui seems to see his own shadow because of his pure male character of being brave and tolerant.

Agent Rui some persuasion, Letong finally want to open up, "Dabao is the boss of the family, calm personality is normal, Niuniu and Xiaobao are so spoiled by him, I'm afraid it's more delicate in the future, but it doesn't matter, children, it's good to keep their nature, on the contrary, Dabao will have a way to cure them."

The three children in the family, of course, did not know that their parents had seriously discussed their character and who controlled the power of education.

Anyway, everyone outside knows that Ji's brother has always spoiled a pair of younger brothers and sisters.

Once in a while, Xiaobao becomes poor, which irritates his brother and turns his sister to his own front. Dabao looks on coldly, and when he can endure it, he will teach Xiaobao a lesson. It seems that both brothers regard this game as a game, one constantly provocating each other's bottom line, the other always looking on coldly, and then aiming at a certain point to strike hard. Anyway, in the game between the two brothers, Xiaobao always lost.

Niuniu, a little silly girl, is always in a state of ignorance among her brother and his brother's countless gunsmoke. She plays coquetry with her brother happily all day, then turns around and runs to take care of her weak brother. However, she doesn't know that her younger brother, who is more than one year younger than her, may not speak as smoothly as she says, but her IQ is not a little bit higher than her.

Letong, as a mother, has been secretly observing the three children for a long time since she had a communication with Ji Rui.

She found that Dabao really didn't make it a burden to take care of his younger brother and sister. On the contrary, even if Xiaobao did something innocuous, Dabao didn't rush to expose it. Instead, he quietly watched Xiaobao play some tricks. This reminds Letong that the cat catches the mouse. For fun, it is usually not in a hurry to eat. Instead, it lets it go, repeatedly grabs it and then lets it go, so repeatedly teasing and playing.

When she found out the truth, she quietly lit a few candles for Xiaobao.