Cute Baby wanted circular: The Heavenly Priced Pretty Escape Wife

Chapter 605

Xiaobao first stares at Dabao with his rolling eyes. After he reacts, he bursts into tears and tears come out of his eyes. His pitiful appearance makes people feel sorry for him.

However, this person, not including Dabao.

Because he didn't exert much force, and Xiao Bao was wearing a diaper. How painful could it be if he beat his hands?

Holding Xiaobao, Letong is scared by Xiaobao's superb acting skills for a moment. She thinks that Dabao has really beaten him hard. She quickly coaxes him by shooting and kissing him. Dabao coldly looks at Xiaobao crying more and more under the intense care of mummy. She is more and more sad, more and more energetic, more and more real.

Niu Niu, sitting on the sofa, heard her brother cry. She came running down and joined in coaxing Xiao Bao.

No one heard the door ring until Ji Rui's voice came over his head, "why is Xiao Bao crying?", Mother and son found out that Ji, the head of the family, didn't know when he would come back.

"Daddy, Xiaobao bullies mummy. He bites mummy, and the villain complains first. I slap him on the butt twice, and he cries. Now, he's addicted to crying!"

Although Dabao loves his little brother, it doesn't mean that he will spoil him indiscriminately. No matter how Letong and Niuniu coax Xiaobao, he just doesn't take part in it.

He is very clear that Xiaobao, a little villain, is relying on his mother and sister's love for him and wants him to be a brother!

This little trick was much more useful when he was a child.

Letong wants to explain that Xiaobao doesn't bite himself, but before he opens his mouth, Xiaobao in his arms is pulled away by Ji Rui's eagle. Then, before everyone, including Xiaobao himself, reacts, Ji Rui's big palm slaps on Xiaobao's buttocks.

Most of all, it's much heavier to be a father than Dabao.

Xiaobao forgot to cry in fright. He puffed his cheeks and opened his eyes wide at his father. When he came back and cried again, "wow", President Ji put him on the carpet and warned him in a cold voice, "don't bite Mommy again!"

Xiaobao was wronged. He was crying and pitifully pointed to Letong's bow tie to explain that he didn't bite Mommy, but he just bit the bow tie. Unfortunately, he was full of grievances, but he couldn't say!

Letong couldn't see it any more. She quickly climbed over and picked him up. "Oh, it's Mommy. Xiaobao didn't bite Mommy!"

Ji Rui and Dabao don't want to let Xiaobao go. Father and son have the same cold tone and have no room for maneuver.

"Even if you don't bite, you can't bully!"

Xiaobao knows that his brother and dad are in love with him. But this kind of love is just like mommy's, and he is immediately ruined by the second!

Because Dabao didn't give Dabao a heavy slap, Xiaobao's cautious little fellow ignored Dabao for several days.

Dabao naturally knew that he was a little angry when he hit the little guy, but he hit him all the time and couldn't get it back. Dabao, who always loves his younger brother and sister, always tries to please Xiaobao in the next few days.

However, Xiaobao, who is jealous, not only turns a blind eye to his brother's initiative, but also deliberately dominates his elder sister all day long. Whether he is playing during the day or sleeping at night, he is crying to be with his elder sister.

At ordinary times, Dabao is always pestered by two little kids to tell a bedtime story. Now Xiaobao doesn't care about his brother any more. He pulls his mother, and even when he has to, he prefers to slap him in the ass and beat his father to tell him a story rather than look Dabao in the eye.

Even though Dabao is precocious, he has been left out for a few days by baby's younger brother, but he is still a little upset.

But Dabao has already started his official holiday. He has always been a baby of his younger brother and sister. He had planned to teach his younger brother and sister to swim during the holiday, but Xiaobao obviously didn't think so.

For several days in a row, Dabao said that he would go swimming, either holding the ball and pulling Niuniu out of the yard to say that he wanted to kick the ball, or climbing into his car, he would take Niuniu out of the backyard from the balcony door without looking at Dabao.

Dabao thought that Xiaobao's arrogance was too arrogant, and it was time to put it out. So, in the first two or three days, he let the little guy go by himself, and he went to the playroom to toss the high simulation tank that uncle Yang Sheng had just brought him back.

But on the fourth day, Dabao couldn't stand it.

The reason is not that she can't stand Xiaobao's cold shoulder, but that Niuniu is always cheated by Xiaobao's poor appearance. She chases Xiaobao around all day and all night, and then ignores Dabao unconsciously.

So after breakfast that day, Dabao still led Niuniu, and Xiaobao took her parents to the gate. Watching her parents get into the car, the car drove out of the yard, Dabao released Xiaobao's hand and bent over to hold Niuniu. "Niuniu, how about playing Barbie cross dressing today?"

It's a game that girls like to play most. It's just that Xiaobao never has patience to play this game. Every time she gets mixed in a pile of Barbie dolls, it's only destructive. As long as he's around, Niuniu's beautiful Barbie dolls are either missing their heads or broken arms and legs. So, slowly, Niuniu doesn't want Xiaobao to touch her Barbie dolls, She loves her brother very much.

"Sister! Sister

When Xiaobao saw that his brother and sister were going to throw themselves at the door without taking him to play, he was so anxious that he wanted to pull Niuniu. However, nine-year-old Dabao was much higher than less than one-year-old Xiaobao. Xiaobao couldn't reach Niuniu who was held in his arms by Dabao, so he had to pull Dabao's pants and look up at him pitifully.

Dabao was airing for a few days by this stingy little guy. Naturally, he would not let him go so easily. With a shake of his hand, he patted Xiaobao's hand open and strode back to the house with Niuniu in his arms.

Xiao Bao stood outside the door with his mouth flat and head down. According to the usual practice, his elder brother and sister would come out to coax him later.

But today, after going out, my elder brother and sister lay on the carpet and played for a long time. Leng didn't look back at him, as if she had forgotten him outside the door.

At this time, Dabao and Niuniu are talking about him.

"Brother, Xiao Bao will cry." Niu Niu, a competent elder sister, is worried that her younger brother will be afraid in the yard alone.

This little girl where know, oneself this younger brother, gall son fat.

"Girl, Xiaobao, that's a fake." Dabao feels obliged to tell this silly girl that Xiaobao is not as fragile and kind as she imagined. Otherwise, when Xiaobao gets bigger, she will only be bullied.